Okay, so I was watching the movie and was talking to my sister about it...but she doesn't like Newsies so she was like "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" So I was like, "Fine, bitch" (yes, we really had this conversation) and I went and got my lap top and typed all my thoughts out! Okay, soo these are best if you turn on the movie and watch it while reading because they go in order... Soo...dun dun da duuun! Here are my thoughts! **applause from all over** 1) The kids on the statue look awfully comfortable for sleeping on rock.… 2) Mush looks like he just had sex in the very beginning before CTB began. He’s all wrapped up in his sheet and smiling then later on he says that he met a girl last night…Dirty boy! 3) Jack looks like he’s ten when Kloppman wakes him up. 4) People shouldn’t steal stuff from Racetrack in the morning. He’s scary and violent. 5) Does Jack say "Off me back" or "On me back" when Mush asks him how he slept. It makes more sense if he says off me back because its like "Stop bothering me about it" because maybe Jack wasn’t doing so much sleeping last night and then later on Mush tells everyone that "Jacky boy jest got laid". Yeah see it all connects! Besides there really isn’t anything funny about "On me back" especially since when we see him in the morning he’s not even on his back…I think about this too much don’t I? 6) Crutchy just runs around annoying everyone in CTB. First he goes and insults Blink then he runs (literally watch him in the background) over to get in Boots way! 7) Why wont Skittery just give Racetrack the damn towel!? It’s mean. Everyone’s like "Hey lets steal his cigars!" or "Hey lets make him get soap in his eyes!" EVIL NEWSIES! Wait I didn’t mean that…just evil Skittery and Snipeshooter. 8) The kid in the bath tub is very confident in himself to take a cold bath in front of twenty other guys. I’ll bet he got made fun of when the cameras were off… 9) You know the little freckled kid whose like "C’mon, C’mon get the lead out of your pants!" He bugs me a little…I want someone to beat the shit out of him… 10) Crutchy does the awesomest dance in CTB at "I’se likes livin’ chancy". 11) If I were the newsies I would be like "Screw listening to the nuns lecture!" and steal the food and run. The newsies could so easily take those nuns. 12) Do you ever wonder where Patrick is? Like maybe he’s in that crowd of newsies listening to his mom and just laughing at how stupid she is? 13) You know just before "We need a good assassination?" Where they jump over that gate. Hehe watch Racetrack! He runs around and kind of gives a little hop when the rest of them jump over the gate. 14) Its fun to pause the tape while they’re in the air from jumping and be like "Hey they are flying!"…Maybe that’s just me… 15) Why do they all slap each other…a lot…they are a very touchy feely group… 16) Oscar is very self confident to wear a pink shirt…and he wonders why people make fun of him… 17) I think Davey purposely stands in the middle of the road so that Jack and the Delancys have to run into him…he’s all like pretending to be hurt when he’s really turned on and like "I cant believe Jack Kelly touched this shirt I’ll never wash it again!" Then he asks stupid questions like "What are you doing?" because he’s trying to prolong being near Jack. 18) Davey’s just playing hard to get when he is all like " I don’t know you and I don’t want to know you". Really he’s like "Thank god Les is cute so boys pay attention to me!" Yeah I don’t like Davey much can you tell? 19) It bugs the shit out of me when people count the "Race giving Jack two-bits even though he supposedly doesn’t have the two-bits thing" as a blooper. IT’S A FUCKING JOKE!! Don’t watch funny movies if you don’t know how to laugh! 20) Does Davey realize that Jack could beat the shit out of him any time he wants? If I were him I wouldn’t be fighting over 10 percent… 21) Does anyone ever actually watch the stupid Pulitzer parts? Yeah I ignore them because he bugs me a lot. The stupid little noises and dances are just too much for me… 22) How are those boxers still alive after 58 rounds? 23) Davey whines a lot. "You cant do that! That’s lying! My daddy told me not to lie..." 24) Les is obviously the cool one of the Jacob’s family…He’s all like drinking beer and having dreams about Medda (When he sings in his sleep). Its funny…he has to make up for Davey. 25) Funny that Davey would be the one to realize a guy is looking at Jack. He’s probably like "Hey nobody checks out Jack but me!" 26) I think it would be funny if Les all the sudden just ran at Snyder with his wood sword and attacked him. 27) What the hell is wrong with Snyder? Why doesn’t he look over the side of the roof? He’s like "I’ll stalk these boys around but not check to see if they are smooshed on the sidewalk…" 28) Umm…Les shouldn’t cough ON the papers…its kind of gross…he’s like "Buy this paper that I just got lots of bacteria on" 29) During "My Lovey Dovey Baby" some guy calls from the crowd "I’ve been here every night Medda." When she says "I Boohoohoo for you". That just amused me… 30) Medda has one curl sticking out in the back of her head. It annoys me… 31) Why are Jack and Davey like "Hmm…lets run towards the huge fight and fire with a small child!"? Could they be any more stupid? Then to make it better they just stand in the middle of the road…and they don’t help the poor guy that falls down either. 32) Yeah how the hell did Les fall asleep? What is wrong with that kid?…Maybe there was something in Medda’s candy… 33) Davey steals money from Jack. He tells his dad that only half is Jacks…DAMN HIM… 34) Isn’t it cute? Davey wants to have a sleep-over… 35) Davey goes inside and says his prayers…well he’s kneeling in the window so I sure hope that’s what he’s doing…because there would be no other reason to get on his knees since he is in there with family and eww…(If you don’t understand you’re too young…) 36) Does anyone else wish they could be on that train bound for Santa Fe with Jack? I know I do… 37) I love how Jack randomly runs around the dark streets of New York City dancing…its not at all dangerous… 38) Jack sure does get on that horse hard…and then he rides it fast…then slaps it on the butt…okay sorry now I’m just making random things dirty…I’ll stop…maybe… 39) It kinda sucks that the day they get a good headline from the trolley strike they decide to go on strike… 40) Why do people listen to Les when he tells them to give Jack some room? In real life wouldn’t they be like "Who the hell is this kid and why is he telling us what to do?!" 41) It says a lot when Jack’s hair can look cute even when its dripping with grease and hair gel… 42) Jack needs to hit Davey just once and like break his nose…that way Davey wouldn’t whine at him constantly… 43) Why do random people put newspapers on the statue and throw Jack sticks? It’s odd… 44) Horace Greely has a very wrinkly shirt… 45) Boots doesn’t really ever show emotion…he’s kinda just there…its cool 46) They are very secure in their manliness to skip around all the time… 47) Well I guess they are very secure in their manliness to be in a musical in the first place and dance around all the time… 48) Yeah, Denton is so hitting on Davey when he’s like "I can tell you’re in charge". Okay who would you really assume was in charge? The quiet kid that doesn’t even look like newsie or the guy telling everyone what to do and the guy that is on top of the platform…hard choice there… 49) Hehe "So’s your old lady". That’s like the 1900 form of "Your momma" That’s so amusing… 50) No one should ever use the words "Hoity toity" NEVER! 51) Why do they make the one guy wear see-though shorts…wet see-through shorts…not that it isn’t nice and all but yeah you can see…well everything…and its DISNEY! Plus what guy would want to do that in front of a cast of boys. He can be friends with the kid that took the bath in the beginning because they both probably get made fun of. 52) I wouldn’t mind chirping in Spots ear…well that and a few other things… 53) "Walking Mouth" sure is an interesting nickname for Davey…I don’t think he got the name because he talks a lot… 54) People freak out too much about Spots stupid key. It’s probably just the only jewelry he can afford being that he’s a kid living on the street. Well that or it’s to the door to his secret room where he hides his wife and seven children from the rest of the newsies. 55) Does Davey’s dancing scare anyone else? Yeah because to me he looks like a bunny going into seizures… 56) Race is awesome. He can play the harmonica annnd dance at the same time….I wonder what other talents he has… 57) It’s kind of sad that Les can pull the rope away from everyone else. They should feel ashamed… 58) Denton has a nice job…He just sits around and watches boys dance all day…Yeah its kind of frightening that a man would want to do that…I wonder what he’s writing. "Mr. Davey Denton" "Mr. and Mr. Denton." Probably something along those lines… 59) Why does Jack put his mouth on the dirty window. I mean mouths can go on many things but NOT icky windows. 60) Why does Davey randomly run up while they are throwing the papers around for the first time and be like "JACK" and runs up and put his hand on Jack’s chest. See that’s something girls should do…not Davey… 61) Okay wouldn’t the policemen see the two boys leaning against a wall near a jail at night? Or were they like "Hey there are two boys over there with a rope…probably just hanging out for the night…Hey why are they running through the gates? Oh well…not my problem…" Yeah doubtful… 62) It sounds really dirty when Jacks like "Gently Davey Gently Gently. That’s good! That’s good!" If I were the boys in the refuge I would be wondering what was going on… 63) How are they planning on getting Crutchy out? Are they going to squeeze him through the bars or what? 64) Laugh at Les. He only gets one little coffee can to beat on… 65) The second Seize the Day dance is the best ever…yeah they are hott! 66) I wonder if the horse would have actually ran over the newsies...I’ll bet not… 67) Why does Racetrack stand there being like "Hey Jack it’s the Crips" with his back to like known criminals? Wouldn’t you run and then warn other people? 68) Spot licks his hand and gives it to Jack after going down the rope…not spits on it…its kind of gross… 69) How does Spot knock over like 5 guys? He’s only like 90 pounds… 70) I want to ride on the wheels of a wagon…that would be fun…I’m jealous. 71) Why does Jack make a point of saying no pictures…then pose for a picture? 72) Why do people make a point of saying how scary Spot is then they wrestle with him for the newspaper and stuff…Wouldn’t they just surrender the newspaper to the infamous Spot Conlon? 73) I wouldn’t mind getting in that porcelain tub with boiling water with Spot… 74) I also kind of wish I were the mayor’s daughter so I could have a Saturday night with Blink. Hell, I wouldn’t need an entire night just a couple hours… 75) I wanna ride on a fan! That would be awesome…I tried it once on my fan at home…my mom got angry…DAMN HER I JUST WANNA BE LIKE THE NEWSIES...lol no, just kidding I didn't try...but thinking about it I should... 76) HAHA Blink gets no glass…poor thirsty boy… 77) What the hell is wrong with Crutchy. He’s like "Hmm…Jack had to change his name to get away from Snyder and has been running from him for a while…How about I make things interesting and tell his arch nemesis where he is" I think Crutchy is just jealous that Jack gets attention from Davey and he doesn’t…Or maybe he is planning to take over the Manhattan newsies and is getting Jack out of the way… 78) Kloppman is a good actor…I’m proud of him..he even has the stuttering dangerous part…its awesome 79) Hehe they call Snyder a tightwad…it makes me laugh… 80) If I were Sarah I would be a little frightened Jack was at my bedroom window…Yeah but I’m not stupid like her. If he was at my window I wouldn’t be like "Go on the roof" I’d be like "My parents are out come on in!" 81) Hehe Jack fights with clothes and steals tomatoes.. Its great! 82) Why does Sarah get all offended when Jack talks about going to Santa Fe? It’s not like anything has happened between them…She looks like she is going to cry… 83) Her hair is magical…it jumps behind her ear without her putting it there…I wanna train my hair to do that! 84) STUPID MAYOR!! DON’T GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE! 85) Its scary how Snyder just randomly pops up places…Like he pops up from behind lamps at Pulitzers office… 86) It wouldn’t be smart to listen to David…If they listened to Davey they would whine all the time and be hitting on each other… 87) I wouldn’t mind playing with Spots hands… 88) Jack has a lot of power over Spot when he says "I say that what you say is what I say". Jack should be like "You promise?" and Spot would be like "Shoah" then Jack should be like "Cluck like a chicken!" or something… 89) Why are all the newsies so excited about seeing Medda? They are like "Cheer for the 50 year old stripper that had plastic surgery" 90) Hehe its amusing some kid goes "Pinch me I’m dreamin’" 91) Sarah looks like she’s all turned on when Jack is singing to her then she looks like she’s going to cry when he stops. I might be a little pissed if the guy I was at a party with ran off to dance with the stripper but I wouldn’t cry and Sarah has lots of other guys there she could hook up with… 92) Yeah its very stereo typical I think when Spots like sitting there living it up and drinking beer and watching the stripper and Davey is watching Denton. (Well he is! He noticed Snyder who was talking to Denton…) 93) Maybe Racetrack is Medda’s grandson…She sure does freak out when he gets knocked out… 94) Um…the newsies that stand in front of Davie when he has the swing are kind of stupid…The swing cant be used as a weapon if three people are standing between it and Snyder… 95) I think it would be funny as hell if Les were sitting on top of the chandelier during this scene… 96) It’s so funny. Jack is being carried off …with men touching his crouch (eww)…and Davey looks all jealous and he tries to jump up and get to him. He’s like "I want men to carry me off and grab at my crouch" or he’s like "Hey no one grabs at Jack but me!!" 97) Racetrack looks like he’s going to throw up during the court scene after Spot does his "I object" bit. He hides his face like he’s throwing up too… 98) Spot looks very drunk during that scene too…probably because he was getting drunk at Medda’s…but it’s funny… 99) Since when is a "shiner" a hurt chin? 100) Hmm…what a coincidence…Davey shows up with Denton… 101) Aww…Davey and Denton break up…isn’t that sad? Davey licks his lips when he’s talking to Denton…wonder what he’s thinking… 102) Davey is such a jerk! You do not just wrinkle up something your boy friend gives you! Well…at least you wait until he leaves before you do… 103) I think it’s awfully gross that Les just takes random paper off the table and "saves" food in it. 104) Why do they take Les with them to jailbreak Jack? Let’s bring a 10-year-old to help us commit a serious crime! It will be good life training for him! 105) Why do they take Jack over to Pulitzers really late at night? Wouldn’t it be more appropriate during the day…People might start to talk if they see teenage boys going there during the night. I can see the headlines now, "Pulitzer gets lonely at night. Boys seen entering at all hours of the night!" Okay…obviously I’m not going to be a headline writer… 106) You know what would be the best idea? What if Pulitzer hired Jack as his headline writer, (since he’s better then any of the professional writers) and then he would get more money… 107) Why does Jack run away in the first place if he’s only going to go back? 108) YAY! Jack throws Davey against a wall…why doesn’t he just finish it and hit him really hard…stop thinking dirty I mean hit him across his face with his hand…yeah shut up! 109) I’m assuming Crutchy spit in Snyder’s sauerkraut or peed in it because any thing else I could think of would be really extremely icky… 110) Spot is hot and all but he shouldn’t have his shirt unbuttoned…he’s not that muscular… 111) Its funny they all like take turns at yelling at Jack… 112) I’ll help Spot get his hands dirty…I mean oh…nothing… 113) Gawd will Davey NEVER stop whining?! "You didn’t tell me your real name! You lied to me" Gawd bitch a little more there…He has a really girly voice when he says "Well I do now…" 114) Racetrack and Spot should be best friends. They have much in common…They are both cute, sarcastic and hate David. 115) Umm…stupid Sarah…When Davey is staring out the window angrily when you mention the article don’t you think you should stop then? How much do you want to bet she kept reading out loud to Davey even though he was out of the room. She’s like "What you cant hear through glass? But you can see through it…" 116) Even the newspapers look sad coming down the shoot…(day when Davey gets beat up) 117) Why does Morris tell Oscar to shut up? Maybe he and Davey are uhh…good friends… 118) Could Sarah be more stupid? How long did Oscar follow her before she realized it? And after that how long did it take her to realize they were going to rape her? And then what does she do about it? Whine and hit a wall… 119) Why doesn’t Sarah do anything to help Davey? Not that I care…since Davey is getting what he deserves…but she just sits there telling them to leave him alone! Yeah because rapists so listen to their victims… 120) Hehe Jack helps Sarah up but not David and Sarah wasn’t even hurt… 121) Jacks blue and white shirt is his best shirt it looks especially good… 122) Why does Jack change in the basement? He takes off his cool blue shirt…its stupid…plus wouldn’t he have to have changed in front of Sarah…maybe they have a closer relationship than Disney lets on… 123) Why do they just throw like hundreds of papers in one place? Not so smart…Race is the smartest asking if people can read before giving them to the kids. 124) Davey just needs to put on his clothes again…He’s all dirty and the white shirt makes him look fat… 125) Why do people randomly come up and grab Les…like constantly. If I were him I would stomp on their feet and be like "I’m a person damn it not your fucking dog" But that’s just me… 126) There are two Spots. YAY! Double the fun! 127) Sites is like a secret spy for the newsies. He like sticks up for them and he compliments them and stops Snyder from chasing Jack and doesn’t go get the police when Pulitzer tells him to. YAY FOR HIM! 128) If I were Davey I would start getting annoyed at people calling me the walking mouth. People might expect things from him… 129) Why does Pulitzer think the kids yelling are going to hear him when Jack can’t even hear him and he’s only like two feet away… 130) I wouldn’t listen to Denton when he tells Jack not to run. I’d be like "Screw you" and still take off. Better safe than sorry…Besides Denton might be jealous of the attention Davey gives Jack and be trying to get rid of him…hehe everyone is trying to get rid of Jack…it’s a conspiracy…Denton and Crutchy are working together… 131) Jacks a huge jerk! He left without saying goodbye to Sarah or Les or Davey. How fucking mean do you get? He made a ten year old boy cry… 132) Blink sings really well at the end when he says "They almost all knows how ta read". 133) Mush is very excited to see Jack. Davey probably has bruises because of him… 134) Why is Denton hanging out with the newsies now? Stupid pedophile… 135) Davey is judging Jack in the end. He looks like he’s all like "I’m better than you" then he looks all exited when Jacks like "C’mere" 136) Eww…Sarah and Jack like french in front of Sarah’s brothers!! ICKY! Yeah my friends and I all decided it was a french kiss because there is like too much movement for their tongues to be in their own mouth. 137) Racetrack is so funny when he’s like "JACKY BOY!" at the end…it’s great… THE END! Back to Newsie Page |