RaNdoM StuFF AbouT mE! |
Actually...this isn't that random...but whatever...I'll just pretend it is!! SOOO....I am going to list all the stuff that I am part of and what not...for that is what I feel like doing! This is what happens when you use free yahoo and can't make a long siggy...you put it on your website! |
Lodging Houses: Brooklyn Heights Lodging House, Da Bottle Alley Lodging House, Central Park Lodging House, and last but not least Da Harbor Lodging House I am the proud and happy member and Secretary of Defense of T.A.R.K. control, where we try to keep the havock-reaking T.A.R.K/Froggy/Bob from...uh...reaking havock I am the proud owner of a room full of newsies...Itey in the closet, T.A.R.K. in the sock drawer...(well was) and Spot in the bed! Just kidding....But I do sometimes have a half-naked crazy bunny (Davie) living here...against my will of course... I am a proud, and un-lurking member, of the Newsie Mailing List (which is more than Jibajabba and Squibbly can say!!) Let's see...and many other lists...let me go look! **Looks** Bottle Alley, Central Park, Newsie Corner, Newsie Nutcases, Tark Control, Heights of Brooklyn, Newsie Reviewers, The Max Pack and GabeBabes I am slightly a lurker on those lists...uhh...well...a huge lurker...infact I'm not sure if I've even posted on half of them....**shrugs** I am a very proud maker of evil schemes...as anyone who has ever talked to me or heard of me knows... I am the proud owner of this site. I am the proud founder/owner/moderator of the Newsie Reviewers where a group of Newsie fans reviews Newsie fan fiction. I am the proud owner of a Itey side-kick of my very own. I am a unhappy writer on fanfiction.net because it isn't working right now...but my penname is Quipster (shocker!) I am the Proud S.H.I.N Guard of Itey's suspenders (and have a banner to prove it at the bottom of the page!) I am 100% obsessed with Newsies (and have a banner at the bottom of the page to prove it) I am happily most like Racetrack (which is my goal in life!) (and I have a banner at the bottom to prove it!) I am happily the one in my Newsie Loving Group of Friends from Real Life (those would be Jibajabba and Squibble) that has the most time on her hands...being that I have the time to write fanfiction (a lot of it...) and Roleplay (a lot...) and make this website even though I am comptuer illiterate...not that making a Geocities website the way I do it is very dificult...you get the picture... I am the proud friend of the NML genie! (JIBAJABBA) She has a amazing powers and can grant wishes when you are nice to her but she usually only does it for her master Jersey... I am the happy person that really does know all...yup...I do...ask my friends they will tell you! I am the happy person that makes fun of everyone...except the genie...because no one makes fun of the genie or else she doesn't grant wishes...and that would suck... Proud member of the Rayzing Sons Street Team and proud to have been recruited by Tinker. Rayzing Sons is like one of the coolest bands out there!! Simple Plan IS the coolest band out there! I am a member of the Simple Plan Street Team (Invasion Crew) also! Even though that has nothing to do with Newsies...everyone should love Simple Plan. |
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Witty, sociable, gutsy...unlucky (Unlucky? WHAT? nu uh...). You know that gambling keeps life interesting, because you never know what'll happen next. Your friends are dear to you and you love to make them laugh with their smart ass comments (Me? Smart ass comments? I would never...). If only your wisecracks went over better with everybody else...(Hey...but...everyone likes my jokes! Rotten fruit being thrown at you DOES mean they think your funny...right? Damnit...I'll be no one laughed at that...I quit...) That's Race for ya! (My life dream!!) |
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