Monster Island CEO: Well, hello to everyone out there! I’m the CEO of Monster Island, and a business partner of the MWF!  Monster Island is a tourist attraction some of you may have visited before, and I’m proud to say that Monster Island has made a partnership with the MWF, another successful kaiju enterprise! I’m also proud to say that I’m an official member of the MWF team! We’ve got a great show lined up for you tonight, including my first match for the MWF, a smashing fight with partners Gigan and Megalon, facing off against the team of Varan and Baragon. So sit back, and enjoy tonight’s Saturday Night Horror!

Gigan + Megalon


Varan + Baragon

The ground began to tremble and shake. Seconds later, the earth began to split, and in moments, Megalon appeared. The titanic beetle shook the dirt and debris off of his body. Sensing something, Megalon looked to the sky. Megalon smiled- his partner was here. With a shriek, Gigan flew from the sky, and landed on the ground, shaking it. Megalon and Gigan roared their greetings, and smacked their claws together. Suddenly, the two stopped: something was coming.

Megalon jumped back in shock as the ground beneath him opened up. A mighty roar signaled the appearance of Baragon, the burrowing dinosaur. Baragon spared no time in his attack. With a flash of light, Baragon spit forth a fireball, catching Megalon in the chest, sending him flying into a building. Gigan moved to attack Baragon, but something was stopping him. Gigan turned around, and saw Varan, stepping on his tail. Gigan roared angrily and swung at Varan, who ducked. Varan twisted his body and smashed Gigan’s lower jaw with a mighty uppercut, sending the cyborg monster to the ground. Varan jumped up and landed on Gigan’s chest, and immediately began to savagely beat him.

Meanwhile, Baragon wasn’t having as much luck with Megalon. With a mighty kick, Megalon smashed Baragon’s side, cracking a rib. Baragon roared in pain and bit down on Megalon’s leg, drawing torrents of blood. Megalon screamed and kicked, sending Baragon flying off. Megalon charged towards the downed dinosaur, his claws spinning. Baragon looked up, only to be greeted by a swift kick to the face. His stomach exposed, Megalon took the opportunity and drove his claw into it, killing Baragon instantly.

Varan took a break from his beating and looked over. Baragon was down. No…Baragon was dead. Varan roared into the sky in anger. Gigan took the opportunity and ignited his chest saw, cutting into Varan’s inner thigh. Gigan pushed Varan off of him and righted himself. Varan retaliated by punching Gigan in the eye, filled with rage. Suddenly, Varan felt a searing pain in his side as Megalon fired off a Napalm Bomb. Varan fell, only to be picked up by a blinded Gigan and have his arms restrained behind him. As Gigan kept a firm grip on him, Varan was helpless as he saw Megalon coming towards him, his claws spinning. Suddenly, Varan had an idea. At the precise moment, Varan flipped up as Megalon shoved his claw towards his stomach. Varan flew into the air, but Gigan wasn’t as lucky. Megalon looked on in total shock as his claw penetrated Gigan, sticking out his back. Megalon slowly moved his dead partner from his claw and looked over at Varan. With a bellowing roar, Megalon charged.

Varan caught Varan’s claws with his hands, and head-butted the insect in the face. Megalon shook off the blow and blasted Varan with his Lightening Horn, electrifying him. Varan fell to his knees and clenched his fists, the electricity crackling over his body. Megalon cut off the electricity and whacked Varan across the face, sending him flying several hundred feet. Megalon marched over to Varan, who now had a slash across his cheek. Varan roared and kicked his legs out, toppling Megalon. Varan got up and thrust his fist down towards Megalon’s face, but the insect creature was too quick. Megalon righted himself and elbowed Varan in the face, felling him. Megalon jumped into the air and brought his mass down on Varan, who’s appendages flung out in every direction. Megalon had knocked out Varan. He had won. No, he and Gigan had won. Megalon looked over at the body of Gigan, and silently thanked him. If Gigan had not helped, he would have lost very quickly. With a roar, Megalon jumped into the air and dived into the Earth, back to Seatopia.

KaijuHQ: Hey, nice match! Plus, welcome to the MWF Andrew, or should I say Monster Island CEO!

Andrew: Thanks.

Iguanoman: So, what’s next?

KaijuHQ: Well first, something is going on…

Backstage: G2K, Gamera, and Fire Rodan are sitting in G2K’s locker room discussing what occurred at the end of Wednesday Whiplash earlier this week.

Gamera: It was weird, all of a sudden a huge atomic blast just ripped through the area and knocked everyone out.

Fire Rodan: Ya, and the heat of it was so intense it burned my wings!

G2K: You know, the exact same thing happened to me last week on Saturday Horror. I have no clue where these blasts are coming from, its very confusing… Anyway, I have to go to the battle ring for my match, so I’ll talk to you guys later.

Gamera & Fire Rodan: Later!

Andrew: I guess no one has any idea what’s behind these atomic blasts that have interrupted our last two main events.

Iguanoman: Strange, but now its time for G2K’s match!

G2K vs. Gigantis

(Non title match)

G2K and Gigantis walk down to the battle ring to their respective theme songs before the match begins. The two then shake hands and the bell sounds, signaling that the match up has begun. Gigantis starts things off with a stiff punch to G2K’s chest, knocking the wind out of the champ and knocking him back a few meters. G2K grunts low and lunges forward, catching Gigantis off guard and spearing him legs, taking the Showa Monster King down and staying on top of him. G2K then begins to pummel Gigantis with his fists, smacking his face again and again before Gigantis finally employs his radioactive heat ray, blasting G2K in the face and knocking him to the ground. As G2K staggers around, holding his face, which is searing in pain as Gigantis gets to his feet and roars at G2K before toppling the undisputed champion once again with a clothesline. G2K bellows in pain as his shoulder slams into the mat as Gigantis advances on him, kicking him in the face. However, before Gigantis can pull his leg away, G2K clamps down on his ankle, digging his razor-sharp teeth into the Showa Monster King’s tough flesh. Gigantis roars in pain and tries to pry G2K’s jaws open with his hands to no avail. As blood gushes from the wound, Gigantis gets pissed and whips G2K in the head with his tail three times, finally forcing his jaws to open and release his ankle. Gigantis falls back several hundred feet with the sudden tension release and rubs his ankle while the champ climbs to his feet once again. As G2K rears up to his full height, he shakes his head to regain his senses before noticing Gigantis, who is tending to his ankle. G2K sees an opportunity and his dorsal plates begin to glow fiery red. Seconds later, he discharges his radioactive heat ray and hits Gigantis right in the gut, knocking him back into the turnbuckle, his dorsal plates clanging against it. G2K rushes over and rams into Gigantis full-force, sandwiching him against the turnbuckle and knocking him silly. G2K then grabs Gigantis’s head and slams him face-first into the mat, knocking him completely out. G2K then goes for the pin. 1… 2… 3…

Iguanoman: G2K defeats Gigantis!

KaijuHQ: Looks like the Millennium Godzilla is stronger than the Showa Godzilla.

Andrew: Yep, but now G2K’s friends have a match against one another and Iris!

Gamera      vs.      Iris      vs.    Fire Rodan

Iris hovers over the city area, awaiting his opponents. Suddenly, both Gamera and Fire Rodan come flying in from the north, bellowing challenges at the mutated kaiju before all three land in the city and the match begins. As soon as they land, Gamera fires his plasma balls and Iris fires his spear beams. The plasma balls miss their target, but the spear beams connect, knocking both Gamera and Fire Rodan on their backs. Iris grunts and advances on his opponents, but suddenly, Fire Rodan rears up and launches himself forward, tackling Iris to the ground. Fire Rodan then begins pecking at Iris’ face, but the mutated kaiju lifts his knees and strikes Fire Rodan in the gut, knocking him off. Iris gets back to his feet and confronts Gamera, who charges forward and lands several punches to Iris’ gut before the mutated kaiju retaliates, slashing Gamera’s arms with his arm spears. Gamers roars in pain and drops to the ground, pulling in his legs, arms, and head. Iris looks down and begins stomping the hard shell, trying to break it, but suddenly, Gamera activates his jet propulsion and rockets up, slamming right into Iris’ gut and bowling him over and slamming him into a nearby building. At the same time, Fire Rodan gets to his feet and takes to the sky, taking dives into the city and creating sonic booms that rock the ground underneath both Iris and Gamera and knocking the Guardian of the Universe to the ground as well. Gamera looks up and glares at Fire Rodan, firing his plasma balls at the mutated pteranodon, but Fire Rodan evades them and continues to circle overhead. Suddenly, Iris lashes out with his tentacles and penetrates Fire Rodan’s left wing with one of them, sending him crashing to the ground. While Gamera is distracted by his falling ally, Iris stabs one of his arm spears right through Gamera’s right leg, sending a fountain of greenish blood flying everywhere. Gamera snarls in pain and delivers a swift kick to the spear, breaking it in half! Iris moans and falls back, blood oozing from his broken spear, and fires his spear beams at Gamera, cutting into his flesh. Gamera takes the hits, but begins charging up his plasma balls and a bright light flashes behind him. Then, both Gamera and the downed Fire Rodan discharge their plasma balls and uranium heat beam, both slamming into Iris’ chest and exploding, creating a gapping hole in him. Gamera then covers Iris for the pin. 1… 2… 3…

Andrew: Gamera defeats both kaiju, but is helping Fire Rodan up!

Iguanoman: Well at least some good came out of that, so now… oh wait, something’s going on backstage.


Godzalla is leaning up against his locker room door, talking with Godjira.

Godzalla: So anyway, later on I’m gonna be defending my title against Midrah. This is gonna be easy, I mean… he couldn’t even defeat GINO! What’s up with that…

Godjira: Wait a second, why are you defending your title against him tonight? I thought you had the night off.

Godzalla: I did, but Midrah came up to me earlier and challenged me, so I figured it’d be an easy win...

Godjira: I see…

KaijuHQ: Well, we have Godzalla taking on Midrah! For the Fire Title!

Andrew: Yeah, this should be an awesome fight!

Godzalla     vs.      Midrah

Fire Title

Midrah: Last week, your “father” defeated me…it was un-except able! For that, I shall destroy you!

Godzalla’s dorsal spikes charged up with energy…

Godzalla: Just bring it!

Godzalla released a powerful burst of Thermonuclear Breath, which scorched Midrah’s skin. Midrah howled in pain! But just when he recovered, Godzalla jumped forward and clawed at his face. Midrah grabbed Godzalla’s arms and tossed him over his head. Godzalla flew across the air, but landed on his feet. Before Midrah turned around, Godzalla used his tail to whack Midrah in the back of his legs, causing him to fall to the ground. Godzalla charged up his power breath once again, and released his Thermonuclear Flames. The powerful flames enveloped Midrah’s entire body, scorching his skin. Midrah roared in pain, and powered up his energy. Midrah released a gigantic nuclear pulse, which blasted Godzalla a few miles away. Godzalla landed on the side of a cliff. He looked down and could see that I he were to fall, it would be a few miles down…but then, a nuclear blast seared across the area, and Godzalla ducked just in time. He could see Midrah sprinting towards him, who was filled with murderous rage. Godzalla burrowed beneath the ground and Midrah stopped right at the edge. He looked down in the hole and snarled. He dorsal fins glowed with energy, as he was preparing to fire his Spiral Blast. He did, and the Spiral Blast impacted inside the hole. A large explosion erupted from the hole, and Midrah seemed pleased. Till’ the side of the cliff that he was standing on started to shutter. He realized that his beam destroyed the only thing that kept this cliff from falling. He tried to get away, but it was too late…Midrah fell, miles to the ground, and slammed hard against it. Godzalla suddenly came out of a hole a few miles away. He suddenly ran towards the edge at his top speed, jumped high in the air, and fell back first…onto Midrah!!! Godzalla pins: 1…2…3! Godzalla is still the Fire Champion!

KaijuHQ: Well, Godzalla retains the Fire Title!

Andrew: Yup, Midrah just stumbled off that cliff…and fell like a few miles down! Ouch!


We see Destroyer chatting with Battra. Battra was just flapping his wings, nodding his head in response...

Battra: I perfectly agree with you... "Godzilla vs. Mothra" (1992) was a bad movie. It was only good though cause I was in it!

Destroyer: Yeah, movie was much better. But kind of rigged...I mean, I have the power of the Oxygen Destroyer! That was enough to kill the first Godzilla, but no! He had to be in his Burning Mode and well...damn.

Battra: Well, who could blame ya? If you ask me, G2K got lucky for winning March Monster Madness. I mean, even Bagan was annihilated! Deathtra and those other guys.

Suddenly, Deathtra comes into the Locker room...

Deathtra: You know, I used to look up to the both of you. I mean, I am literally created from both of you! In yet...there is a difference. I am the Heavyweight Champion of the best Monster E-Fed in the entire universe...but what? You Battra only have the "Reptile" title. When what? Your pretty much a dang moth.

Battra: Dark Moth!

Deathtra: And you Destroyer...mostly been the "Big Kaiju" Champion. While I, well...I have been the British Champion, and been Heavyweight Champion like twice. Current at the moment.

Destroyer: Well, since your so full of yourself...and think we "suck". Why not take us on? Huh?! Defend your Heavyweight Title against the both of us, and we will see who's pathetic.

Battra: Yeah, that is...if you think you got what it takes.

Deathtra: Please, I am far more superior then my "parents". By the way, who is the guy? Like my dad?

Battra: That would be me...

Destroyer: What?! Are you talking about? I am the father!

Deathtra: You mean I have 2 fathers? That's just sick...

With that, the Heavyweight Champion leaves the lockeroom. Preparing for her upcoming match...

-Battle Ring-

KaijuHQ was standing in the ring (Where a larger image of him was inlarged on the titantron).

KaijuHQ: Since Tomzilla is "not here". And since I am acting President of the MWF, I will make an announcement. I have decided to get rid of 3 MWF Titles. Fans have been saying that the MWF isn't as hard at winning titles as it used to be. So, why not make the competition much more difficult? By having less titles then what we have. So, I will now say the 3 titles that are gone...

#1: The Fire Title. Godzalla is the current Fire Title Champion, and he will be the last. Godzalla, because your title will be no more, we will give you a shot at whatever title you desire.

#2: The Reptile Title! Battra, you are the current Reptile Champion (Even if you are well...a moth) and will be the last. Like Godzalla, you will have a shot at whatever title you desire.

#3: Finally, the Battle Island Title. Keep in mind, we may allow this title to return someday. But until then, it is no more. Varan, since you are the current and last holder of this title, like Godzalla and will get a shot at whatever title you desire.

KaijuHQ: So, if I may ask both Godzalla, Battra, and Varan to come out here right now!

Suddenly the entire ring started to shake, and Godzalla's head came from beneath the mat. KaijuHQ stared up at the gigantic creature...

KaijuHQ: Uh...that was not expected. But, if I may...ask for the others to come out now. By the way, Godzalla...your dad(?) is a loser! Stomp me and your fired.

Battra flew from the entrance, and started circling the ring. He then landed on top of the turnbuckle, waiting for Varan to come out...which Varan did. Now all 3 were in the ring...

KaijuHQ: Thank you. Now, I would like to ask you all right here...right now....which title do you 3 desire. Tell me one at a time...

Godzalla: I would like to go after the Tag Titles.

KaijuHQ: Then you will need a tag partner.

Godzalla: I'm sure I can find someone.

KaijuHQ: OK...Battra, which title shot do you desire?

Battra: Well, I am going to fight Deathtra and Destroyer for the Heavyweight Title. So I suppose I will just stick with that.

KaijuHQ: Done...Varan? What title would you like to go after?

Varan: You dare answer me that type of question? Do you know who your talking to?! I am VARAN: The Unbelievable! I fight whomever I wish!

KaijuHQ: Riiight....

Godzalla smirked, as Battra just seemed to ignore them all...

Varan: Well, somebody needs to use their brains...I challenge G2K!

KaijuHQ: Alright. So, you all will recieve your title shots sometime in May. When Saturday Horror returns (April Air Attack is on April 30th, which is on a Tuesday. So, during that week Saturday Horror and Wednesday Whiplash will be cancelled) one week after AAA. Good luck...
Everyone leaves, with an exception of Battra. For his match is next, after these messages!

Battra       vs.      Deathtra       vs.      Destroyer

Heavyweight Title

The ring suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by an island like battle ground. With water surrounding it. Battra noticed that he was on top of an active volcano. He quickly flew off and was flying around the area. Suddenly, a Micro Blast blasted him from the sky. Battra slammed into jungle area...he turned his head towards his right, and could see feet approaching him. Before he knew it, Destroyer's foot was right above his face, and coming down fast. Luckily, he was able to flap his wings and get out of there! He circled around, charging up his Energy Beams, and blasted Destroyer. Sparks of scorched skin blasted all around Destroyer's body, but he seemed very determine to take Battra down. But suddenly, a huge twister of flames surrounded Battra's body in mid-air, and soon he was spending around in well as being burned to death. Battra's body flew across the island, and slammed into the side of the volcano. There, in the distance, he could see Destroyer and Deathtra grappling one another. Destroyer seemed to be winning, as he was pushing Deathtra, trying to push her off her feet. His horn was glowing, as he sliced her across the gut with his Laser Horn. Deathtra released a loud screeching noise, but opened her mouth and fired her own Micro Beam. The beam blasted against Destroyer's mouth, blowing chunks of his teeth and jaw. Destroyer stumbled backwards, but Deathtra flew towards him, knocking him off his feet. Deathtra started flapping her wings, sending burst of flaming Twisters, which quickly enveloped Destroyer's entire body. His skin was being scorched by the intense heat, and the powerful flaming winds...
Battra came flying across the area, shooting his Energy Beams at Deathtra. The beams detonated against the side of her face, and she roared in anger. She turned towards Battra, with her horns glowing energy as well as her eyes. She fired not only her Micro Beam, but also her Eye Beams. The 3 beams impacted against the side of Battra, blasting his skin right off. Smoke was coming from the side of his body, as his skin was on fire. He crashed into the ground...and roared in utter pain. Destroyer got back to his feet, and his horn charged up with energy. He fired his Micro Beam at Deathtra, but just as he did, Deathtra's body turned invisible. The beam didn't hit Deathtra, but the fallen Battra. Battra roared in pain, as his red glowing eyes began to blink. He seemed out of this fight, for the moment.

Destroyer stared down at the injured Battra, but just as he was preparing to fire another Micro Beam, something punched him across the face. It was Deathtra, and she was in her cloaking form. Destroyer struggled to find where she was, but she was moving everywhere. Attacking him as she went. Finally, he fired his Micro Beam, and it exploded in the air. Deathtra suddenly appeared, and she was stumbling back. Destroyer took this time lightly, and flew straight towards her. He speared her, and flapped his mighty wings and pushed her for a few miles. Till' finally both landed in the water. Right away, the water began to drown Deathtra…
Destroyer: So, whatever makes you sick?

Deathtra: Shut…up!

Deathtra gargled underwater, as she slowly drowned. Destroyer suddenly split into millions of little Microscopic-Destroyers. They all surrounded Deathtra and soon then started to turn her into…nothing. They literally chewed her apart! Deathtra is gone! Destroyer combined himself into his Crab form. He soon exited the water and rested on the beach. Suddenly, Energy Beams detonated against his claws, causing them to blow right off. He turned…he forgotten about Battra! Battra came flying towards him at his top speed, and BASH! Battra head butted Destroyer, knocking him out. Battra landed on top of the unconscious Destroyer, and pinned 1…2…3! Battra is the new Heavyweight Champion!

Andrew: Well, Battra was able to defeat Destroyer!

KaijuHQ: Never though that would’ve happened. Well, up next is the Main Event! Bagan vs. Ultraman! Japan title on the line…


Bagan: I can’t believe I agreed to this! Ah…! Guys, you need to back me up.

Zarkorr: Uh, Bagan…Deathtra was just killed. She won’t be reincarnated till’ this upcoming Tuesday on ‘April Air Attack’.

Bagan: Then…grab anyone! Like Ghidrah, Hedorah, or anyone!

Zarkorr: Yeah, whatever…

Bagan vs. Ultraman

Japan Title

Fireworks exploded all around the entrance. As Ultraman walked out, he had his arms already raised high in the air. But nobody applauded. He shook his head in confusion and made his way towards the ring. He went down the ramp and rolled into the ring, awaiting the Japanese Champion…Bagan! Sure enough, Bagan didn’t wait for any fireworks…he ran down into the ring…and this match is underway!

Ultraman started punching Bagan in his ribcage, but Bagan lifted Ultraman high in the air and slammed him into the turnbuckle. Now Bagan is pounding his fist into Ultraman. Bagan then rapped his hands around Ultraman’s throat, and tossed him across the ring. Ultraman quickly was up on his feet, but a Bagan released his White Energy Blast, which detonated onto Ultraman’s chest, causing him to bounce off the ropes...Bagan then ran and close lined the oncoming Ultraman. Bagan then picked Ultraman up and body slams him back down. Just as Bagan attempted a leg drop, Ultraman moved out of the way. He was able to flip himself to his feet, and when Ultraman was back up he jumped up high in the air and smacked Bagan across the face with his leg. Bagan stumbled back and Ultraman speared him to the ground. Ultraman lay on top of Bagan, placed his arms in position, and released a Specium Beam, which detonated across the face of Bagan. Bagan roared in anger, and rapped his fist around Ultraman’s throat and threw him across the ring. Bagan was up on his feet, as was Ultraman, but Bagan quickly ran and tackled Ultraman against the turnbuckle. Bagan then whipped his hands against Ultraman’s chest, causing a loud SLAP to echo across the arena. Bagan turned his back from Ultraman and looked at the crowd with his arms raised, but suddenly Ultraman did his “Ultra-Slam” to Bagan! Ultraman was a cover 1…2…3! Ultraman did it! Oh my god! Ultraman defeated Bagan and is the new Japan Champion!

KaijuHQ: Well, Ultraman is the new Japan Champion.

Iguanoman: Probably because Bagan was too stuck up on himself…he won’t be happy when he wakes up.

Andrew: He sure won’t….

KaijuHQ: Well fans, we will see you this Tuesday, when MWF’s April Air…ATTACK?! What the heck?

Suddenly, the entire battle field turned into one big area of darkness. But then, there appearing on the Titantron, was Tomzilla’s face. With his eyes mysteriously glowing red…

   Show Ends…