mojave's mad dogs and englishmen page
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An ezine dedicated to inspired strangeness in all genres. Feel the heat.

"The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star." -Henry David Thoreau

"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun" -Noel Coward

OK, so this is my homepage--and quite possibly ezine. Who am I? Who exactly is the ever-mysterious Mojave, a.k.a. Mohave, a.k.a. Mojave the Mad Dog? Well, he's me--and I'm him. I'm also 27 years old (not by choice) and live east of the 100th Meridian, north of the Okefenokee Swamp, and south of Hudson Bay. Hope that clears things up.

Understand also that this page is in its infancy (so to speak)--greatness, if it is to come, is down the road a bit (heh...maybe).

A major part of its potential success rests on your shoulders, solitary cyber-wanderer. Email me anything you think is cool, so uncool it's cool, or anything else that deserves more exposure (which can, of course, include your own writing--on any topic, in any genre). I would ideally like this page to serve as more than just a distillation of my sometimes off-the-wall and usually contradictory interests.

You can contact me at: mohave7@hotmail.com. Direct all submissions to this email address, and please read the Submission Suggestions before sending me anything! Gracias.

So my purpose, at least at this point, is simple: provide you wanderers out there in the vast arid wastes of cyberspace with links and content that I think are worthwhile--oases, if you will, of inspiration and enlightenment. Hmm...well maybe not in all cases, but it sounds good, anyway.

I should also say that you will find few Englishmen and definitely no mad dogs (at least for now).

Drink deep, comrades!

(WARNING!!! Some of the links on this page may contain material of an adult nature. If you are under 18 years of age, or if this sort of thing offends you, hit the back button on your browser at this time.)

Mojave's Stuff
Mojave's Links
(under construction--this part's up to you!)

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Last Updated: June 26, 2001

Copyright © 2000
Mojave <bgsound src="Housesun1.mid" loop=infinite>