This site contains some explicit male/male and male/female relationships.  If you are underage please refrain from reading anything labeled NC-17.  Or if you are uncomfortable reading anything containing homosexual relationships please check the pairings to avoid the stories containing that type of content.
Welcome to
Silhouettes and Shades of Red !!

This site is dedicated to the Marvel heroes Scott Summers and Matt Murdock, along with their alter egos Cyclops and Daredevil.
Most fanfiction and manipulated pictures on this site will contain if not revolve around these two characters.
I, personally, do not own anything that has to do with Marvel Comics, The X-Men, or Daredevil.  Nor do I make any profit from the stories I write or the pictures I create.

Updated:  02/04/04
Fanfiction:  Crossroads of Life

     See Below for Ratings and Pairings!!
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Truth, Destiny, and Desire
is the home of all of my Smallville related work.  It houses all of the fanfiction and pictures which I have written or created that revolve around this popular TV show.
(Note:  All ratings are based on my own opinions and not those of others.  It is a five star scale, with five stars being the highest.)


X-Men100 (***)

          Rating:  PG up to NC - 17
          Pairing:  m/f up to m/m
          Summary:  Depends on the challenge.

No Shoes, No Shirt, and No Problems (***)

          Universe:  Movie
          Rating:  PG - 13
          Pairing:  Scott/Jean
          Summary:  Scott and Jean take time to spend the morning together.

A Better Man (***)
          Universe:  Movie
          Rating:  PG - 13
          Pairing:  Scott/Jean
          Summary:  Jean tries to say goodbye.

Crossroads of Life (WIP)
          Universe:  Movie
          Rating:  PG - 13
          Main Characters:  Matt Murdock and Scott Summers
          Summary:  Two unique teenagers traveling on different paths meet at
          the crossroads of life and discover a common destiny.
My Live Journal
The Medicine Wheel
The X-Men Movieverse Stories
The Heart of a Hero
X-Men Hero Cyclops
Daredevil:  The Man Without Fear
A Million Monkeys
Marvel Anthology