Small Talk

Small Talk

	Stephen addresses the loyal audience.

Stephen		When I was nine, oh fewer years ago now than
		I care to remember, hum, hum! my mother told
		me that in life one could either be an elf or
		a pixie. What she meant by that, I fully suppose
		you may be able all too readily to guess. But her
		remarks set me thinking and from that moment
		on I purposed to be worthy of her admonitions
		and advisalments. I suppose I can look back
		on my whole life as a kind of quest, a search, a
		hunt, an interrogation if you like. Yesterday was
		my birthday, I won't tell you which, because I
		hate you, and I celebrated it in fine style, in the
		company of a cold bottle of Chablis and a couple
		of prostitutes. I suppose in a sense my quest has
		come full circle, OR RATHER, my hunt is over
		and I can rest now. Goodnight.

Stephen		Well I personally think that
		the nineties will be the decade
		in which masturbation really
		takes off.
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