1) Author: Pegasus Story: To Want What Can Never Be Rating: PG-13 Summary: About a girl who traveled back in time and found love. 2) Author: Pegasus Story: To Be in Your Arms Again Rating: PG-13 Summary: Sequel to "To Want What Can Never Be" 3) No Where Road Series a. Author: RiffRaff McColley Fic Name: The Road to NoWhere Rating: R Reason: Sexual Scense and bad language Summary: RiffRaff McColley is wreaking havoc on the nuns in the nearby convent until an old friend finds her and takes her in. She becomes involved with Spot Conlon, but refuses to do anything with him, and instead, finds another guy to do it with; conveniently enough, and enemy of Spots. b. Author: RiffRaff McColley Fic Name: Fortune's Fool Rating: R Reason: Sexual scenes and bad language Summary: RiffRaff once again finds another man that she loves, except, he's not only her oldest friend, but he's a friend of Spot's! Sharks isn't happy about this. Ratface finds his daughter, and Spot does not like her. c. Author: Socks O'Connor Fic Name: Stitchings and Peppermints Rating: G Reason: There is absolutely nothing questionable in it whatsoever. Summary: Socks O'Connor makes her way to New York, and figures out what it's like to live there. d. Name: Socks O'Connor and RiffRaff McColley Fic Name: The Crossways Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language Summary: Socks and RiffRaff meet, and are forced to team together to help Spot, as unhappy as that makes RiffRaff. e. (Last--the story in between this one and the Crossways is being written, but hasn't been typed up yet) Name: Socks O'Connor Fic Name: Destiny Rating: PG Reasons: Short sexual scenese that fade to black before anything actually happens Summary: Marta Blythe and her friends live in a girls boarding house, and Marta will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, even if it means cheating on Spot Conlon. Notes:Unfinished -- I'm going to keep working on it until July 30th, at which point I'll stop until the contest is over so that you don't have to worry about me adding more. (End of Series) 4) Author: Relic Title: It's A Hard Knock Life Rating: PG-13 Reason: Violenc & Strong implications toward rape. No language though! Short Summary: At 7 years old, Relic begin to create a perfect world for herself to live in. By 15 years old, nearly everything she had created had torn itself apart. This is her story. Story made for The Harlem Lodging House. 5) Penname: Relic Title: How I Know You (Unfinished) Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language right now (even though it probably would only be PG, I 'spose) Short Summary: Snake's out to take over Brooklyn, no matter what the cost. Can Spot stop him, with the help of Smartie? They'll need a miracle. 6) Author: Gypsy Title: Good byes are Forever Rating: PG 13 Reason: Because of violence and slight sexual conent. Summary: Pictures are memories forever locked in time. But some memrories are better to be forgotten. But how can you forget the love of you life or the the night your whole life fell apart? 7) Jack and Stress Saga (at the bottom of that page that the link is to) a) Author: Stress Title: Cuts Like a Knife Rating: R Summary: The first segment in the Jack/Stress saga. In this part Stress, known as Jess, has to make a decision: Stay in the place that she's known all her life and be hurt or go off and find a better life. b) Author: Stress Title: One Year Aniversery Rating: PG-13 Summary: Sequel to Secrets Behind the Lies; One Year after Jack and Stress get together, Stress tells a friend how they almost never did. 8) Author: Stress Title: I'll See You Again, Stranger Rating: NC-17 (Smut...no virgin eyes) (lol I have NC17 fics and I'm not 17...I'm a rebel **rolls eyes** yup, thats me) Summary: When Jack's hooker friend dies he remembers their first night together 9) Author: Stress Title: T.A.R.K. (unfinished) Rating: PG-13 Summary: What is T.A.R.K.? It is better to say who is T.A.R.K. or what is T.A.R.K.'s evil plan? Now that he's escaped it's wreaking havoc time, 1899 style! 10) Author: Stress (seeing a pattern? lol) Title: The Newsies Meet *NSync (unfinished) Rating: Pg-13 Summary: Uh-oh! *NSync and Britney Spears have gone back in time and have met the Newsies! What's gonna happen? 11) Author: Bookie Title: Sisters Rating: R Reason: Language and some sexual content Summary: Two sisters go and live with their aunt Medda after their parents die. 12) Author: Emu Title: Jack's Gamble Rating: G Reason: It is just a quick little blurb that took no thought at all. Summary: The story takes place in 1892, with Jack and his new friend, Racetrack. It's a test of Jack's courage. Very short. 13) Author: Emu Title: Authority: Allies Rating: PG-13 Reason: Brief violence and some, not much, language. Summary: It's a story about a girl named Callie (Cards) who has a run in with the famous Spot Conlon. Callie's past keeps popping back up to haunt her, along with some of the newsies. The series is about the friendship/relationship between she and Spot. Notes: Part of Authority Series 14) Author: Emu Title: Authority: Believe Rating: PG-13 Reason: Brief violence and some, not much, language. Summary: This is a continuation of the story of Callie and Spot. In this one, Callie reveals her past to Spot, after Blitz and Steel go after them in an alley. The series is still, as of yet, unfinished, but this is the last bit posted so far. Notes: Part of Authority Series 15) Author: Emu Title: The Mayor's Daughter Rating: G Reason: It is just another little blurb that has no meaning whatsoever. Summary: Blink meets the mayor's daughter, and she is everything he'd ever dreamed of... Very short, feel good happy story. :) 16) Author: Firecracker Williams Title: You Don't Have to Put on That Red Light Rating: R Reason: For language, sex, and prostitutes Summary: Roxanne is a prostitute, but she's getting a little too attached to Mush, one of her clients. What happens when she tries to change her life for him? 17) Author: Firecracker Williams Title: The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Rating: PG-13/R Reason: For rape, language, and other situations Summary: Mush looks back at his short time with Fire, the girl he loved most. 18) Author: Firecracker Williams Title: In the Blink of an Eye Rating: G Reason: I guess, because it's not really "bad". Summary: Emmy always said that things can happen in the blink of an eye, and this proves to be more than true for Seraphin. 19) Author: Firecracker Williams Title: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing Rating: PG Reason: For some refrences Summary: Mush and Fire's friends look back on the years leading up to their wedding. 20) Author: Firecracker Williams Title: The Noonies (unfinished) Author: Firecracker Williams Rating: PG Reason: Like the movie Summary: This is a crossover between Newsies and The Goonies, it's basically the Goonies, but with newsies as the characters instead. 21) Author: Sarah Title: A Bond Worth Breaking Rating: Pg-13 Reason: Strong language Summary: Nichole Harris and Mary Robinson are two friends who must deal with the harsh reality of their obscured lives. Will the two maintain thier friendship, or will mistakes from their past tear them apart? 22) Author: Tunes Title: You Gotta Fight For The Right Rating: R Reason: Language, violence, sexual content Summary: (I'm just gunna make this up since someone didn't give one to me...or I didn't see it) Two feuding Girl's Lodging Houses must fight to maintain relationships with our favorite Newsies. (If you don't like that half-assed attempt at a summary you can send one to me Tunes) 23) Author: Books Title: Her Broken Heart Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language and Violence Summary: What does Books do when she believes that her best friend is in a gang? What does she do when she thinks that gang killed her sister? 23) Author: Books Title: A Love from the Past (unfinished) Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language, sexual content, mild violence Summary: Sam and 2 friends find themselves in the past. Then come the choice, stay or go. What will they do? 24) Author: Books Title: Friends Forever (unfinished) Rating: R Reason: Some Violence and some sex Summary: Sam wants to tell her best friend, Matt that she is in love with him. But how does she do that when so many obstacles are in her way? 25)Author: Books Title: Family to Belong to: Books' story (unfinished) Rated: pg-13 Reason: Violence, sex, language Summary: Sam is looking for her real family. Will she find that with the newsies? 26)Author: Martini Title: I'll Always Love You Rating: PG-13 or PG Reason: Themes of death come into play a few times. Short summary: Skittery finaly finds his one true love, but will it last forever? 27 Author: Athena Title: Thick as Thieves Rating: PG/PG-13 Reason for rating: violence, slight language Summary: When Pocket left the Manhattan Pickpockets to become a newsie, she didn't realize what effects her choice could have on the entire Manhattan Lodging House. 28)Author: Athena Title: Shadow of a Doubt Rating: R Reason: violence, some language, sexual situations Summary (borrowed from Brooky's site): After Lucia ran away from a half-mistake, she never really learned how to trust anyone, with a fear in the back of her mind that she is being pursued. When her thoughts are confirmed this could either force her to put faith in the newsies- her only friends left- or it could send her even farther away. 29)Author: Athena (unfinished) Title: Miles to Go Rating: PG-13/R Reason: violence, some language Summary: When Spot's past returns to haunt him, his painful choices deeply affect the entire Brooklyn Lodging House. 30) Author:Blaze Lanigan Title: So Far Away Rating: PG Reason: Adult themes Summary: 24 hours through the eyes of the working kids of New York 31) Author: Blaze Lanigan Title: The Eternal Vow Rating: Pg-13 Reason: violence, sexual situations, and brief language. Summary: This is a Crouching Tiger/Hiden Dragon - Newsies crossover. Find out what happens when Gabi finds herself away from her family, Mayhem wants revenge, Luna takes care of Spot's retired slingshot, and a villain will do whatever it takes to keep his name on top. 32)Author: Blaze Lanigan Title: Only Time Rating: PG-13 Reason: adult themes and mild language. Summary: Blaze finds out something that she feels with tear Bumlets from her forever, and she decides to hide it from him for as long as she can. What happens when she knows Bumlets will finally find out? Blaze comes face to face with one of the hardest decisions in her entire life. 33)Author: Faith Title: Beating the Rain Rateing: R/NC-17 Reason: strong language, violence, sexual situations Summary: In everyone's life a little rain must fall but for some the storm never ends. 34) Author: Stress Title: #7: Rolling Thunder Rating: PG Reason: One bad word, otherwise it's a kiddy tale. Summary: Didja ever wonder what happened to the horse that Jack rode during Santa Fe? Here's his story! 35) Author: Stress Title: Swear It Again Rating: G Reason: Simple little romance story. Summary: A song fic based on Westlife's "Swear It Again"-- In Jack's P.O.V.; Stress writes Jack a letter saying she wants to give up and Jack tries to change her mind. 36)Author: Stress Title: If your heart's not in it Rating: G Reason: Simple Little Romance Summary: A song fic based on Westlife's "If Your Heart's Not In It" written for my pal Tunes-- In Snoddy's P.O.V.; Snoddy is trying to figure out whether Tunes' heart is in their relationship or not. Is there someone else? Read on to find out! 37) Author: Stress Title: Stress in Newsieland Rating: PG Reason: Might be a little anger but all in all like the disney movie. Summary: When Stress goes outside to blow off some steam, she follows a Newsie into a world she never dreamed existed. 38) Author: Stress Title: Secrets Behind the Lies Rating: PG-13 Reason: In case of violence and stuff. Summary: None given 39) Author: Skint Title - Time for the Races Rating - G Reason: There's nothing unsuitable Summary - Jules and Verne visit New York and make friends with Race. But is there an ulterior motive.. 40) Author: Princess MacEaver Title: You've Got Me Rating: PG-13 Reason: for language, one scene of violence Summary: After helping out a new friend, Skittery has to face a troubled past he thought he'd put behind him 41)Author: Princess MacEaver Title: Her November Rating: G Reason: Good clean family fun Summary: Sixteen-year-old Dorothea Graveston loves to dream of escaping the dull, sheltered life of an aristocrat, but she never would have imagined that her daily walk in the park would involve her in a daring rescue and lead her to befriend the Manhattan newsies. 42) Author: Princess MacEaver Title: An Absolutely True Story Rating: PG Reason: Mild language Summary: What happened when Princess (aka Margaret) visited NYC last summer, and ended up, er, time-traveling. How is her story different from all those other "Girl travels to 1899" sagas floating around? She swears that every word of hers is true. Decide for yourself. 43) Author: Princess MacEaver Title: Thanks For Directions Rating: G Reason: Good clean family fun Summary: A one-shot featuring Blink and Mush as two hapless newsboys who get very confused when a girl in the alley isn't quite what they expected... 44) Author: Princess MacEaver Title: A Thousand Points to Swify Li Rating: PG-13 Reason: mild language and adult themes Summary: He's Swifty. She's wet. What happens when Swifty does all he can to protect the girl he loves... 45) Author: Princess MacEaver Title: Vison Rating: PG Reason: overall clean Summary:It's two months after the strike. A new boy shows up at the Manhattan Lodging House and suddenly, Jack's world is falling apart. When it seems like no one is on your side, how do you find your place? 46) Author - Stress Title - Cowboys and Kisses Rating- right now PG-13 Reason- a little bit of a reference to violence and murder but nothing too graphic (yet) Summary - Secrets is a girl with a past, who doesn't understand how much it has affected her. Will she let David be the one to help her, or wil she continue to turn to the only friend she's ever known, her journal and her "friend" Kisses 47) Author: Moneybags Title: Popsicle Wars Rating: uhh … dunno .. G? maybe PG Reason: Popsicle Voilence … Sumary: a really hot day in NYC with the newsies and ... BOOM! 48)Author: Raven Title: A Song Come True Rating: G/PG Reason: Uhhh...because? ::koff:: I dunno...I might have cussed once or twice. Summary: The guys get their fondest wishes granted, or do they? The Newsies learn to be careful for what they wish for... 47) Author: Raven Title:This...is Halloween Rating: PG Reason: Umm...death. Yes. Death and ghosts...and blood. Summary: Our main guys meet the main ghouls. 48)Author: Raven Title: Even Angels Fall Rating: PG Reason: Cursing, mature issues {no, not sex, you perv :P}, etc. Summary: Jeffery's life was near perfect, then one day, all that changed... 49) Author: Raven Title: Fallen Angel Rating: PG Reason: Cursing, general Spotness. Summary: A Spot song fic of Fallen Angel by EYC. {I have a sequel thingy if you wanna read it...} Back to Newsie Page |
All fics are finished unless otherwise noted. I placed these stories in no particular order unless it was a series...and then I went how the series goes...Enjoy! The author's emails are up unless they specified that they didn't want them up...so make sure to give them lots of feed back! Some of the stories are not linked yet and that is because I don't have the link...but I'll work on that...If you want your story up here go here! Okay, if anyone discovers any disfuctional links can you please e-mail me at Molldoll42342@yahoo.com? You can also email me with...I don't know whatever....questions, comments etc. etc. I like e-mail! Okay...so read away! |