KaijuHQ: What’s up everyone?! Welcome to yet another great edition of Saturday Horror! I’m here with Iguanoman, but unfortunately not with Tomzilla, who is still missing after that huge explosion two weeks ago at March Monster Madness.

Iguanoman: That’s right, hopefully he will be found alive and well.

KaijuHQ: Well until then, I will be taking over the MWF for now since I’ve been named the Vice President of the MWF.

Iguanoman: Fine by me, but let’s put this behind us for now and get on with tonight’s show! Infact, here comes the new Undisputed Federation Champion… G2K!

G2K: Thank you, thank you… Well, it feels great to be here and even greater to be the Undisputed Federation Champion! Plus the fact that I defeated the likes of Enferno, Bagan, and even the King of the Monsters himself to win it! However, I feel that we should observe a moment of silence for Godzilla after his death two weeks ago. Let it begin…

G2K lowers his head, but a loud buzzing sound rings out over the Battle Ring, causing the new Undisputed Champ to look up and see Legion flying into the ring.

Legion: Well, well ,well… Why so solemn everyone? Godzilla is gone and now its time for other kaiju to move into the MWF spotlight, namely me, Legion! So how about you putting that title up for grabs in a match later tonight G2K?

G2K: Heh, you read my mind Legion, but I was expecting a worthier foe. However, since you felt it necessary to come out here and ruin Godzilla’s moment of silence, I accept your challenge!

Legion: You will regret it, I assure you!

G2K: Actually Legion, I believe you will regret crossing Godzilla’s memory and myself!

Iguanoman: Wow! Well, tonight we will see these 2 kaiju go head-to-head! But now let's get to tonight’s first match!

Midrah   vs.   GINO

Midrah and GINO both enter the city area at the same time, but Midrah looks down on GINO, scoffing at the mutated iguana. GINO hisses in reply and uses his tornado breath, knocking Midrah back a few meters, but not doing much in the long run. Midrah’s expression suddenly changes and he fires an atomic blast at GINO, but the quick kaiju leaps out of the way and only gets his back burnt. GINO then retaliates and throws dirt in Midrah’s eyes, temporarily blinding him. GINO then runs off and hides amongst the skyscrapers as Midrah regains his sight. Midrah looks around angrily, firing atomic blasts all over the place, trying to find GINO. Suddenly, a loud crack is heard and a skyscraper topples over on top of Midrah, knocking him to the ground and burying him in the rubble. GINO bellows with satisfaction and even spits on the rubble! GINO then poses for the MWF audience for a bit before standing on top of the rubble and going for the pin. 1… 2… a large explosion rocks the area and GINO is send flying back as Midrah uses his super nuclear pulse to escape the pin and rubble. Midrah then emerges from the dust, storming towards the injured GINO and overwhelming him with a fury of punches and kicks. Midrah then grabs GINO by the head and DDTs him to the ground, cracking the mutated iguana’s skull against the pavement. Midrah laughs and moves in for the kill on GINO, but the mutated iguana suddenly kicks out his legs, knocking Midrah to the ground and quickly rolls him up for the pin. 1… 2… 3…

KaijuHQ: GINO defeats Midrah? And boy, he is not happy about that! Infact, he’s irate and is storming out of the city area!

Iguanaoman: Lucky victory for GINO, but now let’s take a quick look at what happened backstage after Wednesday Whiplash between KWF Hardcore Champion Magano and MWF Hardcore Champion Yonggary!

Backstage: Magano is walking around after the show with his KWF Hardcore title, but as he rounds a corner, Yonggary spots Magano and begins talking to him. After a bit of one ended talking on Yonggary’s part, the MWF Hardcore Champ says that its kinda funny that he, the MWF Hardcore Champion, is chatting with the KWF Hardcore Champion, Magano. Magano coughs and looks Yonggary in the eye for a moment before asking him if he was talking. Yonggary looks at Magano and starts to say yes, but the KWF Hardcore Champ puts his hand over Yonggary’s mouth and says that he doesn’t give a crap whether he was talking or not before beginning to walk away. Yonggary bellows angrily and shouts at Magano to see if he gives a crap about this… he challenges him for not only the KWF Hardcore title, but the MWF Hardcore Title as well. Magano snickers and yells back that he’s got a deal before he heads out to the ring.

Magano     vs.    Yonggary

KWF/MWF Hardcore Championship

Yonggary walks down to the ring first as his video music plays, raising his hardcore title into the air and trying to rile up the crowd. Suddenly, the ground near the ring splits open and Magano bursts forth from the volcanic depths of the Earth, holding up his KWF Hardcore title, causing the crowd to erupt with cheers. Yonggary, enraged by Magano’s bigger fan reaction, charges the KWF Hardcore Champ, trying to hit him with his MWF Hardcore title. Magano sees this and whips out his tail, tripping Yonggary and sending him crashing into the turnbuckle. Yonggary roars in pain and gets to his feet, snarling at Magano and lunges at him, biting down on the KWF Hardcore Champ’s right wrist. Magano snarls and using his other arm, rakes his gauntlets across Yonggary’s face, forcing him to release his hold. Magano then quickly takes to the air, firing his lava beam at Godzalla several times and burning his flesh. Godzalla roars in pain and falls to the ground, but manages to fire off several fireballs, sending them slamming into Magano and sending him crashing back to the ground. As soon as Magano hits the ground, Yonggary pounces on him, clawing and biting at his chest and face. Magano’s blood begins to trickle from his chest, but he soon mounts a counterattack, grabbing Yonggary’s arms and pulling him to the ground where the KWF Hardcore Champ can sink his teeth into the Korean kaiju’s shoulder. Yonggary roars in pain and begins hitting Magano with his tail, trying to get Magano to let go, but he won’t. Suddenly, Magano fires a lava beam directly into Yonggary’s shoulder, blasting a huge chunk out of it. Yonggary bellows in pain and collapses on the ground, clutching his shoulder. Magano snickers and leaps out of the ring, grabbing both the KWF and MWF Hardcore belts before getting back into the ring. As Magano holds a title belt in each hand, Yonggary suddenly gets up and charges him, but the KWF Hardcore Champ thrusts his head forward and headbutts Yonggary right in the skull. As the Korean kaiju staggers around, Magano stops him and roars right in his face. This brings Yonggary to his senses and he prepares to fire his fireballs, but with one swift move, Magano hits Yonggary in the head with both titles, pancaking his head between them. Yonggary blacks out and crashes to the ground before Magano goes for the pin. 1… 2… 3…

KaijuHQ: HA! Magano is now both the KWF and MWF Hardcore Champion!

Iguanoman: That’s great!

KaijuHQ: Now on that happy note, let’s… Oh crap, now what’s going on?

Backstage: Gigantis and Anguirus are getting ready for their match against the new tag team of Hedorah and Orga. They seem confident that they will retain their winning streak, but suddenly their locker room door is knocked down, and Hedorah and Orga burst into the locker room, attacking the mutated dinosaurs and starting the match in the back!

Gigantis & Anguirus vs. Hedorah & Orga

Hedorah attacks first, firing his crimson eye beam at Gigantis, knocking him kaiju back as Orga swats at Anguirus with his huge hands. Orga moves in and fires a blast of his plasma beam at the mutated ankylosaurus, but Anguirus dodges the beam and charges, ramming into him and knocking him over, then proceeds to rip into the alien kaiju with tooth and claw. Orga fights back and bites Anguirus’s wrist, but the fierce kaiju ignores the pain and continues his assault, but Orga suddenly kicks his legs out, sending Anguirus flying back and slamming into the ground. Anguirus is seemingly unconscious and Orga turns his attention to the other two kaiju in the match. Gigantis snarls and blasts Hedorah’s shoulder with his radioactive heat ray, drying out that area, but not doing much else. Hedorah laughs right in Gigantis’s face as the smog monster begins walking toward the mutated dinosaur, but Gigantis suddenly lashes out with his tail, tripping Hedorah and knocking him to the ground. Gigantis then leaps into the air and stomps down on the smog monster, splattering sludge all over the back area. Gigantis bellows and begins blasting each little piece of sludge with his radioactive heat ray, drying each out and preventing the smog monster from reforming, but doesn’t notice the approaching Orga. The alien kaiju sneaks up behind Gigantis and fires a plasma beam point-blank at the back of Gigantis’s head, knocking him right through a wall and completely unconscious. With Gigantis knocked out, Anguirus is left to fend for himself, and as usual the fierce kaiju rushes into danger head on, getting up and ramming Orga in the gut, knocking him to the ground. However, just as Anguirus goes for the pin, Hedorah, who has reformed and morphed into his flying form, sprays acidic mist right in Anguirus’s face, knocking him back and temporarily blinding him. As the mutated ankylosaurus rubs his eyes, Orga revives, lifts Anguirus over his head, and slams him to the ground. Hedorah then morphs back into his final form and oozes paralyzing sludge all over Anguirus before going for the pin. 1… 2… 3…

Iguanoman: Hedorah and Orga put an end to Gigantis and Anguirus’s winning streak!

KaijuHQ: That sucks, but they’re still a great tag team.

Iguanoman: No doubt about that…

KaijuHQ: Alright…we now have Dagarla & DesGhidorah defending their tag team titles against…no, this can’t be right.

Iguanoman: What?

KaijuHQ: Burtannus & Bagorah! They’re still here?!

Iguanoman: Maybe you should fire them. Since they haven’t really won anything…

KaijuHQ: Maybe I will…

Burtannus: Whoa…hold up! Dude, why would you fire such talent like ourselves?

Bagorah: YEAH?!

KaijuHQ: So to you, I guess talent is sucking.

Burtannus: Uh…no. It’s winning. Something we will do tonight.

Bagorah: YEAH! We will win those tag titles, right here tonight on MWF’s Saturday Horror!

KaijuHQ: Whatever…

Burtannus     &     Bagorah     vs.    Dagarla        &     DesGhidorah

Tag Titles

Burtannus’ horn dazzled with electrical energies, causing Dagarla’s eyes only to focus on the horn. Burtannus released a loud, thundering roar as a bolt of electrical energy zapped Dagarla in the face, shocking the Garbage Monster’s entire body! Burtannus ran towards Dagarla, and tackled him to the ground. Burtannus started stomping her feet onto Dagarla’s head, and then does an elbow drop to the back of his neck. Burtannus then lifted Dagarla high in the air, and did an awesome vertical suplex. Burtannus with a cover 1…2! DesGhidorah flew from the sky, and disrupted the count. Now DesGhidorah shot out plasma rays, which sparked across Burtannus’ body, sending her falling to the ground. DesGhidorah and Dagarla were just about to advance, until a loud ear shattering, sonic wave filled the air. The intense noise caused the Tag Team Champions to stumble to the ground, trying to cover their ears (?). Bagorah came soaring from the sky, releasing a loud screeching sound, which continued to cause high pitching noises. Burtannus rose to her feet, it seemed she was un-affected by Bagorah’s sound waves. Burtannus then grabbed Dagarla’s head, lifted him high in the air, and does a DDT! Burtannus with the cover 1…2…3! Oh my! Burtannus and Bagorah are the new MWF Tag Team Champions!!!


Enferno: Hey, Deathbeast…I know you and I am teaming up tonight in all, but do you have any idea…who our opponents are?

Deathbeast: Well, I know who one of them is. Atomic Guy is well…one of them. 

Enferno: Well partner, when shall we begin?

Deathbeast: Now…

Enferno      &     Deathbeast     vs.     Ultraman     &    Atomic Guy

    KaijuHQ: Ultraman?!

Iguanoman: Egad! This is going to be quite a fight.

The team of Ultraman and Atomic Guy walk down the ramp, fans booing the duo, knowing what they did to Enferno and Deathbeast just a few days ago on Wednesday Whiplash. They enter the ring, and await their opponents. Crackling energy suddenly began to zap around the entrance, and then a huge burst of fire blasted high into the air. Deathbeast and Enferno came out of the entrance. The crowd cheered and took pictures of these 2 majestic monsters. Then flew towards the ring and landed right into the middle. Enferno went to the outside, as did Atomic Guy. Meaning this will be Deathbeast taking on Ultraman!

Deathbeast released a loud thundering roar, as he suddenly charged Ultraman with all his might. He was able to close line Ultraman, and then began to stomp away. Ultraman suddenly flips himself to his feet and does karate like kick across Deathbeast’s face! Deathbeast fell onto his back and right away Ultraman jumped high in the air…then doing a leg drop across Deathbeast’s neck. Ultraman with a cover 1…2! Deathbeast kicks out, and right away he’s on his feet. Deathbeast grabbed Ultraman and does a body slam. Now, Ultraman is once again on his feet, but Deathbeast charged up with electrical energies, and releases an electrical bolt of energy. The bolt stunned Ultraman for only a few seconds, when he placed his arms together, releasing a very powerful Specium Ray, which blasted a hole right through Deathbeast’s chest! Deathbeast stumbled towards his partner, trying to make a tag but Ultraman ran towards Deathbeast, in hopes of evading him. Suddenly, Ultraman was blasted back by a powerful fire blast. Deathbeast tagged Enferno, who’s now pounding his fist across Ultraman’s face.

Ultraman suddenly kicked both feet into Enferno’s gut, and is now on his feet. Ultraman uppercuts Enferno and then does a DDT! Ultraman tags in Atomic Guy. Atomic Guy comes into the ring, and started booting Enferno in the face. Atomic Guy lifted Enferno to his feet, but Enferno picks Atomic Guy up high in the air, and then threw him out of the ring. Enferno is just about to fly towards his opponent, but Ultraman suddenly transports himself behind Enferno and does an “Ultra-Slam” (Picture an Olympic Slam). Deathbeast ran and attempted to close line Ultraman, but Ultraman jumped high in the air and super kicks Deathbeast right in the face! Enferno was stumbling to his feet, but Atomic Guy rolled into the ring with a table! He boots Enferno in the gut and tells Ultraman to set up the table. He does, and the both of them 3D’s Enferno threw the table!!! Atomic Guy with the cover 1…2…3! Oh my! Ultraman and Atomic Guy are the winners of this fight!

KaijuHQ: Well, an un-expected victory…

Iguanoman: Yeah and they’re still attacking them!

Ultraman goes over and boots Deathbeast in the face once again. Atomic Guy releases a burst of energy, which completely overwhelmed the injured Enferno. Ultraman does an “Ultra-Slam” to Deathbeast, which was enough force to slam him right threw the mat! Suddenly Ultraman and Atomic Guy turned to the entrance, to see someone coming down the ramp…it was…what?! Ultraseven rolled into the ring and walked towards Enferno. He picked the Red Dragon up, and lifted him high above his head. He then threw him up in the air, and had Enferno land belly-gut first across Ultraseven’s leg! Ultraseven, Ultraman, and Atomic Guy continue their assault on Enferno…for the next 10 minutes, until leaving.

KaijuHQ: Good god, that was just un-called for!

Iguanoman: Yeah, really. I mean, come on! 3 on 2, that’s not fair. Even if Enferno and Deathbeast got their butts handed to them buy Ultraman…man, he’s strong!

KaijuHQ: Well, next we have G2K defending his title against…Legion!

G2K            vs.          Legion

Undisputed Federation Title

G2K leaned back, charging up with nuclear energy, which sizzled deep down in his throat…

Legion: Oh please, Millennium Godzilla…try and understand, I am the most powerful Monster out-

G2K released powerful serge of nuclear energy, which seared over against Legion’s shield. Legion released a loud cackle like roar, as her horn began to charge up with energy. It then opened up and released a powerful blast of energy, which knocked G2K off his feet and into the side of a skyscraper. The powerful impact against the building caused it to shatter and fall onto the “Undisputed Federation Champion”. Legion crawled towards the decimated area of where the skyscraper fell onto G2K. She looked down to see the debris that covered the monster. She then crawled onto him and pinned: 1…2…! G2K suddenly kicked out! He quickly got to his feet and started wrestling with Legion. He gripped onto Legion’s horns and shook them around. But Legion was able to stab one of her horns into G2K’s chest, which quickly caused blood to squirt out. But quickly, his regeneration kicked in. G2K grabbed Legion’s horn, and lifted it up high in the air. His dorsal fins lit up with radioactivity, and he released a burst of nuclear energy, which blasted Legion into the side of a skyscraper. Legion rose from the wreckage, her skin blacken by G2K’s heat ray. Both Kaiju faced off, but suddenly a burst of blinding light streaked across the city, and impacted over Legion! Legion roared in pain, as her body was vaporized! The powerful burst of energy knocked G2K a few miles away. When he awoke, he could see a mushroom cloud rise in the air…G2K is the winner of the match. And surprisingly, who the hell did that?!

KaijuHQ: Well, surprisingly…G2K won the match. But how?

Iguanoman: I have no idea, but guess we will find out some other time? Cause we are out of time!

KaijuHQ: Well, I’m KaijuHQ, current President of the MWF!

Iguanoman: And I’m Iguanoman, about to go on vacation!

KaijuHQ: Really? Well, see you all next week!