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Unexpected Friendship Rating: PG/PG-13 Reason: Nothing too bad...maybe a couple references to sex...that doesn't matter... Summary: First in the Un-named Series. A girl runs away from her past (yes a little chiche...) and is found by a newsie (more cliche) Suddenly she makes friends when she didn't expect it (Thus 'unexpected friendship') Lot's of little jokes and stuff.. Main Characters: Bitter, Spot and Blink Parts: 1 2 Wish and Martini& (or W.A.M hehe cool abbreviation!) Rating: R Reason: Sex, rape, **Thinks** violence, and language...hehe nothing too bad...**smiles innocently** Summary:Sequel to Unexpected Friendship. All of our favorite characters return in this story, plus a couple of Bitter's friends join us. There is a huge conspiracy and no one knows who to trust. Umm...There's a little love triangle thrown in. Main Characters: Bitter, Spot, Jess, Oscar Delancy, Wish, Martini, Cards, Snake (many main characters...) Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Some Singhah From a Bar (Unfinished) Rating: PG-13 Reason: Some language...lots of talk about whores... Summary: This is the Sequel to Wish and Martini annnd it's about me! character Quipster at least. It's not quite finished yet...well at all...but hopefully it will be good It's about...a singer from a bar! Shocked? I thought so...She shows up and shakes things up a bit at the Brooklyn Lodging House. Main characters: Quipster and JB (and all the people that are main characters in Wish and Martini) Parts: 1 2 3 4 Sounds Like A Plan (or S.L.A.P, Another cool abbreviation!) Rating: R Reason: Sexual content, violence, and language Summary: Will eventually be Sequel to Some Singah From a Bar A group of somewhat loose moraled girls decide to get revenge the only way they know how. Little do these girls know that they are being somewhat manipulated by their "leader". Main Caracters: Check on CC Page Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sounds Like Another Plan (Unfinished) Rating: Eventually R Reason: Strong language and sexual content Summary: Kinda hard to summarize a story that I haven't written yet...Well...This is a Sequel (more of a continuation) to Sounds Like a Plan. Soo...the guys get back at the girls... Main Characters: Same as Sounds Like a Plan Parts: 1 A Big Surprise Rating: PG-13/R Reason: Pretty much just bad language... Summary: Well, I broke one of my own rules with this one and had time travel...I'm sorry I'm sorry! Sooo...the Newsies end up in the 21st Century and everything is great...until Racetrack and one of the girls begin to make evil plans and have everyone in an uproar! Main Characters: Spot, Davie, Quipster, Jack, Racetrack, Jibajabba, Squibble Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Squibble (Unfinished) Rating: PG-13/R Reason: Just language so far Summary: Spot's girlfriend, Squibble,falls in love with Davie causing much trouble. Spot's stalkers decide to go after her.Her best friend, who is in love with Davie, selflessly helps Squibble even if it means putting her own happiness aside. Main Characters: Davie, Spot, Squibble, Satine, Tinker (so far) Newsie Gods Are Angered (unfinished) Rating: R Reason: Some language and sexual references Summary:The Newsie Gods, protectors of all Newsie fans, are angered when one particularly rude girl picks on their beloved Newsie fans who are avidly defending them. The Newsie Gods come up with a plan to teach the girl a lesson and it involves bringing their defenders to meet them. Main Characters See CC Page (too many too list) Parts: 1 2 3 4 Hamlet Re-Make (unfinished) Rating: R ( will be by the end) Reason: There will be sex and murder Summary: This is just Hamlet with Newsie characters. Jack's father, Kloppman, is dead and his mother, Medda, marries Denton only two months later. Jack discovers there has been foul-play and Kloppman's seeminly natural death could have been a murder. As the story continues there are many twists in the plot that will have you glued to your seat to see what happens!; LOL Okay maybe not...Really it's just a little parody and you probably wont understand it unless you have read Hamlet or seen the movie (Hey! Don't look at me like that! People watch the movie Hamlet! It has Mel Gibson!) (Fine fine I only watched it because we had to in class are you HAPPY?) Main Characters: Jack, Sarah, David, Denton, Medda Tinker's Story Rating: PG-13 Reason: Strong language Summary: Ever wonder how Spot found out that the Crips were gunna attack the Newsies during the strike? Hmmm? Well have I got a story for you...Soo pretty much the story is about a girl's life during the Newsie Strike. Now finished! Main Characters: Tinker, Jack, Davie and Spot I Hate That Kid Rating: PG Reason: Possible slight swearing and maybe a couple sexual comments but nothing bad Summary: This is the history of Quipster and T.A.R.K.How he came to live in Quipster's sock drawer, what he did while he was there and why he decided to escape to reek havoc. Main Characters: T.A.R.K. (Froggy) and Quipster Contest For Skittery Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language & some adult themes (i.e. sex) Summary: Skittery has been playing eight girls from the same Lodging House and the leader has had enough so Skittery, Itey, Specs and Quipster work out a plan to find out who deserves Skittery. Main Characters: Skittery, Quipster, Itey, Specs Parts: 1 2 3 4 On My Own Rating: PG-13 Reason: Language and sexual violence Summary: OMG I've gone and done it...a *serious* story. *gasp* So, a girl at Bleeker Street Lodging House can't get over the fact that her boyfriend, Specs is dead so she goes on pretending he is alive. I know it sounds really fucked is.. Main Characters: Specs, Rachel Disclaimer: Song "On My Own" used throughout story does not belong to me but to the people that made Les Misterables.\ Just A Day Rating: I don't know? PG Reason: There's probably slight swearing and some violence and references to sex. Summary: Race decides it's time to move on after he realizes his life isn't going the way he wants it to and he takes his best friend with him. Disclaimer: Racetrack, Dutchy and Jack belong to Disney. Dragonfly and Bookie belong to themselves. The song "Ordinary Day" belongs to Vanessa Carlton. Main Characters: Dragonfly, Racetrack, Dutchy, Bookie If you would like to know all the characters in these stories you can go HERE You might know the girls if you are part of the NML! If anyone would like their stories on my webpage please email me at And I would be more than happy to put them on my website. If you have any feedback of any sort, comments, questions, complaints, etc. etc. please feel free to E-mail me that too! |
Heylo all you fan fic readers! These **points downwards** are MY stories...written by..ME! Excited? Yeah ya are! May I just tell you now that if you get offended when people make jokes about 'your newsies' then these aren't the stories for you because NO ONE in my stories escapes with out being made fun of! Yeah...hell I even made fun of myself in them....Anyway...enjoy! Don't trust my ratings...well I mean...I'm not trying to trick you with them or anything I just don't really know how to rate so I take guesses...if someone would be willing to be my official rater I would be over joyed because I'm always worried I'll forget something and then some unsuspecting kid will be shocked... Stories are Finished unless noted otherwise. Note: All of my stories have just been transferred from to individual webpages so if you couldn't read thembefore then you can now! If you find any faulty links let me know by emailing me at |
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