In Memory of Deputy            

James Allen Burrow


















And the Mother gave, in tears and pain,      

The flower she most did love;           

She knew she should find it again         

In the fields of light above                   

O, not in cruelty, not in wrath,                 

The Savior came that day;                 

"Twas an angel visited the green earth,        

and took the flower away"               








Deputy Allen Burrow Dies in Tragic Jeep Accident             

Monroe County was shocked and deeply saddened by                 

tragic death of Sheriff's Deputy Allen Burrow on Friday,               

March 17, 1995. The Deputy lost his life after his Jeep               

overturned about 10:00 p.m. on Friday. Allen began                  

his career in law enforcement as a police officer in                   

Clarendon. He worked for the Monroe County Sheriff's               

Department for five years before leaving to work at                 

the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences in Little Rock.          

He returned to the Monroe County Sheriff's Department            

in December of 1994. Allen was a dedicated officer and           

a jovial friend. He will be deeply missed.                    




"Allen Burrow was the most dedicated servant I've ever met. He did his job             

with all the strength he could muster all the compassion he could show.               

He was really intent on trying to stop drugs in the county and even on his               

days off he worked on cases. Allen was not only a good deputy, but a good              

person- a beacon to show people what life is all about. He made things                  

happen and made things better  for others. All of his thoughts and actions              

were for the betterment of Monroe County. Allen was an inspiration to us               

all and kept us laughing. He even had nicknames for all of us in the department.             

He always had a smile for everybody and made our lives happier. Every               

community in the United States needs people like him. Allen made my day-                

everyday. He was the switch that turned the light on for our department. It's               

an honor to have known Allen Burrow and we will miss him very much."               

Sheriff at that time,      Larry  A. Morris