This page is written for those who have little or no experience with the field of mental health, or the many theories regarding what "mental health" might mean.

For most people the whole concept of mental health and the psychological makeup of the human being is a mystery. The "Psychology" of Man is a mystery to lay people primarily because it is a mystery to those working in the field of mental health. This is sad, but true. If those currently in the field of "psychology" actually knew what the MIND is, or how it worked... then you would know also.... at least in an abstract or intellectual way.

Deep within the MIND realm of each person are some repressed energies that ones MIND takes on at the time of ones birth. These are intensely negative, and they are all misperceptions. That is, the emotional energy of them is real, but the interpretation of these energies as "bad" is a misperception by our MINDs.

The reason your MIND makes such a misperception is that your MIND cannot perceive the super subtle energy of your Soul... or your Apapsyche.

Apapsyche? Hardly a lay person's term, right? Well this is a new term and what this term refers to is not something that would be relevant to professionals in "behavioral psychology". The term Apapsyche uses the prefix "apa" from Sanskrit [apa means "work or working"]. The term "psyche" is from the Greek, and it refers to "Self, Soul, and MIND"... or to the subtle dimensions of Man that are usually referred to as the "Esoteric" within us.

I use the term "Apapsyche" to refer to the "Operational Energy of the Soul". It is my replacement term for "consciousness" because consciousness has been so widely used to refer to everything other than the Esoteric within Man that it is no longer specifically related to the Esoteric only.

I refer to the energy of the Soul by the symbol "NSgy", which stands for: Neutral Spiritual Energy. This is a truly new concept and it is therefore virtually unknown save for my writings. The "key" is the term "Neutral". Oddly enough, the concept of Neutral was intuited by me a decade ago, and it took me many years to comprehend how this term applied to my study of the Esoteric realms within Man.

I always thought of the idea of neutral as being pretty much "nothing".

This is what the brain does [and is encouraged to do so by the MIND], that is, when we try to "think" of things that we are unable to physically experience, like God, the Soul, or the MIND, what we often are left with is a sense of "nothing". So I thought to myself, what purpose would "nothing" serve in my research? Didn't make sense to me.

The reason it didn't make sense was that I was trying to "think" about NSgy. That is, I was trying to "experience" NSgy by thinking about it... and NSgy cannot be thought about because it is not physical, and cannot therefore be perceived or experienced [except in an abstract sense] by the brain.

We in the West, and human beings in general all around the world, are never taught by those in education to understand that two-thirds of who and what we are is not physical. And since our brains can only perceive what is physical, this two-thirds of ourselves that is not physical cannot be discovered by using our brains and thinking.

This is quite a concept, is it not? Have you ever been asked to consider this concept before? I suspect not. Guess what the reason might be for you not being asked to consider this concept? The reason is "fear of the Unknown".

Everyone has some degree of fear of the "Unknown", but rare is the person who recognizes that this fear is a fear of what is hidden within oneself, and not a fear of some unknown outside oneself. And of course this fear of the "Unknown" applies to teachers, parents, and even mental health professionals.

So when our teachers in school avoid even mentioning that two-thirds of who and what we are is hidden from us because our brains are unable to perceive these subtle dimensions of ourselves, they do not realize they are avoiding this due to their fear of the "Unknown" within themselves. And for a century now, mental health professionals have avoided mentioning this fact as well, and in both instances it is this little known fear of the "Unknown" within people [and their MINDs automatically "protect" them from being exposed to it] that prevents them from mentioning this vital two-thirds of Man. Not only are we ignorant of this two-thirds of ourselves, but those who are responsible for awakening us to this two-thirds are also quite ignorant of it as well.

This then is the state of human awareness regarding the "Unknown" within ourselves... and oddly enough, it is quite natural, and simply the way that life works. And although I believe that most people are intended to be unaware of this two-thirds of themselves, except in perhaps an abstract sense, it is also obvious to me that many of us living today are "ready" to awaken to the "Unknown" within ourselves... but how do we find the resources to help us do this?

For many generations in the East, there have been mystics whose role is to awaken certain individuals to what is hidden within them. We have no such tradition in the West, and our "psychology" is so much in denial of the Esoteric in Man that it is of no help in this matter. So, EsoEducation is offered as a new resource for those individuals who are seeking an "inner" understanding of themselves. EsoEducation, Esochology, and all of my work is generally intended for those individuals "ready" to awaken to bits of Knowledge from within themselves.