Mommy9876s Place for Graphics
I've had a few requests for this so here is a page about myself and my family. Feel free to look around. It isn't finished yet, because I had to move it when I changed from webtv to computer. But the general info and some pics are on there!MommysHouse
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Koukalaka's Paradise
Email Me!!!
I just wanted to pass along something that I have realized during my searches for backgrounds......Bordered backgrounds do not appear in the preview as they do when you actually use them on a page. They are much smaller in the preview. I don't know if anyone cares about this tidbit of info, but thought I would pass it along! :-)
These images and backgrounds have been collected from all over the web from sites that claim to be public domain. I have no intent to take credit for any of the graphics on this site. If you find a graphic that is copyrighted or your own, please let me know and I will give you credit for it or take it off, it's your choice. I would also like to ask that you transload or save to your computer anything that you would like to use from my site. I don't know much about it, but have heard that geocities does not allow direct linking and I do not want my site to be taken down. Thanks a lot for your help with these issues! :-)