Steve's Fluorescent Mineral Gallery
The minerals featured in this site are part of my personal collection.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  All of the shortwave UV pictures were taken with a SuperBright 2000SW lamp.  In addition, I use a Kodak DC4800 digital camera.  Each thumbnail pair links to an enlarged view of that mineral.  Please take a minute and sign my guestbook with any comments or suggestions you have.  Thanks!
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Manganoan Calcite (SW)
Dal'negorsk, Primorskiy Kray
Powellite (SW)
Ahmednagev, India
Willemite and Fluorite (SW)
Learn More About Fluorescent Minerals from the Fluorescent Mineral Society
Scheelite (SW)
Ping Wu, Sichuan Prov.
Polylithionite (SW)
Mont St. Hilaire
Eucryptite (SW)
Parker Mt. Mica Mine
Stafford, NH
Youngite (SW)
Guernsey Reservoir, WY
Dumortierite (SW)
Dehesa, San Diego Co.
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13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18
Page Index
Alphabetical Mineral Index
SW = Short Wave UV         LW = Long Wave UV
For more on the UV spectrum,
click here.
Last Updated on 27 Jul 2004
Links to Other Fluorescent Mineral Sites
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