Our Behavior Plan
First graders in our room are expected to follow our school and classroom rules at all times. Our classroom rules include:
1. Be kind to others.
2. Follow all directions.
3. Always do your best.
Students work in groups to earn rewards for following our rules. Each group has a picnic basket. The groups' goal is to get all of the ants out of their basket. Ants are removed when groups are on task, working hard, and following classroom rules. Ants may also be added for inappropriate behavior.
When a basket is free of ants, the group may choose from the basket of prizes. Prizes range from small rewards such as stickers, pencils, candy, and such to earning special classroom privileges.
Individual students will be able to earn prizes also. Students who put forth their best effort, help others, and display other positive traits will earn a reward ticket. Students put their names on the tickets, and three tickets will be pulled randomly each week. Those who have tickets pulled may choose a prize from the basket.

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