Saturday (Sunday) Horror #55

Tomzilla: Hello everyone! Welcome to MWF’s Saturday Horror #55! Wow, 55 shows…that is quite amazing. Brings a tear to my eye…

Montyzilla: Ah, suck it up!

Tomzilla: Oh yeah, you’re back. Yes fans, the one and only (Thank god) Montyzilla has returned! But there’s also a surprise fans! A new announcer/co-writer will join us right after this first match. So all I have to say is sit back and relax, and enjoy the best that Monster Wrestling offers.

Montyzilla: What about the “Protoss”? Aren’t you nervous about them?

Tomzilla: I was nervous went Godzilla went “exorcist” on us. But it seems this alien race may have advance technology, but they will fail. I mean, Godzilla won his match last week against “Zealot”! What makes you think they could win?

Montyzilla: Well, they said that Zealot wasn’t really their highest ranking warrior.

Tomzilla: True…Hmmmm…guess we’ll have to be on our guard. Well, let the show begin!

DinoDragonBoy: OK let’s say we get things off with a bang and what better way to do that than an all star red, white & blue match?

Tomzilla: We’re having a match for the British Title?

DinoDragonBoy: No!

Montyzilla: The French Title?

DinoDragonBoy: NO!

Montyzilla: Who are you anyway?

DinoDragonBoy: I’m DinoDragonBoy but you can call me DDB for short if you want.

Tomzilla: Works for me. Now what about the match?

DinoDragonBoy: OK, the red white & blue match I’m talking about involves two of the best know U.S. monsters the one and only KING KONG! And the American Godzilla or GINO!

Montyzilla: Sounds like a good one to me!

DinoDragonBoy: Let’s check it out.

What better battlefield for these two than Times Square in New York City? Both monsters feel this city is their new home. King Kong enters Times Square he senses something is not right but he sees nothing. Suddenly the pavement beneath him crumbles and is heaved up. Two massive claws dig into Kong’s back as Gino raises his mutated iguana- like head. King Kong roars in pain as the sharp talons dig into his back.

Gino is just about to chomp down on his opponent’s head when King Kong fires an elbow back and into the lizard’s throat! Gino lets out a squeal and falls to his back. Kong turns. Gino is right back up but Kong belts him in the nose with a mighty fist and kicks the underside of his chin making the head snap back. King Kong does a drop kick that slams Gino in the stomach. Gino is sent flying through the air and crashes into the buildings to the right. Gino is buried under a falling pile of brick, glass and stone. King Kong beats his chest in a victory cry.

But wait a minute! The pile of rubble is moving. Gino isn’t finished. He burrowed his way out and now is mad as hell. He leaps through the air and takes Kong totally by surprise as he rams a shoulder into him flattening his hairy butt! But King Kong grabs one of Gino’s forelimbs and hurls him off to the side. The big lizard skids over two city buses before slamming into another building threatening to make it fall all over him again. King Kong is really mad now and he charges forward. Gino gets up and shakes his head. He sees Kong’s charge just in time. Gino turns just at the last second showing the great ape nothing but long, pointed spikes. King Kong bellows out in terrible pain as one of Gino’s spikes stabs him deep in his chest! That’s got to hurt!

King Kong is backing up now clutching his wounded chest and spitting out blood! Gino is following right after him raking his claws across his torso. Kong is being sliced to bits as Gino’s wicked claws tear his hairy hide apart with blood spattering swipes. Gino then whips his tail around and smacks King Kong across the face and sends him flying into the giant teletron board that sits in the center of Times Square. The rain of sparks is so heavy you can’t even see that Kong is buried beneath it! There is nothing but small fires, smoke, sparks and wildly whipping electric lines. But King Kong is being filled with the electricity that makes him stronger. He stands up amid the rubble of the huge screen.

Gino roars at him and charges. King Kong sidesteps him and wraps him up in a side headlock. Gino is thrashing as Kong crushes his neck with one arm and pounds his head and face with his free fist. Gino is squealing in pain as blood flows out his nose and mouth! Kong then slams Gino’s head down in a DDT. He grabs one of the live electric cables that powered the massive TV screen. Sparks are coming out of the end of the cable and King Kong stuffs the live, sparking wire right into the ear hole in Gino’s head!

King Kong backs up and just watches as Gino’s body flops around as the thousands of volts course through him. All of a sudden…BOOM! Gino’s head just exploded like an over filled water balloon! Oh my…what a mess! Here is your winner…KING KONG!

Tomzilla: Wow! That was brutal!

DinoDragonBoy: Hey, you gotta be tough if you’re gonna make it in New York City.

Montyzilla: Guess that’s why they say, “if you can make it there you can make it anywhere!”

DinoDragonBoy: You got that right! Now that we’re off and running lets get right to the second match on tonight’s card. It features the offspring of one of the greatest Kaiju of all time Mothra. Tonight, it’s her son, MOTHRA LEO!  This evening he takes on that infamous crystalline sprouting space dragon SPACE GODZILLA!

Montyzilla: That sounds like an interesting match up.

DinoDragonBoy: Yeah, for my sake I hope it is. I really need this job!

Tomzilla: Come on! Get on with it! And remember, you’re still on probation and I’m taking notes!

DinoDragonBoy: Aye, aye Sir! Ok here we go! The battlefield morphs into the Sahara desert. High above the sand dunes there are two feint shapes that are growing larger as they approach from opposite directions. From the right Mothra Leo can be seen and on the left it’s none other than Space Godzilla in his mostly crystal form. Both are converging on each other. Space Godzilla feels he can win this battle with a quick victory. He speeds his flight and takes dead on aim at Mothra Leo. It looks like he’s going for the windshield and bug effect with him being the windshield and Mothra being...well…the bug!

But Mothra Leo evades at the last moment and fires all his beams at point blank range! A giant fireball engulfs the crystalline ball that is Space Godzilla in flight mode. He lets out a roar of surprise and pain as Leo’s head and leg beams blast his jagged spikes and send him hurtling toward the ground. WHAM! Space Godzilla hit the sand with incredible force and he made a crater so large he fell right into it. The loose sand filled in the hole and buried him. Mothra Leo lands nearby and chirps out loudly apparently it is he that got the quick win!

But, hold on just a moment! Something is happening. There are massive crystal spikes poking up through the sand. More and more are growing out as they are forming a circle or more exactly…a fortress! Now a great circular barrier of sharp crystal stalagmites has formed with several even larger ones in the center. And, arising in the middle of those is …Space Godzilla! He looks a little dazed from the fall and one of his big back crystals appears to be shattered but he looks pretty angry as well!

Mothra Leo is stunned at the appearance. Space Godzilla uses his telekinetic powers and makes a crystal grow right beneath Leo! He fells it coming just in time and takes flight. The crystals seem to be absorbing the suns rays. And here in the Sahara there is plenty of sunlight! Space Godzilla is powering up his heat beam and lets it loose. Mothra squeals as the ray singes the fuzz on his thorax. But Mothra Leo returns fire with all his beams again. He’s targeting the crystal growths not Space Godzilla himself.

Space Godzilla is furious that his hard work and energy source is being destroyed. Again using his psychic power he commands dozens of the crystals to detach from the sand and head at Leo like anti-aircraft missiles! Mothra Leo is taken b surprise again. He’s firing all his rays in many directions. Crystals are exploding all around him and he’s doing a good job dodging the ones he didn’t shoot down. Space Godzilla seems incredulous that this big bug is evading and he send forth more crystal missiles.

Again Leo shoots them down with deadly accuracy. But one just got through! Mothra Leo screams in pain as one of the sharp spikes just ripped through his lower abdomen. He’s going down like a shot down airplane. THUMP! Mothra Leo hit the sand with a heavy landing. Green blood and yellow…I don’t exactly know what it is oozing out of his sliced open abdomen. He’s really hurt bad as his cries will attest to. Space Godzilla is charging him now. Leo tries to take flight but SG is all over him. Space Godzilla is stomping down with his tremendous weight onto Leo’s back. Mothra Leo is squealing in agony, as his exoskeleton must be on the verge of breaking!

Now Space Godzilla reaches down and grabs hold of a wing. He’s trying to rip it off and seems to be really enjoying it too just like a nasty little kid ripping a wing off a fly! Leo is screaming in pain again but he swiveled his antenna and fires a blast that nails SG right in the eye. Space Godzilla roars in pain as his eyeball explodes in a puff of red spray. SG is staggering away now holding his face. Mothra Leo at last gets airborne again.

He grabs SG by the back of the head and lifts him into the air. Leo is taking him higher and higher and Space Godzilla is flailing away wildly. He gets hold of one of Leo’s legs and rips it right off! Green blood spurts from the body where the leg attached on and Leo screams out in pain. The good news for Space Godzilla is he’s free. The bad news is he’s free, and falling toward his own fortress! He landed right on top of the longest crystal spire! It punched right through his gut and out his back. Space Godzilla let out a loud scream of pain and tensed up his whole body then goes limp. He is D-E-A-D no doubt about it! Here is your winner…MOTHRA LEO!

Montyzilla: (Dabs a tear from his eye) Sniff, Sniff

DinoDragonBoy: What’s wrong with you?

Montyzilla: His mother would have been so proud!

DinoDragonBoy: Awe don’t cry. Something tells me she’s watching from that big cocoon up in the sky. Anyway those were my two matches. Hey Tomzilla?

Tomzilla: What?

DinoDragonBoy: Can I stay in the booth? I mean the chairs up here are so comfy.

Tomzilla: Why of course you can! You’ve done a great job so far! Anyways, let the show continue!

Backstage: Team Destroyer walked into a jungle like Locker room, where they came face to face with Dino Mania (T-Rex, Spinosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Gorosaurus). They reach an agreement to take Gigantis out…as in make sure he never comes back.


BAGAN             VS        GRAND GHIDORAH

Japan Title

In this match, we have two ultra powerful oppenents. Grand Ghidorah, versus Bagan, a monster that only Super Godzilla could defeat.  Grand Ghidorah's strength lies in brains, not braun though.  This'll be a close match.  Grand Ghidorah flies into the stadium, sneaking up on Bagan.  Grand Ghidorah fires 3 powerful blasts of fire, knocking Bagan off of his feet.  Bagan rolls over and fires a plasma beam from his mouth, which explodes on Grand Ghidrahs chest.  He does a barrel roll and falls onto the ground.  Grand Ghidorah fires several more fire balls, these stun Bagan.  Bagan leans over, and charges Grand Ghidorah trying to impale him with his horn.  Seeings as how Grand Ghidorah is 90 meters short, Grand Ghidorah easily aviods this attack.  Grand Ghidorah ducks, and rams Bagan, tripping him.  Grand Ghidorah flies as high as he can, barely avioding Bagan's plasma ray.  Bagan looks up, and tries to find Grand Ghidorah, but can't see him from the  clouds.  Bagan starts to wonder where Grand Ghidorah is, but can't seem to find him.  Bagan let's his mind wonder.  Grand Ghidorah homes in on Bagan's mind, using his mind control.  He's starting to make Bagan feel like he's doesn't want to fight anymore.  Bagan, influenced by Grand Ghidorah, gives the "Japan Title" to grand Ghidorah!


A favorite showa monster, Gigan, will be fighting against an unpopular heisei monster, Fire Rodan.  Fire Rodan looks up at the night sky, and sees a red crystal fly threw the sky.  Gigan has come to the arena!  Gigan explodes out of his shell, and dives towards Fire Rodan.  Fire Rodan flies up to intercept Gigan.  Gigan zeroes in on Fire Rodan, but is knocked backwards by a uranium heat ray.  Gigan's chest armor starts to glow a bright orange from the heat, and the circuts spark.  Fire Rodan dives, but Gigan is heavier, and catches up to Fire Rodan, and claws at Fire Rodan.  Fire Rodan is stabbed in the back by Gigan, no pun intended.  Blood explodes, and Gigan's visor is covered in gore.  Gigan can't see, and is forced to land. Gigan wipes the blood off his face, but he's now lost site of Fire Rodan.  A violent violet beam of light burns a whole in Gigans wing.  Gigan is now grounded!  With only one beam weapon, he doesn't stand much of a chance.  A rarely used laser that Gigan poses, will be used! It takes up a tremendous amount of energy, which is bad for a battery operated kaiju.  Gigan locks onto Fire Rodan, and shots a crimson laser.  Fire Rodan's left wing is greviously cut! Fire Rodan falls from the sky, and is smashes into the ground. When the dust settles, Fire Rodan, staggers to his feet.  Gigan rushes towards Fire Rodan, with a crackling war cry.  Fire Rodan, being physically weak on the ground, jumps left and right, trying to ovoid Gigans claws.  Gigan finally connects with an upper cut and Fire Rodan sails threw the sky.  Gigan tries to body slam a helpless Rodan with his chest saw, but Fire Rodans rolls out of the way.  Gigan's saw is stuck onto the ground!  Just like a tack on a bulliten board.  I've got news for Gigan, he's done for.  Fire Rodans heats up his uranium heat beam, and fries Gigan's circuts.

Dragoon     vs.     Varan

Another heated match against two arch rivals, the protoss and the kaiju of Japan.  The Dragoons are well rounded soldiers, as Varan is a well round triphibian.  The Dragoon fires his photon cannon at Varan, but because of its slow velocity, misses Varan.  Varan glides towards the dragoon, and knocks him over, right when the Dragoon fires.  The Dragoon is hurtled through the sky, and crashes hundreds of meters away and knocks out it's sheilds.  Varan laughs at the Dragoons trigger happy idiocy, but is soon silenced by a blast of photons.  Varan's smoking, but ok.  Varan kicks the Dragoon, and puts a dent the metal.  The Dragoon is now in trouble.  The Dragoon turns into a tricycle, and punches Varan, the metal spike impales Varan, but blood gushes out.  Varan stammers backwards, and is shot with another blast of photons.  The heat of the blast lacerates the wound, but Varan is badly hurt.  The triphibian takes to the skys, and ovoids several more blasts.  Varan flips around, and crashes underneath the Dragoon! The Dragoon can no longer shoot Varan.  Varan starts to violently tear out the Dragoons circutry with a vengence.  Sparks fly everywhere, and the Dragoon knows he doesn't have much time.  He uses  Varan's old trick against him!  He rolls onto his back, and fires!  The Dragoon and Varan hurtel through the sky!  Oh God!  The Dragoon crushes Varan when they both land.  It seems as if the Dragoon is the winner!


SuperDestroyer is yells in anger, "I can't beleive that Gigantis has returned! He was supposed to be gone for good, now you and I will never be a tag team." Space Destroyer nods his head in agreement, "Maybe if we come up with an idea, we could get rid of Gigantis." "No shit Einstien, why didn't I think of that, a plan!?!?!" Snaps back a pissed SuperDestroyer. "If you'll let me finish, I was going to say..." The two walk down the hallway and discuss how they'll get rid of Gigantis, once and for all....

Biokamitra        vs.     Leatherback

A match that was suppose to happen last week, but didn’t. Biokamitra, one of the most successful rising superstars of the MWF: Monster Wrestling Federation. Who is still undefeated – will take on Leatherback, another new creation who defeated Gevaudan! And now they will face off…let the battle begin!

Both monsters stood, facing the other in a city battle. The bell sounded off in the distance and this fight is underway! Biokamitra ran forward and slammed his front horns right into Leatherback’s gut! Leatherback’s painful cries echoed across the city! Leatherback raised his gigantic claws and sliced them across Biokamitra’s face. Biokamitra roared in anger, as 4 claw marks have now been formed across his face.

Leatherback wrapped his arms around Biokamitra’s throat, and tosses him into the side of a building. Biokamitra was quickly buried in rubble, and just as he attempted to rise to his feet, Leatherback’s dorsal spikes charged with energy and he fired a stream of atomic fire, which swooped across Biokamitra’s body. Biokamitra’s armor like skin was quickly scorched from the intense heat. Just as Leatherback ceased his attack, he stared at Biokamitra, wondering what will happen next. Steam rose from Biokamitra’s body! Biokamitra clutched his teeth and growled in anger. The demon like monster’s wings folded out and he ran towards the opposite direction. Biokamitra leaped into the air, with his wings expanded, and soared above the city.

Biokamitra flew towards Leatherback, releasing several burst of his “Kami Breath”. Leatherback was blown backwards into the side of a skyscraper. The skyscraper quickly tumbled on top of Leatherback’s body – now HE was buried in rubble. Just as Leatherback was able to brush off the rubble, and Biokamitra flew in and speared him to the ground. Biokamitra with the cover: 1…2! Biokamitra was thrown off of Leatherback just before the 3rd count could be applied. Leatherback was quickly on his feet, ran towards Biokamitra (who was trying to stand up), and pushed him up against a bridge. The bridge nearly gave way as Biokamitra slammed against it, but the structure remained intact. Biokamitra stared at Leatherback, who did the un-thinkable! Leatherback lifted Biokamitra in the air, lifted him up above his shoulders, and power bombed him right through the bridge, and against the hard concrete! Leatherback with the cover: 1…2…3! Biokamitra kicks out, but it’s too late. Leatherback has won the match!

Tomzilla: Wow! The winner of the match and still undefeated (Most likely because it’s his 2nd match)…LEATHERBACK!

Montyzilla: Not a bad fight, but in the end Biokamitra couldn’t pull it off.

DinoDragonBoy: Yeah, it was an exciting match. Anyways, from what I can conclude that our next fight is Megalon taking on Angilas! Should be an exciting fight…

Megalon    vs.    Angilas

Match starts off with Angilas walking through a desert like climate. Just as Angilas thought he had found his opponent, Megalon drills through the ground, right behind Angilas, and smacked his drills at the back of Angilas’ head. The mutated dinosaur howled in pain, as Megalon’s nasal horn charged with energy.

Angilas stood up on his hind legs, trying to snap at Megalon with his jaws. Megalon, however, had different plans. A burst of gravitational energy was released from the top of Megalon’s nasal horn, which detonated against Angilas’ chest. Angilas had no time to cry out in pain and was blown backwards – skidding across the desert, as smoke churned from his roasted flesh. Just as Angilas attempted to return the favor, Megalon was no where in sight. All that Angilas could see was a “hole”, which is now in the position of where Megalon once stood. Just as Angilas walked forward, a drill like arm burst from beneath the ground, and impaled Angilas’ injured chest! Megalon forced himself from beneath the ground, lifting Angilas in the air – with his drill! Megalon’s drill slowly began to penetrate Angilas’ skin…

Megalon decided it would be best and threw Angilas through the air. Angilas howled in rage as his body flew through the air, and then slammed against a stoned mountain. Angilas’ body slid down the side of the mountain and then hit head first against the rough ground. Megalon watched from the distance and released several burst of electrical energies from his nasal horn. The several burst of energies quickly struck Angilas with full capacity and the monster’s entire body was being electrified with dozens of bolts. Angilas tried to remain on his 4 legs, but the energy was too much…Angilas fell onto his gut, allowing Megalon to advanced forward – unopposed.

Megalon’s mouth opened up and he spit out a “Napalm Ball”, which fell on top of Angilas’ spiked back. Several seconds later, an explosion burst on top of the monster’s back, quickly blowing off half of his spikes. Angilas struggled to get up, but he couldn’t! Megalon advanced forward, preparing to fire another “Napalm Ball” – which he did. The “Napalm Ball” flew through the air, and just seconds before it hit Angilas, the monster used whatever energy he had let, got up, and smacked the napalm ball with his tail. Like a bat to a baseball, the napalm ball was sent back, flying through the air and then found its way inside Megalon’s mouth! Megalon tried to spit it out, but before he could…KABOOM! Smoke exhaust was breathed out of Megalon’s mouth, as the Seatopian Guardian froze while standing – then falling onto his back. Angilas ran forward, jumped high into the air, and then doing a front flip onto Megalon! Angilas with the cover: 1…2…3! Angilas is the winner of this fight!

Tomzilla: Nice job Angilas!

DinoDragonBoy: Wow, what a comeback.

Montyzilla: Indeed it was! I mean, Megalon was pounding Angilas into submission. Until his own move cost him the victory…whoa! Wait a second…

Tomzilla: What’s going on down there?!

Just as Angilas was walking towards the exit, Gigan comes out of no where and slashed the monster with his “hooked hammer” like claws. Angilas had no time to react, as Gigan quickly wrapped his claws around Angilas’ throat, and tried to push them together. Angilas soon saw everything go dark and breathing became harder. Just as Megalon advanced forward, preparing to assist in taking cheap shots on Angilas, an atomic blast seared through the air, and detonated across Megalon’s face. Megalon screamed in pain and slammed onto the ground. Gigantis ran forward and slammed his fist into Gigan’s ribcage – but the cyborg had other intentions on his mind. Particles of energy were absorbed into the cyborg’s forehead, and Gigan released a powerful laser beam! The laser quickly stunned Gigantis upon impact and as Gigantis tried to return fire, Gigan released his hold on Angilas, ran towards Gigantis, and close lined Gigantis with his hammer like claws. Just as Gigan was going too advanced upon Gigantis, Angilas ran forward – tackling Gigan’s legs from behind. This gave Gigantis enough time, to get up. As Gigan and Megalon rose to their feet, Gigantis’ atomic blast quickly put them back down. Looks like Gigantis saved Angilas’ life…no, it’s not over yet! Super & Space Destroyer comes onto the battle field, pummeling Gigantis left and right.

Angilas tried to help Gigantis, but now Titanosaurus & Gorosaurus are in his way. Soon Team Destroyer + Gigan pound Gigantis, as Dino Mania + Megalon wail on Angilas! Looks like now it’s all over…no wait a second, its not! Varan and Baragon come running out from the entrance, and both of them group tackles Super Destroyer to the ground. But right away, the other monsters assist Super Destroyer, and Varan/Baragon is added to the pummeling list. It’s 4 against 6!

Gigan: Hey Gigantis…hears a little challenge that I think you should have in mind! Next week, on a Saturday, on…um…what was the date again?

The cyborg shrugged as he turned towards Megalon and Team Destroyer.

Gigan: August 31st? Oh that’s MWF’s August Event… “August Battle Royal”! Lame name if you ask me. Anyways, Gigantis I suggest you, Angilas, Varan, and Baragon find two more allies. Cause we’re going to have little match…

Megalon: 6 vs. 6, a 12 Kaiju Tag Match!

Gigan: Until then, here’s something else to think over!

The cyborg rears his hammer claws up, and then slices them down through the air and right into Gigantis’ skull. Blood quickly spilled out of Gigantis’ penetrated skin, and the monster fell to his side. With that, Gigan/Megalon, Space/Super Destroyer, and Gorosaurus/Titanosaurus leave Gigantis/Angilas/Baragon/Varan lying in their own blood.

Tomzilla: My god! Can’t we all just work together…I feel sorry for those 4, but Varan more. The poor guy fought one of the Protoss’ warriors not so long ago and suffered a loss.

Montyzilla: I don’t understand it…

DinoDragonBoy: What don’t you understand?

Montyzilla: Well, I don’t understand…why aren’t the monsters helping Godzilla against the Protoss? I mean, where’s Gamera?!

Tomzilla: Good question. Well, looks like the show is over…see you next week fans – huh?! Oh not again…

Suddenly, a Protoss Carrier ship looms above Battle Island, the Protoss appear on the titan screen.

“We the Protoss are not finished yet. We are willing to test the one you call “Godzilla”, strength. We would like to issue a challenge to him…”

Godzilla suddenly comes out of the entrance and walked down the ramp. He then looks up at the carrier…

Godzilla: I accept your challenge.

“Very well…you, Godzilla, will take on 3 of our most powerful warriors! If you are able to win…then we, the Protoss, will leave this planet. Even though we wish to save it from humanity and Kaiju alike, we the Protoss will keep our word.”

Godzilla: Sounds good to me, so come on…let’s get this fight underway!

“Prepare yourself, Kaiju – the warriors that you’re about to face are far superior then the space invaders you’ve fought in the past. Ghidrah, Gigan, Mechagodzilla (Showa), and Spacegodzilla…they’re nothing compared to what you’re about to face!”

Godzilla                   vs.              High Templar    &   Dark Templar

The King of the Monsters stood at the bottom of a canyon region. Godzilla advanced forward, searching for these “warriors” of the Protoss. Godzilla looked up and saw two flashes of red glowing eyes…

Godzilla: You there…come and face me!

High Templar: So you are “Godzilla”…I am called a High Templar, and you will soon be at my mercy!

Godzilla: High Templar, huh? When I’m done with you…you will be a “Fried” Templar.

The High Templar suddenly jumped from the top of the canyon and onto the level, in which Godzilla himself was on. Godzilla’s dorsal spikes charged with nuclear energy, and the Daikaiju released a powerful stream of power! The High Templar jumped out of the way, just as the Nuclear Blast seared past his body, and made its mark on the side of the canyon. Just as Godzilla was going to attack once again, the High Templar triggered his “Psychotic Storm” attack, and soon psychotic energies enveloped Godzilla’s entire body! Godzilla’s painful cries echoed across the canyon area and then he stumbled backwards, and slammed into the side of the canyon.

As Godzilla rose to his feet, smoke churned from his roasted flesh. The High Templar prepared his psychic energies for another “Psychotic Storm” assault. Just as the High Templar prepared for the attack, Godzilla’s Nuclear Blast leaped from Godzilla’s mouth, and blasted the High Templar off his feet and into the side of the canyon. Godzilla advanced forward, charging up for his most powerful attack – his Spiral Blast. Red bolts of energy danced along the edges of Godzilla’s spines, as the monster prepared to destroy the Protoss warrior once and for all. Until suddenly the High Templar used his “Hallucination” technique, and Godzilla soon was faced by – Godzilla?! Godzilla stared at an exact replica of himself, only its color was gold. The golden Godzilla suddenly close lined the real Godzilla to the ground and soon the gold monster started kicking the fallen Godzilla in the head.

Just as Godzilla fired a very powerful nuclear blast, the golden Godzilla disappeared. Godzilla then was once again going to attack the High Templar, until the other “Templar” showed himself. Godzilla sensed another being in the area, but could not see it. It was too late when Godzilla noticed – the unit was cloaked! The razor sharp blade of the Dark Templar slashed across Godzilla’s chest, causing the mighty beast to cry out in pain. Godzilla then fired his nuclear blast and turned his head in a 300 degree angle, quickly causing an area around him to burst into nuclear flames. The Dark Templar jumped high into the air, avoiding Godzilla’s attack. The Dark Templar came down and kicked Godzilla across the face, causing the monster to fall onto his side. The Dark Templar once again jumped high into the air, raised his blade forward, and as he came down he sliced the sword through the air, puncturing Godzilla’s ribcage! Godzilla’s bloodshot eyes widen and his painful cries echoed across the canyon area. The Dark Templar jumped out of the way, as the High Templar used his “Psychotic Storm”, which quickly rendered Godzilla into a comma like state. Both “Templars” advanced forward, preparing to finish the monster off.


Montyzilla: Come on man, don’t let them beat you!

DinoDragonBoy: Godzilla, you’re the King of the Monsters! Make those Templars realize that you’re not the one to mess with!

The fans chanted Godzilla’s name. Just as the Dark Templar raised his sword, Godzilla’s eyes flickered open – glowing with nuclear energy. Both Templars were soon enveloped in a gigantic nuclear pulse, a pulse so powerful that even the canyon area was quickly destroyed by this powerful attack! When the smoke cleared there, Godzilla stood, waving his arms in victory. The former cloaked body of the Dark Templar appeared, scorched by Godzilla’s powerful attack. The High Templar, on the other hand, was vaporized by the attack. Godzilla has finally defeated two warriors of the Protoss Elite!

Tomzilla: The winner of this fight, the King of the Monsters! GODZILLA!

“So, Godzilla…you have defeated two of our mightiest warriors. Impressive…”

Godzilla: Damn right I’m impressive. Bring on your 3rd warrior, I’m ready to destroy him as well and send you packing!

“Godzilla, even if those two Templars were one of our finest warriors, they’re power is nothing compared to our most powerful warrior! Prepare yourself, Monster, for this warrior will defeat you once and for all.”

Godzilla: If I can handle Destroyer, Bagan, and the “Destructive God” of a copy of me, I think I can defeat whoever you’re blabbing about.

“Godzilla, you have much to learn. When we created the “Destructive God”, we were not trying to destroy the planet. At first, we were only against humanity. We tried to make him to replace you and lead the Daikaiju Race and wiping out all of mankind, so we can occupy this planet…so we could save this planet! But it seemed he had other agenda’s…thank you for destroying him. But now Godzilla, you stand in our way once again. It’s time for you to be destroyed!”

Tomzilla: What?! You’re the ones who gave birth to the Destructive God himself?! The ones who actually took control of my mind as well?!

“Well…yes. That part was an accident; we were only trying to make a human who was far more intelligent then his other species. But well, we failed at doing that.”

Tomzilla: WHAT?!

Godzilla: Bring on this final warrior of yours! Quit bluffing and show me what you’ve got.

“Behold, Godzilla, behold the might and power of…ARCHON!”

Godzilla   vs.   Archon

The canyon area quickly changed to a city. Godzilla stood between two skyscrapers and prepared himself for a fight that he’ll never forget. Suddenly a bright glister glow shined brightly only a few miles away. It was then that the mighty Archon showed himself. Godzilla stared at what it appeared to be a powerful being, at that. Archon was probably the size of Bagan!

Godzilla (to himself): Let’s see what he’s got…

The dorsal spikes along Godzilla’s back, charged with nuclear energy and then a nuclear blast leaped from Godzilla’s mouth, and seared through the air – hitting Archon with full force! But the nuclear blast seemed to bounce off Archon and explode on top of a few buildings instead! Godzilla roared in anger and ran forward, the earth shook beneath him as he charged forth. Just as Godzilla was only a few feet away from Archon, Arch shifted his hands forward – expelling a power Psychotic Beam! Archon’s powerful psychic attack sent Godzilla flying through the air and several skyscrapers! As Godzilla stumbled to his feet, Archon quickly hovered himself towards the King of the Monsters, and without even touching him, Godzilla was once again sent flying through the air – slamming into several more buildings!

Archon hovered only 600 hundred feet away from the fallen Godzilla, stuck his hands forward, expelling another stream of “Psychotic Energy”! Godzilla’s entire body was soon enveloped by the powerful blast, and soon the area of where Godzilla once laid was blinded by a huge explosion! The explosion was so loud, that even monsters from “Monster Island” could hear it! But what was more frightening, is Godzilla’s painful cries were even louder! Archon moved forward and placed his hands on Godzilla’s burst corpse, and pinned: 1…2…3! Oh my “Godzilla”, Godzilla has lost the match!

Tomzilla: No!

Montyzilla: Well, looks like the Protoss are staying…damn it!

DinoDragonBoy: If Godzilla can’t stop Archon, then who can?

Tomzilla: Super Godzilla…Godzilla can still become Super Godzilla!

Montyzilla: But he’s too weak to do that now!

Tomzilla True…

Archon looked down at Godzilla, who was barely moving. Just as Archon was preparing to finish of the magnificent beast, a Plasma Fireball flew through the air and detonated against Archon’s energy like form! Archon halted his assault on Godzilla and looked up at the sky. Flying across the sky, was the Guardian of the Universe himself – Gamera! Gamera’s signature cry echoed in the minds of all those who heard him. Gamera flew down next to Godzilla and landed. Just before Archon was going to attack both monsters, another familiar sound could be heard. Mothra Leo flapped his wings and soared passed Archon and now he and Gamera were on opposite sides of Godzilla. Dragoon, Dark Templar, and High Templar suddenly were warped at Archon’s side. But it was 4 against 3…could 3 of the most powerful monsters take on 4 of the greatest warriors of the universe? That question was left un-answered as another monster came to Godzilla’s aid. Probably someone who nobody would’ve expected…a monster that Godzilla had faced many times in the past, in yet it seemed he will ally the King of the Monsters! To Archon’s and even the Protoss’ surprise, BAGAN came to Godzilla’s aid. The 4 faced off, leaving a question on everyone’s mind…on August 31st, it appeared the name “August Battle Royal” did make sense. For it seemed like the most powerful monsters are going to take on the most powerful warriors…in a huge, climatic battle!

Be here in two weeks, to witness it…

Tomzilla: Wow – well, this is Tomzilla…

Montyzilla: Montyzilla…

DinoDragonBoy: And DinoDragonBoy…

Tomzilla: Saying we’ll see you fans, in two weeks…