We, Burmese students in Sweden have been formed an organization which name is Democratic Burmese Students Organization in Sweden < D.B.S.O.S >. We've been arrived to Sweden since 30 November 2000 and we formed that organization on 1st January 2001. After we've formed DBSOS which we registered it to Swedish society and community, we could held some celebrations in Lulea. Therefore Lulea's newspaper which name is NSD, had followed about our movements for Democracy and human rights in Burma on 2001 and 2002. The DBSOS is organized by following the Burmese students and people below: Chairperson ---------------------------- Moe Min Han General secretary ---------------------- Min Zaw News and Information affair --------- Nyein Oo, Kyaw Soe & Win Naing<White head> Politics and organizing affair --------- Min Zaw & Toe Win International relation affair ----------- Moe Min Han & Aike Maung Finance affair -------------------------- Nai Than Htut & Aung Nge Office affair ---------------------------- Thar Yin & Htay Aung Central Committee < DBSOS > |