I just finished two free online courses about making web pages from Geocities Heartland University. They were great! I can't wait to do another. Check out my homework pages for HTML 101, and Tables to see what I learned. My diplomas and awards are proudly hung here. Now I have to find the time to use what I learned to improve my pages! I used what I learned to make a special surprise for my mom for Mother's Day. Click here to check it out.
I'm just amazed at all the material on the web pertaining to homeschooling. It's wonderful. I've even started my own web page of information on homeschooling in Newfoundland. Click here to check it out.
I love to read! I don't always have as much time as I'd like to read but I get in as much as I can. I've created a reading journal web page. Click here to check it out.
I also created a Children's Reading Club site. I hoped to encourage children to learn to love reading by sharing what they read with their club members. It hasn't quite worked out that way. A number of children signed up for the club but no one sends in reports. Maybe it will pick up later. You can check out the site by clicking here.
I have a real passion for puzzles. I love all kinds of puzzles - jigsaw puzzles, 3D puzzles,
cryptograms. Have you ever heard of the ROLLOPUZZ? It's a great thing that every puzzle lover
should have. I recieved one for Christmas. You do your puzzle on the mat and if you don't get
to finish it and need to get it out of the way, you just roll it up on the tube. It really works!
It's taken away some tension in my household. My husband hates to see puzzles around. Now I can
work on them when he's not home and hide them away safely out of his sight when he's home!