Yup, that's me.  Bonified crazy person...Anyways this is the stuff that has or is pissing me off right now....yeah...don't read it if you are going to get all offended...and better yet...not comment to be about how stupid I am for thinking all this stuff...NO ONE SAID YOU HAD TO FUCKING READ IT!!  With that said...on to the crazy, random shit...
Okay, I'm trying to find a font and color that will show up on this backround...but it's a perfect background so if you cant read it TOO FUCKING BAD!

Now things that piss me off!
Fanfiction Stupidness....yeah thats right it gets a page of it's own!  Just click the link.

I don't like those people who are all like, "Don't swear" Okay, really, aren't swear words just words?  They only are a big deal if you make them a big deal...its just another way of self expession...what kinda word are you going to use for fuck to show the completness of your feelings?  Besides...you can use the word fuck for almost anything...**gives tribute to the word** Yeah, I'm just trying to show how ludacrist (hehe he had a good song...I'm gunna l-l-l-l-lick ya from ye...oh yeah not the time...) it is for people to freak out over something as trivial as a word.

I dislike black jelly beans more than ANYTHING.  Jelly bean companies are SO stupid!  No one actually eats the fucking black ones they are just there...their only use is to be used for throwing ammunition...STUPID BLACK JELLY BEANS!

I hate it SO much when people all try to exclude people from things!  Okay, I'm one of those people who likes to include everyone I can in everything I do.  The people who are like "Inside joke!" or "You wouldn't understand because you weren't there" make me upset.  Inside jokes are SO important to some people and I just don't get them...if you are going to talk about them you must want people to ask about them...

I can't stand girls...I know that's weird since I AM a girl but that doesn't matter.  Well, I mean girls are fine or whatever but they just bug the shit out of me when they overreact to EVERYTHING!  I know that some girls don't do this and YAY YOU ARE COOL...but the girls that do YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP ALL IT DOES IS PISS PEOPLE OFF!

It bugs me when people get squirmish about talking about sex and other subjects that are a little controvercial or whatever.  I'm like, hey, ya know what?  We are in high school and we can be adult about it and just talk about whatever freely.  I don't think I should have to censor myself just because some people are uncomfortable talking about some subjects.  God, it isn't me that needs to stop, it's them!  They need to like look DEEP inside and try to figure out what their fucking problem is!  Contrary to some people's belief talking about sex DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

When people say they know you...but there is no possible way they can since you don't tell them anything about yourself...that's fucking annoying!

Okay, that's all my ranting for now.  If you have you're own ranting send it to me and I'll put it on if you want...or you can just send it to me and I'll pretend to sympathize with you...