Everyone else has one of these...so I GET ONE TOO!

-When you hold Newsie themed parties at your house and get excited about wearing newsie clothes.

-When most of your conversations start with "NEWSIE STORY!"

-When your entire life is one big "NE"

-When you know what an "NE" is.

-When you love getting on the computer so you can read FF and RP with your friends

-When you know what FF and RP are.

-When you start referring to your friends in Newsie names.

-When you give friends NN even if they have never watched Newsies.

-When your family threatens to burn your Newsie tape at least once a day.

-When you leave Newsies and leave the room.  Then run out when someone turns it off saying that you need Newsies on to be comfortable in the house.  They ask you how you knew they turned if off when you were across the house and you say, "When it comes to Newsies...I ALWAYS know"

-When you randomly break into a New Yawk accent, catch yourself and stop it, and then five minutes later you start again.

-When you sit begging your dad for an hour to buy a DVD player just so you can see the Newsies DVD.

-When you buy the Newsies piano book.

-When you buy the Newsies piano book and don't know how to play piano.

-When your friends know that they have to wait until you are out of hearing distance to make fun of Newsies or else you'll "Soak dem fer Crutchy"

-When you talk about the Newsies so much that people start thinking you actually know them.

-When poeple ask if you know them you pretend you do.

-When you join the NML just so you know more people who are just as obsessed as you.

-When other people say they are as obsessed as you and you burst out laughing wondering if people could really be that crazy.

-When you make a website dedicated to newsies even though you are computer illiterate.

-When you constantly swear that you saw a newsie and they are stalking you.

-When you try to think of a Newsie-ish reply to everything anyone says.

-When a friend needs cheering up you automatically revert to Newsie impressions, Newsie pics and Newsie lines.

-When your planner is covered in Newsie pictures.

-When your friends all love newsies or pretend to love it just to appease you.

-When you sit and write fanfiction during all of your classes, rationalizing it by connecting it to each of your classes.  (English...its writing.  Religion...it's showing immorality...what you shouldnt do if you are religious.  etc etc)

-When every time you talk to people they include in the conversation, "Hurry up and finish that story"

-When whenever somone joins a conversation you are having with someone else, late, they are like "Soo talking about Newsies"

-When they assume you are talking about Newsies and are right.

-When you decide which of your friends are most like each character.

-When you think about writing a Newsies 2 and sending it into Disney.

-When you constantly wish you were 18 and knew Gabe Damon...I think you know where that is going...no fun being jail bait.

-When you watch a movie and no matter what it is wish it were Newsies

-When you are with a group and someone says, "Lets watch a movie" and everyone glares at you and says, "NOT NEWSIES!"

-When you can whine your way into getting to watch Newsies anyways.

-When you add "You know your obsessed" lists to your friends notes.

-When you make up adjectives (i.e. Newsieish) just because the normal ones are good enough.

-When your friends threaten not to be your friends anymore if they hear one more word about Newsies.

-When you have a surprise party for one of your friends but you end up talking about newsies the entire night.

-When you and your friends have a fight but eveyrhting is automatically fine once Newsies is on.

-When your friends pretend to be Newsie characters to cheer you up.

-When you have a binder just to keep all of your NML papers and you carry it around with you at school.

-When your friends, that haven't watched Newsies, can still follow your ff because they have heard so much about it.

-When you have made up nick names for all the characters in Newsies.

-When people know who you are referring to when you use their characters.

-When you sit for hours wondering who the hell Patrick is.

-When you actually know what they are saying in CTB when they split into three parts.

-When half your buddy list consists of Newsie people.

-When you are supposed to make an advice sheet for the newcoming freshmen and you tell people to watch Newsies.

-When you constantly think you hear the word "Newsies" being whispered in the school halls.

-When you get sort of a glazed look in your eyes during class and afterwards people come up and say, "You were just thinking about Newsies weren't you."

-When over half of your daydreams consist of Newsies.

-When you search Goodwills for Newsie hats and finally walk off depressed as hell when you cant find one.

-When your friend considers inviting you to her brother's graduation party just so you can have Newsie night sooner.

-When you and your friends are constantly planning Newsie nights.

-When you get deeply offended when people make rude comments about "your newsie"  (My newsie is Itey...STAY AWAY OR I KICK YOUR ASS)

-When you are willing to get in a fight over "your newsie".  (DAMN STRAIGHT I WILL)

-When you freak out at considering that your newsie could be gay.

Of course these are only some of the warning signs but I'd say if one or all of these apply to you, I'm fairly sure you
are OBSESSED with Newsies.  Not that it's a bad thing...

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