Supply List

1 blue pocket folder with clips
1 red/burgundy poly pocket folder (no clips)
1 blue poly pocket folder (no clips)
1 green poly pocket folder (no clips)
1 box of 24 count crayons
(or 8/16 count)
1 large bottle of Elmer's glue
2 large erasers
2 packages of #2 pencils with erasers (8-10 count)
(or 1 package)
1 small package of thin markers
1 box of tissues
*2 composition books #2537
*1 pair of blunt scissors
*1 pencil bag
                   *Must be purchased at Villa Madonna

                            Wish List Items
1 package of color copier paper
1 box of ziploc bags (small)       
1 box of bandaids
1 box of baby wipes
1 box of ziploc bags (large)


Miss Powell's Additional Supplies
4 gluesticks
1 red, blue, and green additional poly pocket folders (to replace old folders in December)
1 anti-bacterial soap

Please do not send pencil sharpeners, trapper keepers, or pencil boxes.  These items will be returned home if they are brought to school.  Thank you.

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