Betsy Cutler Schreiber M.M.S.  CCC
Speech Language Pathologist
3 School Street Suite 301
Glen Cove, New York 11542  (917)-353-3823

Vocalization begins with a first sound.  Communication begins when utterances  have meaning and there is a response by voice, gesture or drawing.
       My goal as a speech language pathologist is to assist others with communication disorders by allowing them to discover their own voice.
Links to Speech and Language  Related Websites

Adult Resource Page for Aphasia, Apraxia, Dyarthria, Swallowing

National Autism Association

Parents' Reading Resources

Toddlers' Corner

"How to Talk so kids Will Listen "
And "Siblings without Rivalry"

Stuttering, Dysfluency, When is it time to get an evaluation?

Protecting Your Voice and Voice Disorders

American Speech Language Hearing Association