6th:         Mandatory Parent Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Gym
              Open House
7th:         First Day of School (Noon Dismissal)
15th:       Mass of the Assumption;  Sally Foster Begins
22nd:      PTC Meeting at 7:30 in the Gym
28th:       Parent/Teacher Club Meeting
30th:       Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting

2nd:        Labor Day (No School)
6th:         Sally Foster Ends
17th:       Picture Day
28th:       Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting

7-11th:    ITBS Testing
11th:       End of the 1st Quarter
12th:       October Family Bar-B-Q
16th:       PTC Meeting/Report Cards
18th:       No School/Teacher In-Service Day
25th:       Parent/Teacher Conferences
29th:       Picture Retakes

1st:         All Saints Day Mass
15th:       Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting
27th:       Noon Dismissal/Thanksgiving Holidays Begin

14th:        Breakfast with Santa
19th:        Noon DismissalChristmas Break Begins/End of 2nd 

6th:          Teachers and Students Return
8th:          PTC Meeting/Report Cards
17th:        Noon Dismissal/Parent/Teacher Conference
20th:        No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
27th:        Catholic Schools Week begins
30th:        Family Day:  Mass, Carnival, Picnic with your child
31st:        Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting

14th:        No School/Teacher In-service Day
17th:        No School (President's Day)

7th:          Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting
14th:        End of 3rd Quarter
17th:        Report Cards go home

19th:        "Sound of Music" Dress Rehearsal
20th:        "Sound of Music" performance 7-9 p.m.
21st:        "Sound of Music" performance 7-9 p.m./Last Day
               of School before Spring Break
24th:        Spring Break Begins and Ends on the 31st
31st:        Teachers and Students Return

17-21st:    Easter Vacation
22nd:        Teachers and Students Return

2nd:          Noon Dismissal/Faculty Meeting
19th:         Final Exams begin
23rd:         Last Day of School (depending on hurricane days)
2002-2003 School Calendar
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