Saturday Horror #16
Saturday Horror #16
Saturday Horror #16! Forget the new way the old way is better!
Ssvegita: Hello and welcome to Saturday Horror ! I’m
here filling in for WillZilla and here are the matches
Evolution vs. Power Saurz vs. Bagan and Dragma
Quar vs. King Kong vs. Genocide Rex
Midrah vs. Angilas
Kraa vs. Destroyah
Bagan vs. Kameracus
Godzilla vs. Terragon


Kraa jumps and burries his hand in Destroyah?s
forehead , Destroyah howls in pain and gives him a
claw . Kraa is launched away, but is up and attacks
again! Destroyah fires his micro oxygen beam but
Kraa evades it. Kraa fires a green blast but
Destroyah is unaffected and uses his laser horn to
slice Kraa in half.

Ssvegita : that was short , so lets go to Midrah and
Angilas for the Fire title .


Angilas lets out a roar and bites into Midrah’s flesh
, Midrah violently shakes him off and takes him to
the ice area! Angilas attacks again but his nose is
crushed by a close fist, Midrah then picks the
Angilasaur and chokeslams him on the ice ! Angilas is
stuck, Angilas tries to move but he cant .Midrah
lets out a defiant roar and fires and Atomic blast
damaging Angilas badly . But Angilas is free ! Angilas
back jumps into Midrah screwing the Godzilla. Midrah
staggers and then glows bright blue and uses his super
nuclear pulse! Angilas burnt flesh and broken bones
and all go sliding to the edge of the icy lake.
Angilas is weak as he tries to get up, but Midrah
comes up and holds Angilas head under water!
Angilas tries to get out but Midrah holds him down
until he stops thrashing .The water is still where
Midrah leaves Angilas.

Ssvegita: a very cruel way to die????????????????.
So now we have a triple threat.


King Kong charges and plows Quar over with a
clothesline , Genocide Rex advances and bites into
Kong’s side . Quar gets up and fires his electric
blast taking Genocide down . Kong attacks but is also
hit by a lightnig blast ! Quar looks as Kong is hit
but before he knows what happened he is punched and
surges of electricity go through his body . Genocide
gets up and uses his lightning blast from his stingers
and hits Quar . Quar doesn’t know what to do so he
fires his lethal power beam hitting Kong and then it
his Genocide’s tail stingers!!!! The power beam is
absorbed, Genocide looks like he is going to attack
when a bright rip appears above Genocide Rex!!!
Genocide Rex is sucked in! That disqualifies Genocide
Rex!!! Kong attacks with a flurry of punches to Quar
but Quar returns by biting into Kong’s arm, Kong is
then slammed to the ground . Quar picks him up and
starts to fly he flies at a fast speed then drills
Kong’s head into a building . Blood spews from Kong’s
head and there is no movement.

Ssvegita : Congratulations to Quar and where did
Genocide Rex go to ????????


Varan and Dragma start ripping and tearing at each
other until Aero Rodan uses shockwaves to blast both
of them to the ground . Varan and Dragma get up ,
Varan spears Dragma to the ground but Dragma smacks
him off . Aero Rodan again attacks Dragma using a
sonic boom , Bagan then justs walks in without a tag
!!!! Baragon surprises Bagan from under ground by
grabbing his foot and then Godgilas tackles Bagan to
the ground . Dragma attack Varan again , but Varan
spears knocking Dragma back hard . Varan
pins 1..2 kickout ! Varan pins again but this time
Aero Rodan creates shockwaves holding Varan and Dragma
down 1..2..3! Dragma is out .Bagan blasts horn bolts
knocking Baragon away and then uses some ninja stars
slicing into Godgilas . Baragon fires his heat ray ,
Varan power spears Bagan , Aero Rodan uses his plasma
blast , and Godgilas fires his Atomic blast .All of it
hits Bagan who lets out two White beams before falling
. Godgilas pins 1..2..3 ! The white beams hit Varan
and Areo Rodan ! Both are incinerated . Godgilas turns
and fires eye beams but Baragon has already burrowed .
Baragon reappears and fires his heat ray . Godgilas
turns and power bombs Baragon ! Goglias pins 1..2..3!

Ssvegita : That was a good match but now its time for
the real slaughter , beig Bagan vs. Kameracus . It?s a
hardcore match so lets go to the area .

Bagan starts laughing and picks up a chair . But
Kameracus is in the air and he whistles ?
Soon millions of Kameracus flood the sky , then they
all attack Bagan !!!! Bagan levels 50 before being
totally over whelmed .

Ssvegita : that was cheap but it was legal !!! Bagan
is gonna have a hard time living this down .


AtomicTer????wait its Terragon !!! he detransformed
!!! Oh , and hes in melt down.
This is bad but Godzilla fires his atomic blast ,
Terragon uses a lava beam from his horn to block it .
Godzilla then starts to roar , Terragon then speaks :
Terragon : wait wait wait , you know Godzilla you and
I are ????????.
Godzilla : We are what ?????
Terragon : THE SAME PERSON !!!!!
Godzilla : so ????
Terragon : so ??um why kill your self ????
Godzilla : because hes in a match with me
Terragon : touch? .
Suddenly a big white rip appears and Godzilla comes
out ????? Wait hes wearing a skull and has horns ,
that must be Genocide X the next form of Genocide Rex
X : Put this on Terragon
Terragon : why ????
X : do you want to over load and die ?????
Terragon: not really
Terragon grips where his heart is ?ok you win ?
Terragon finally gasps and he puts the blue plate on
his melted heart and suddenly armor covers Terragon
!!!!! He looks different !!!!!!! Godzilla roars and
brings out Barugon and DesGhidorah who are dispatched
with ArmorTerragon’s Armor cross beam from his horn.
The match is stopped.

Ssvegita: all the monsters are leaving and well Tomzilla what is our next match?

Tomzilla: Well here is our next match! Metallic Rock Slide vs. T.M.A.

                              T.M.A. vs. Metallic Rock Slide
                             Mutation Tag Team Titles

Match starts and Rhox grabs Gamera and does a Power Bomb! Sliver fly’s up and has a fight with Armor Mothra! Armor Mothra fires a Power Beam that knocks Sliver from the sky! Gamera does a Spinning Shell Tackles and he pins Rhox: 1 2 3! Rhox is gone! Sliver transforms into air?! Armor Mothra looks around but then the air around him seems to be sufficating him! Armor Mothra falls down unconscious! Sliver fly’s down but then Armor Mothra fires an Armor Ray that vaporizes Sliver there by having Armor Mothra and Gamera the new Mutation Tag Team Champions!

Tomzilla: Well we have another match but Ssvegita you look like you have something to say?

Ssvegita: I do! Our next match is Enferno taking on Ghidorah! And this match is for the Battle Island Tag Team Titles!

Enferno vs. Ghidorah
                                                           Battle Island Title

Match starts in the City! Enferno sees Ghidorah and fires Fireball’s! Ghidorah dodges and fly’s over building as they explode from beneath him! Ghidorah crackles Gravity Beams in Enferno’s face! Enferno fires a Uranium Beam! The beam cuts Ghidorah’s wings in 2! Enferno charges and tackles the alien to the ground! Enferno starts to punch at all heads and nukes one with his Atomic Blast! The left head explodes off! Enferno roars and grabs Ghidorah and does a powerful Power Bomb! Enferno pins: 1 2! Ghidorah kicks out! Ghidorah fires a Gravity Beam that hits Enferno in both eyes! Enferno will take time to heal but until then Ghidorah is beating him to the ground! Enferno fires another Atomic Blast and he blows a hole in Ghidorah’s chest! Ghidorah roars a loud roar! Suddenly MKG arrives! MKG fires G-Grips and fires Gravity Beams at the same time! Ghidorah gets up and releases his Gravity Beams! Enferno is being overwhelmed! Wait look! Enferno’s body is glowing bright Red! A huge white light blast is everywhere! Suddenly the G-Grips is not holding Enferno they are holding his Evolution! Rage roars and he does a Nuclear Pulse! Blowing the G-Grips of and MKG and Ghidorah away! Rage gathers energy and fires a powerful Thermo Ray! He destroys both MKG and Ghidorah! Rage has won the match and still is the
Battle Island Champion!

Tomzilla: Well that was a good match! And Enferno was able to go in his next transformation! Wait he just turned back to normal! Well we have another match!

Ssvegita: What is that? Oh Godira vs. Space Godzilla! OK lets head down to
Battle Island!

Godira vs. Space Godzilla

The match starts off in the Ice Field and Godira fires a Nuclear Blast at SG! SG reflects it back at Godira, knocking her down! SG fires his Corona Ray! It hits Godira everywhere on the side! Godira roars and gets up! She picks up an Ice Ball and throws it at SG! SG catches it with his mind and uses Telekinesis and throws it back! It smacks and breaks over Godira’s jaw! SG fly’s in and tackles Godira into an Ice Mountain! SG fires at the top and causes an Avalanche! The ice covers Godira! SG is standing right next to it and laugh! But then Godira releases her Nuclear Pulse! It powers the ice of and slams SG away! Godira tackles SG to the icy ground! Godira grabs SB and bangs his head on the icy ground! Godira looks at SB’s neck! Godira opens her jaws and bites down hard on SB’s neck! Blood squirts out! SB roars in pain! Godira fires a Spiral Blast that covers SB’s whole face! Godira pins: 1 2 3! Godira wins!

Tomzilla: Well Battle Stadium is filled up and we await the battle between Godzilla and Zarkorr! Well let’s head down to Battle Stadium for the battle between two monsters! They will fight to the death for the Battle Stadium Title!
      Enter the Stadium!