My Life as a Soap Fan
I am creating this page with a main purpose to have a place to share my experiences and pictures meeting some of my favorite soap actors and actresses.  As some of you know, I have been an avid fan of General Hospital for many years, and also currently watch All My Children.  I have also in the past watched The Young & The Restless, Bold & Beautiful, As the World Turns, Port Charles, One Life to Live, and Guiding Light.  I started watching GH when Laura and Scotty were falling in love, and AMC with Jenny & Greg & Tad & Liza.

Some people say to be truly happy in life you must find something you are passionate about, and through the internet I have learned that one of my true passions is soap operas.  I love to talk about them, I love to meet other fans, and I love to meet the stars.  I have developed many friendships which go beyond being a soap fan.

So, enjoy my stories and check back every once in a while, cause you never know who I might meet.

Mommyjr/Janet  aka DelectableDixieCup(DDCup)
My Favorite Pictures:
The links below will take you to my main pages where I have pictures from the various events I have attended.
Webshots Community Pages
Pictures here include:
Ingo Rademacher:Mass 6/00
Cameron Mathison: Rochester 7/00
Vincent Irizarry & Cameron Mathison: Brokerage 8/00
Vincent Irizarry: Tea NYC 9/00
AMC Luncheon 9/00
AMC Tour 11/00
The View 12/00
Josh Duhamel & Rebecca Budig:
Harrisburg 2/01
Vincent Irizarry: Pitt 3/01
Children's Cancer Foundation 4/01
Josh Duhamel: SoapStarTour 4/01
Steve Burton: Reading 4/01
Michael E Knight: NJ 5/01
Vincent Irizarry & Josh Duhamel:  Brokerage 6/01
Vincent Irizarry, JEddie Peck, Josh Duhamel & Camerom Mathison: Freehold 6/01
ALS AMC Softball game 8/01
AMC Luncheon 9/01

Sony Image Station
Pictures here include:
Vincent Irizarry: Tea 9/01
AMC Tour 9/10/01
Super Soap Weekend 11/01
Kurth & Taylor: Birchmere DC 2/02
JEddie Peck: Vineland 3/02
JEddie Peck, Cameron Mathison, Coltin Scott & Chad Brannon:  Freehold 4/02
Children's Cancer Foundation 4/02
Vincent Irizarry & Finola Hughes: Brokerage 5/02
Daytime Emmy's 5/02
Kurth & Taylor: Philly 7/02
Sam Page:  Reading 8/02
Vincent Irizarry:  Reading 8/02
Brokerage: Marj Dusay & Josh Duhamel 9/02
My Favorite Adventures:
The following links will take you to my stories from my more "enthusiastic" days  ;-)
FOVI Tea  9/00
AMC Luncheon  9/00
NYC AMC Tour and Lunch with Vincent Irizarry   11/00
Pittsburgh: Vincent Irizarry 3/01
Sam Page photos courtesy of Janny
"Sam Page Flippin' for DixieCup"
SoapZone Kurth and Taylor
Josh Duhamel Online
Sam Page Online
Official J Eddie Peck Website
The Official Vincent Irizarry Site
Poohisms to Live by:
We can't all, and some of us don't.
That's all there is to it. - Eeyore
A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others,
makes all the difference
When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry;  you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish