Mohamed Mansour
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Shout outz
Adrienne LaRouque- Will always be my Juliet. She goes to Notre Dame, the school I want to go to but I didn't get accepted. Wonder why... Angela Comins- Needs to stay away from pie. Cassie Lehmen- Cassanova, Casablanca. Chris Kalman - My otha brotha ofa notha motha ofa notha cola. Courtney Schlaffer- She hates men. If you are a male run, even though she's an angel. Edie Catto- My other mother, and, along with Carl, has been my guidepost on my journey in theater. Jeff Popp- One of my oldest and best buds. I LOVE YOU MAN!!! Jeff Novotny- Enjoys regirgitating on uncommon objects. Street signs are not safe around him Julian Mora- Although he's an illegal alien from Mexico, he still is a smooth talkin Antoino Banderas Joe DeRosales- The Aztec Warrior. Joel Newman- Fights to defend our country - but usually can be found in a pub or sleeping with peoples' mothers. Josh Meltzer- The swolest Bouncer I know. Leave him good tips at Blue Stone. JR Murray- My partner in crime, with the most adorable girl in the world. Owais Tohme- A living waste of space who enjoys curry chicken, and going to school in a different country every semester. Kelly Tiefenwerth- A Koala Bear who likes kidnapping people because she's swoll. The only person who is two pounds and enjoys food more than I do. |