Sheriff Billy Joe Morris Thanks the citizens of Monroe County after Victory in May 23rd Democratic Primary

I have had some time to think about what happened on Tuesday, May 23, what it meant to me and how I would ever get around to thanking each of you personally. Every time I started to try to write something special, the only words that would come to me were THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. 

Those words truly reflect how I feel in my heart, but yet they represent only a small portion of the humbleness I felt on that wonderful night. The margin of victory clearly told me that you were at least somewhat pleased with what we have accomplished so far, but let me assure you that we have only scratched the surface of what possibilities the future holds for you, the citizens of Monroe County. 

As I told you during my campaign, I promise to continue to wage an unrelenting war against the drug problem in Monroe County, to make a solid effort toward making our schools a safe place where our children can grow and learn without the  threat of violence, and to always provide the very best service to you that is possible from the officers and representatives of your Monroe County Sheriff's Department. As always, I will continue to make myself available to you seven days a week, 24 hours a day to assist you with any problem that you may have. 

Again, I thank you for your vote and support and may God bless each of you and your families. And of course, please remember that, "TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"

During his time in office, Morris has followed through on one of his campaign promises of cracking down on the drug problem within the county. Since his election as Sheriff, there have been 214 drug arrests and 2 major drug busts occurring in the Brinkley area within the last few weeks. Approximately $11,605.00 in confiscated property has been seized from these arrests. By holding an auction on these confiscations, allows the Sheriff's Department to use the funds raised to further their ability to fight drug activity. Also, several vehicles, including a Chevrolet Tahoe have been seized, The Tahoe is now being used in the Sheriff's Department fleet of vehicles, saving the county the purchase price of a new vehicle.


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