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Why we are the ideal group for:

Moms with Infants
It is moms with infants who can often feel the most isolated. A new baby brings so much happiness, and so many new challenges. MOMS Club® is the ideal place for new moms to interact with other new moms, compare their joys and get ideas for any struggles. Moms with children this age often gravitate toward our Playgroups, Infant Outings, Monthly Socials, Member Coffees, and, of course, Mom’s Night Out.

Moms with Young Children
Moms with young children to preschoolers can take part in a wide range of activities. MOMS Club® is a wonderful way to provide enrichment activities for your child. You may be surprised at how many unique activities children this age can participate in.

Moms with School-Age Children
Even when your little one isn’t so little anymore and heads off to school, we offer unique tours of local establishments, have morning coffees, special lunches for moms, and have a special group that addresses the needs of our older children and their moms.




MOMS Club® of Chadds Ford is the local chapter of the International MOMS Club (www.momsclub.org). The acronym MOMS stands for “MOMS Offering Moms Support”. With the exception of Mom’s Night Out, all our activities occur during the daytime and include our children; we are ideal for at-home mothers as well as moms with part-time or alternative work schedules.

Deciding to stay home or curtail your work schedule to raise your child is an important decision. With all the benefits and joys that come from staying at home, many women miss the friendship of other adults. Our group supports the special needs of an at-home mother. Not only is the Club an easy way to meet other moms, it is also a wonderful way for your child to meet other children, learn to play together, and make friends.

MOMS Club® of Chadds Ford covers those moms living in the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. Annual dues are minimal and the benefits for both moms and their children are endless.


Neither the MOMS Club® of Chadds Ford, nor the International MOMS Club® endorse any advertiser.
Copyright © 2004 MOMS Club® of Chadds Ford