Our Ray of SunShine
Hi There...My name is Sarah....
Welcome to my site..This site is dedicated to Braxton , my son.
Braxton just turned 4 years old on June 22, 2004..
Braxton is a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome, at the hands of both biological parents and has Autistic behaviours.
He has Global Developmental Delays and has Sensory Integration Issues.
The 'experts' saw a child in a 'world of his own'..I see the brightest ray of sunshine. They saw a 'child who may never speak'..I see a gift that needs no words..They saw a child with 'limited possibility'..I see a child, my child who can soar past the heavens...
On October 4, 2000, baby Braxton was taken to the local hospital. The child was crying uncontrollably. The parents told staff he had fallen off the bed while he was propped up. However; there were no marks on him to indicate a fall like that.  When staff got his parents out of the room, Braxton quieted right down.
The doctor ordered ex rays and they saw that he had 3 other old brain bruises indicating being shaken.
The police were summoned to the hospital because of suspected child abuse.
Upon questioning by the police, Cassandra told them Andy had shaken him .
Andy was arrested the next day and charged with 1st Degree Assault of a Child.  Braxton remained in the hosp. for observation & Cassandra returned to the home where they had been living with Paul, Andy's dad.
Paul got physical custody as Cassandra had to be supervised around Braxton. With Paul's work schedule, it was decided that Braxton would be placed in foster care and Paul would get him on his days off.
Cassandra remained in the home where we tried to teach her parenting. We ended up feeling as if we were baby sitting her. It was agreed that she would do visits at DSHS so they could observe her with the baby.
Braxton was put into the 0-3 Program through the school district at 6 months old. He was taken to an appointment weekly. Eye contact with others was worked on hard as well as Occupational Therapy.
At 7 months old, Braxton was returned home full time as I was available to care for him.
I met the family in November of 2000. Paul & I had been in contact with each other via email & phone for about 6 months. We met through a personal ad I had placed online to meet someone.
Some people thought Andy was framed by Cassandra & said she is the one who hurt Braxton.  I was prone to think the same thing having never met Andy. However; hearing everything out, etc., I was convinced neither one of them was innocent.  I made sure Cassandra was never alone with the baby.
In February 2001, a family conference was held to see who would adopt Braxton if things went that far.  Paul was adamant about not raising Braxton alone as he had with Andy & his older brother Ben when their mom had died.  The boys were 1 1/2 years  & 7 months old at the time. Since Paul & I had no plans of a future, I had to go along with his wishes.
It was decided that Andy's maternal uncle in Idaho would take him. Paul's daughter & her fiance would be 2nd. However; later on, it was decided they would switch. I really did not want to see Braxton go to Idaho.
In April 2001, Andy made an alpha plea of guilty to shaking Braxton & was sentenced to 50 months.
In May 2001, Cassandra told our neighbor she had also shaken Braxton.  Paul confronted her with this & she said it was true. We were headed out of town for a college graduation & Paul told her to be moved out when we got back.
When we got back, she was still here. We took all the information to the prosecutor's office & he shrugged & asked us what we wanted. He did not seem to care as he had a conviction. We got everyone we could to bombard his office demanding justice.
In July 2001, another court hearing was held on Braxton. It was then that Paul was tired of everything & told them in court he didn't care what they did, he was keeping the baby.
Meanwhile Cassandra was to be making her appointments to see Braxton and was making them less and less. When she did, she rarely stayed the entire hour. August 2001, was her last appointment. When i took him in & handed him to her, he began to cry. This was the first time he showed attachment. It broke my heart to walk away.
In September, we  finally called the guardian ab litem. While we were gone, Cassandra called her office & also confessed it to her. She said she had shaken him when he was two months old.  At that time, the CPS worker was in the office and also heard it. Why she did nothing, we will never know.
Cassandra was arrested and was sentenced to 60 days .
Cassandra's parental rights were taken away in November & Paul & I adopted him on December 19, 2001.
Please visit my next page for updates since then.
