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As a member of a Family of Artists and an Artist myself, I have seen so much of the joy that one can experience surrounded by inspirational ideas and people.
Unfortunately I have also seen the struggle and the tug that pulls at every Artist trying to maintain their inspiration while also maintaining a roof over their head and food on the table.

It is our mission at Family of Artists to create an atmosphere of support both emotionally and monetarily so that artists can continue to inspire and give our lives meaning. It is my goal to provide recourses through group networking that cannot always be attained on ones own such as representation at shows, division of booth costs, advertising etc. So that each of our artists is left with less clutter and more clear creative space.

So please if you have ever known, loved or appreciated an artist, support our site by attending our shows, shopping in our on-line retail store or purchasing products for your own shop for resale (Call for more info about wholesale pricing on certain products.)

Remember; Artists move our souls and these souls must be nurtured, loved and supported in order to thrive.
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