Saturday Horror #57

Tomzilla: Hello fans and welcome to another exciting edition of MWF’s “Saturday Horror”!

Montyzilla: And don’t forget about us!

DinoDragonBoy: How could they not? We’re the co-announcers/workers!

Tomzilla: Yeah…right. Anyways, let’s get the show rolling.

Montyzilla: Aren’t you worried?

Tomzilla: Worried? Why would I be worried?

Montyzilla: The ZERG are coming…

Tomzilla: We defeated the Protoss and they have mentioned that they will help us. Why should we worry?

DinoDragonBoy: Because we’ll see one of the Zerg face off against Godzilla and Mothra Leo later tonight. Anyways, let’s begin!

Tomzilla: May I remind you all, it’s a new era everyone! All the titles will be fought for right here tonight…meaning, this will be possibly one of the BIGGEST Saturday Horrors of all time.

DinoDragonBoy: OK Kaiju wrestling fans. We have one hell of a good match up here. It’s for the MWF Hardcore Title! Lets not puts around and get right to the action cause I have a feeling there will plenty of it. The battlefield morphs into downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

Tomzilla: Cleveland, Ohio???

DinoDragonBoy: Hey I down pick em I just announce em.

Gabara    vs.    Yonggary

Hardcore Title

Out of the murky waters of Lake Erie comes…YONGGARY! And approaching through the downtown area smashing skyscrapers as he goes is…GABARA! Folks Gabara has been in action the past few cards here on MWF. He got his butt whooped good & hard last week by Iris as he challenged for the HW Title. But the green ogre is nothing if not relentless. He wants a title he thinks he deserves one. Only time will tell if he’s actually good enough to get one. Yonggary is not the type to go down easy. Indeed he’s about as hardcore as they come. This should be a great match.

Both creatures roar their dislike at the other. Yonggary wastes no time and fires a blasting fireball from his mouth. Gabara dodges just in time and charges forward. Yonggary rushes out to meet him. The two massive beasts collide in the dockyards where the huge Great Lake freighters stop. Gabara hits Yonggary across the side of the head with a big fist but the blow hardly even stuns the monster. Yonggary drives a fist of his own into Gabara’s head that knocks the green monster on his back. Yonggary is all over him like a new suit. He dives on him ripping and slashing with his wicked claws and biting with his razor sharp teeth. Gabara is roaring in pain as Yonggary opens wounds all over his body. Gabara finally gets his feet in between them and shoves his attacker off. Yonggary goes sailing back and crushes into a big freighter busting it right in two. He gets back up though and boy does he look angry. Yonggary charges back and Gabara holds his ground. And waits till just the right moment before grabbing Yonggary’s arm and side hip tossing him across and into another cargo ship.

Gabara cackles with glee as he’s beating the Champ. But Yonggary gets right back up and charges again. Gabara again waits till just the right moment and…Wow! Yonggary guessed the move that time and rammed a clawed foot right into Gabara’s chest. The blow crunched some ribs and Gabara is screaming in pain as he’s sent crashing into the lake’s water. Yonggary plunges into the water after him. And they disappear beneath the murky depths. The water is a churning mass of white foam and bubbles. But all of a sudden that foam is turning pink. No, wait a minute its flat out red now. One or both of them must be grievously wounded. Now emerging from the water is Yonggary and he’s got Gabara locked in his jaws as he has his fore claws dug into the green skin. Gabara is cut to ribbons. Looks like his bid for this title is out the window too. Yonggary throws his victim across the docks and crashing through a loading terminal. Gabara is a bloody mess lying amid a heap of smashed docks and fallen loading cranes. He’s bleeding from all over and panting hard. Yonggary goes in for the kill.

In desperation Gabara grabs one of the massive downed cranes. He swings it around and bashes Yonggary upside the head. The Champ really felt that one and is sent reeling. Gabara looks whipped but goes after him swinging the steel crane like a baseball bat. WHACK! A blow to the right side of the head. WHACK! A return blow to the left and the champ is staggering! Gabara now cocks his makeshift bat back and swings a powerful uppercut hit to the chin and Yonggary smashes right through the side of Cleveland Browns Stadium. Well there goes the Browns season!

Montyzilla: You say that like they were going to have had one.

DinoDragonBoy: You’re right. What was I thinking? Of course they didn’t! Silly me!

Yonggary lands right at midfield on his back. His head is split open in several places and he looks dazed and confused. Gabara doesn’t look much better but he’s still holding the metal crane with both hands and now he’s sending his electrical energy through it. He dives on Yonggary’s chest and presses the now electrified crane across the throat. Yonggary is being strangled and electrocuted! And the Champ is thrashing his tail and hind legs as he writhes in agony. He can’t scream cause he’s being choked. Gabara reaches back for one final push and presses the steel into Yonggary’s throat as hard as he can. There is a feint squishing noise, as Yonggary’s throat is totally crushed. His tail extends straight out behind him and quivers before falling like a dead snake to the stadium turf. Yonggary is dead! Here is your winner and new MWF Hardcore Champion…GABARA!

Tomzilla: Whoa, a new Hardcore Champion!

DinoDragonBoy: I think Gabara made believers out of a lot of viewers. Count me as one. I never thought Gabara had it in him to get a win this big. So I’m giving credit where it’s due. Way to go Gabara!


Titanosaurus and Gorosaurus walk over to their friends Megalon and Gigan. The latter two have a crucial tag match coming up with Gigantis and Angilas.

Gorosaurus: Listen, we just want you guys to know that whatever happens those two will not be walking out under their own power tonight.

Titanosaurus just nods in agreement. These two both hate Gigantis and Angilas. They want nothing more than to see Megalon and Gigan beat them to bloody pulps.

Megalon: Thanks guys! We knew we could count on you.

Gigan: Ditto that for me. But if all goes according to plan we won’t even need you guys.

Gigan fires up the buzz saw in his stomach and clanks his razor sharp hook arms together while Megalon rubs his drill-like arms together creating a metallic grating sound. All four Kaiju begin to laugh, lightly at first. Then the slight giggles grow to an almost maniacal eruption of evil laughter.

DinoDragonBoy: OK are you all ready for this one. I have to tell you I’ve been eagerly waiting for this one myself. This has got to be one of the best tag team events we’ve seen in a while with two powerhouse teams of Kaiju. Lets take a look at the battlefield.

Gigantis    &    Angilas        vs.        Megalon     &     Gigan

Tag Titles

The combat zone is going to be the California desert. There is nothing but sand and lots and lots of rocks. There is a large rocky mountain flanking opposing sides of the combat zone. And into the clearing entering from the right comes the team of GIGANTIS and ANGILAS! And boy what a reception they get! They high five each other as their opponents approach from the other side. MEGALON and GIGAN take one look at their opponents and all four rush at each other. Let me tell you there is no love loss here!

Gigantis lets loose with a blast of atomic fire and bathes Megalon in it. The guardian of Seatopia get knocked flat on his back with his whole body singed and smoking. And Angilas clamps down onto Gigan’s leg with his powerful fangs. The cyborg lets out a cry as Angilas draws blood. Gigan is hammering down with all his might but his hook arms do nothing against the spiked carapace of the quadruped Kaiju

Now Gigantis comes in behind Gigan and grabs his arms pinning them behind his back. Angilas moves a short distance away and raises his tail and wiggles it like a baseball bat. Gigantis knows what his friend wants. Here’s the wind up…and the pitch! Gigantis tosses Gigan toward his partner. Angilas brings his spike laden tail back and then whips it around with incredible power! WHAM! His tail connects hard with Gigan’s side and the many points gash open bleeding wounds all across the cyborg’s right side. Gigan lets out a squeal of pain as he’s sent flying through the air. He comes crashing to the rocks and gets up shaking his head.

Now Megalon gets back into the action and fires a napalm bomb that explodes against the back of Gigantis. He turns and is nailed by a blast of energy from Megalon’s nasal horn. Gigantis looks more pissed off than hurt and he charges in grabbing one of Megalon’s dill tipped arms. He twists it back and flips Megalon to his back. Angilas does a big drop with his front feet and slams the beast across the back of the head. He then gets up to his hind legs.

Gigan charges Angilas from the rear but Gigantis warns his partner. Angilas spins and catches Gigan. But Gigan looks like he’s powering up the red jewel in his forehead for a shot. But Angilas rams his nose horn into it cracking the gem. Gigan howls out in pain.

Gigantis and Angilas each have control of their respective opponents and they give a knowing nod to each other. Both run forward at top speed with their prisoners out in front. SPLAT! Oh wow! They just slammed Gigan and Megalon into each other with incredible force. They let go and Megalon and Gigan stand up right for a moment with dazed looks, they then they both fall over to their backs. Gigantis and Angilas go for dual pins. “One! Two! Three!” its over! Here are your winners…GIGANTIS AND ANGILAS!

But wait! Charging the battle zone is GOROSAURUS and TITANOSAURUS! Titanosaurus drops Angilas with a clothesline to the back of the head while Gorosaurus lays in a drop kick to the back of Gigantis. They close back on the stunned match winners and Titanosaurus pulls Angilas up and rams a mighty punch into the underside of the chin. He fires a few more into the throat and Angilas can hardly breath.

Now Gorosaurus has Gigantis. The Monster king shakes his head and Gorosaurus spins around. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! He’s taking powerful blows across the face from Goro’s whipping tail. Gigantis’s head is a bloody mess now and Goro charges in with his devastating drop kick! He slams a beauty right into the chest and Gigantis is sent flying through the air and slams into the rocky cliff side. A big boulder drops right on top of his head and Gigantis looks to be almost out of it. Gorosaurus goes in to pull him up as Titanosaurus holds Angilas locked up tight.

Now Megalon and Gigan are back into the fray. Gorosaurus has Gigantis held with arms behind his back and holds him out to Megalon like an offering to the Seatopian god. Gigantis’s mouth begins to glow as he’s getting ready to breath his fiery breath but Megalon fires a napalm bomb that drops right into the mouth detonating inside it! The atomic fire is extinguished and blood roars out of Gigantis’s mouth. Megalon clanks his sharp drill arms together and starts punching them into Gigantis’s hide! Megalon is teeing off on him like he’s a big punching bag and each punch puts a deep puncture into the Monster king’s chest and belly. Gigantis is actually squealing in pain as his pierced over and over!

And across the field Angilas is not fairing much better. Gigan revs up his buzz saw and signals he wants Titanosaurus to throw his enemy. Titanosaurus Irish whips Angilas and Gigan catches the quadruped in a belly to belly suplex not good for Angilas cause you know what that means! Gigan powers his stomach saw to life. Folks if you have a weak stomach you may not want to watch this. A huge spray of red gore shoots up from between them!  Angilas shudders and screams as the saw slices its way through his soft underbelly.

Across the field Megalon gives one last punch and his drill stabs Gigantis right through the chest. Gorosaurus then choke slams the King down. Now Titanosaurus has the dripping body of Angilas high overhead and he slams the spiky carapace right down on top of Gigantis. Angilas slowly rolls off his partner. There’s hardly a place on the body of Gigantis that does not have a stab wound and Angilas has a massive slit in his belly. Body parts never meant to see daylight are literally strewn all over the ground. Lets check the life signs. They are still alive but barely.

Megalon & Gigan and Titanosaurus & Gorosaurus exchange congratulations. They’re obviously pleased with themselves. They exit and leave Gigantis and Angilas lying in a pool of their own blood.

Montyzilla: Man! Talk about brutal! Gigantis and Angilas are lucky to still be breathing after that.

DinoDragonBoy: Something tells me that Megalon, Gigan, Titanosaurus and Gorosaurus are going to wish they had finished them off. I sure wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when Gigantis and Angilas recover.

Tomzilla: Ditto that for me. What’s next?

DinoDragonBoy: Next we have the battle for the Big Kaiju Title with Champ Biollante taking on challenger Legion. Let’s check it out!

Biollante         vs.         Legion

Big Kaiju Title

The battlefield alters into a huge open wheat field. There’s nothing to be seen for miles around over the flat landscape except farmland. And rising up out of the crops is …BIOLLANTE! The gigantic mutated plant rises to her full height and extends her deadly vines in all directions and lets out a cry to signify she is ready to take on any challengers. And she doesn’t have to wait long because swooping in on her from the sky is…LEGION!

He lands not far from her and screams his dislike. But his voice is quickly silenced as many spiked vines that break through the ground beneath him grab him from below. Legion is tipped over and the deadly arms of his vegetable opponent snake their way up his body and encircle his neck! But Legion is fighting back now. He’s firing his concussion beam from his horn and is blasting the vines from him. Broken tentacles are spurting green sap as they recoil in pain.

Legion is up now and charges her. He slams into her and begins tearing away at the body of the champ. Biollante is not the quickest reacting of the Kaiju and Legion has ripped a big hole in her side before she launches another series of spiked vines at him. And this time there is more than double the grasping tentacles as before. Legion is quickly engulfed in the crushing coils. The ends of the vines have fang filled mouths and they begin to rip into Legion. He has a tremendously tough exoskeleton but slowly but surely the tiny mouths are breaking through it.

Legion powers back up his horn and goes for the escape. It worked the last time. He fires and a few vines are blasted in half. But he’s still led by dozens more. He goes to fire again but wait! Biollante just spewed out a huge glut of sticky acidic sap that covered his beam firing horn. Legion is wailing in pain as his energy horn slowly dissolves under the powerful plant acid. Wow! Things look pretty grim for Legion. Biollante is not the champ for nothing.  And now she sends another vine that spears right into his chest! His chest splits wide open and out pour the swarm of small soldier Legions. Biollante inadvertently released Legion’s most powerful weapon.

The mini Legionnaires immediately set to work on Biollante hacking away at the vines holding their master. One by one they are ripped off. And another squad of them is attacking the trunk of the plant while still more crawl into her body through the hole Legion ripped in her side earlier. Biollante suddenly releases her hold and Legion stands up. She begins to shake all over and throws her head back in an agonizing scream as the tiny life forms rip her apart from the inside out!

It looks like Legion is summoning his army back as they pour our of Biollante’s body making little exit wounds as they do. Biollante is thrashing around with untold damage done to her insides. Legion has recovered all his soldiers and darts forward with his laser whips going and leaps at her. He slashed through her body with those whips like a farmer would cut down a big ole weed with a scythe. Stick a fork in Biollante cause she is done folks! Here is your winner and new Big Kaiju Champion…LEGION!

Montyzilla: Legion came through with an impressive one there.

DinoDragonBoy: Sure enough but we still have more action! And it’s for the U.S. Title! And what two better combatants for this one than KING KONG and the American Godzilla or GINO!

GINO           vs.      King Kong

US Title

The battlefield changes to a South Pacific tropical island. Both monsters should feel right at home here as this is the sort of place they came from. In a clearing of the thick rain forest King Kong enters from the right and Gino comes in from the left. King Kong beats his massive, muscular chest and roars that he is master of this place. Gino lets loose with a bellowing snarl that says, ‘he could not care less about Kong’s posturing’. The two rush each other. Gino has incredibly sharp claws and wickedly sharp teeth and he brings them to action as he grabs King Kong’s shoulder with one claw while sinking his teeth into the lower right portion of the ape’s abdomen. Kong roars in pain as his blood begins to flow. He thumps down hard on Gino’s head with powerful fists. But Gino refuses to let go. King Kong grabs Gino by the neck and lifts the rest of the giant lizard off the ground only to slam it back to earth with a ground shaking crash. But Gino is like a ferocious pit bull and will not let loose his fangs from Kong’s side. King Kong hammers a few more times into the head then he jabs a finger right through Gino’s eyeball. Gino lets loose and throws his head back in terrible pain as red juice squirts out of the hole where a moment before his eyeball was.

When Gino threw his head back King Kong took full advantage and sent a powerful jab to the throat. Gino began to choke and Kong kicked him hard in his soft underbelly. Gino went flipping over to his back thrashing and squealing. King Kong was right on top of him though and slammed a series of brutal fists to the dragon’s guts. Finally Gino swung a leg around and a clawed foot raked Kong’s chest and knocked him off. King Kong roared in pain and looked down at the three deep gashes weeping red blood across his muscular pectoral. But the ape King doesn’t have time to think long because Gino roars at him and his roar turns into a sweeping arch of fire. The orange flames sweep across King Kong’s body and singe his fur and burn his skin. King Kong roars in pain as he tries to escape the torment of the dragon’s fire.

But as King Kong staggers away reeling in pain Gino chases right after him. He jumps and lands on Kong’s back and digs his talons deep into the hairy body. Kong more moans than roars his pain now as Gino is ripping and slashing him to pieces. Gino flips King Kong over to his back and Kong is laid out spread eagle arms overhead. It looks like he’s reaching back for something with his hands but I can’t see exactly. Gino straddles him and opens his huge, fang filled maw. He lets loose with a fierce roar and prepares to finish off his opponent with a final bite to the throat. But just as he lowers his mouth King Kong brings his arms forward. He caught hold of a large boulder and he just stuffed it into the dragon’s mouth. Gino’s teeth go flying all over the place as the huge rock is shoved into the gaping maw. Gino is backing up shaking his head back and forth like crazy trying to dislodge the massive boulder but isn’t having much success. King Kong, battered, bloody and weary stands up and walks over to him. He pulls Gino’s head up so they look at each other face to face for a second. Then King Kong sends in a mighty hand forward and jams the rock clear down Gino’s throat!

Gino falls over to his back with his legs and tail whipping around wildly. He can’t scream obviously as there is a huge bulge right in the middle of his neck. He can’t breath either and King Kong wins the match in a sudden come back. Gino’s thrashing stops… mercifully as he falls limp and lifeless. Here is your winner and U.S. CHAMPION…KING KONG!

When they first appeared in the MWF, the “Monster Wrestling Federation” was filled with RAGE!

Now, they are coming back…

Back to the MWF…

Beware – for there will be nothing but RAGE to be the outcome!

Tomzilla: Now, I’m sure everyone remembers “G2K”, who lost in the fight between “Godzilla and Gigantis”. As many of you know, the winner of the MWF 2002 “March Monster Madness” battle royal will forever be gone from the MWF. But…that doesn’t mean “Millennium Godzilla” will never return! You heard it folks, G2K is gone – but GxM Godzilla is here!!! Who will either be known as “GxM” or “Millennium Godzilla”! Since Spacegodzilla was the last Japan Champion, he has another shot at it and against Millennium Godzilla…and a mystery opponent. Let’s go to “Battle Island”, where a huge climatic showdown will be fought.

GxM        vs.       Spacegodzilla        vs.       Sachiel

Japan Title

GxM’s feet slammed into the ground, quickly rattling the entire city. GxM released a loud millennium like roar, which echoed across the city. His cry was answered by Spacegodzilla, whom was flying through the air and landed not far away. Both monsters prepared for combat, until the wicked “Angel” SACHIEL came forth from behind a pair of skyscrapers. Spacegodzilla and GxM stared at Sachiel, who released a loud groan, which shook even the ground beneath the 2 Kaiju.

GxM’s dorsal spikes charged with energy and a bright orange glow was emitted from inside GxM’s mouth. Sachiel ran towards GxM, just as a powerful “Atom Ray” blasted from GxM’s mouth right towards Sachiel. The ground beneath the ray quickly was scorched, even without being touched by the powerful beam. Windows on all the buildings shattered or melted from the intense heat. Sachiel was hit dead on by the powerful blast and was knocked backwards, right through several skyscrapers. The Angel was quickly covered by rubble and showed no signs of movement.

While GxM was distracted, Spacegodzilla charged up his “Corona Ray”, and quickly blasted GxM in the abdomen with his “Corona Ray”, quickly causing the Millennium Godzilla to slam into the ground, with smoke rising from his charcoaled skin. Spacegodzilla then used his “telekinesis”, lifted GxM’s body in the air, and then slammed it repeatedly against the ground. Just as Spacegodzilla released his own, GxM got up and charged towards Spacegodzilla, but was quickly slammed back by the 120 meter space monster. GxM was only 55 meters – way smaller then Spacegodzilla. A powerful burst of energy was blasted from Spacegodzilla’s body – a concussion ray! GxM felt the energies run through his entire body, quickly blasting him back from the assault and slamming into the side of the skyscraper. GxM’s disturbance quickly caused the massive building to tumble and slam on top of GxM. Spacegodzilla thought he had won, until Sachiel’s energy blast, blasted him off his feet – sending Spacegodzilla flying several miles away, slamming through 20 buildings repeatedly. Spacegodzilla’s skin had been badly scorched by the “Angel’s” attack.

Sachiel turned to see GxM rising from the rubble…Sachiel ran forward, making his biceps and arms much larger then they usually are. Sachiel began to punch GxM repeatedly across the face, until placing his right hand over GxM’s chest. GxM snarled and waited for what the Angel planned on doing. Suddenly, a long energy blade sliced out of Sachiel’s hand, quickly slicing a hole right through GxM’s body! GxM cried out in pain, quickly charging up his energy ray, and blasted Sachiel back – causing the Angel to stumble back. Before Sachiel could attack, he ran forward, only to get his legs wrapped up by GxM’s tail. GxM roared in pleasure and pulled his tail towards him, causing Sachiel to fall on his back. The concrete beneath Sachiel was crushed by the Angel’s massive weight.

GxM then swung his tail across the ground, quickly slamming Sachiel into buildings along the way – head first. Finally, Sachiel released himself from GxM’s grasp, and stood before GxM. GxM charged forward, only to be blocked by Sachiel’s AT-Field! GxM tried to break it with his claws and strength, but it was no use. GxM’s dorsal spikes charged with energy and Godzilla of the Millennium released his powerful “Atom Ray”! The ray collided against the AT-Field, quickly making the entire city blinded by the blazing light. When GxM turned his energy ray off, Sachiel’s AT-Field was still up. Sachiel stood there, taunting GxM. But then, Spacegodzilla came up from behind Sachiel, and quickly rolled the Angel on his back for a cover: 1…2! Sachiel is able to kick out. Sachiel began to repeatedly slam his fist against Spacegodzilla’s jaw, but the Space Monster returned the gesture, and both creatures exchanged blows. But Sachiel had lowered his AT-Field and GxM walked forward. Just as both Spacegodzilla and Sachiel turned towards GxM, GxM jumped high into the air and “Millennium Slammed” both of them for the cover: 1…2…3! GxM is the NEW Japan Champion!

GxM rises to his feet, releasing a loud victory roar! As Spacegodzilla and Sachiel leave, GxM is rewarded with the Japan Title, with Gamera’s face in the center of the belt (As a remembrance to the first Japan Champion, Gamera). GxM wrapped it around his waist and fires his “Atom Ray” into the air. Suddenly, an ice breath flings through the air, and quickly freezes GxM’s entire lower body! GxM grunts and sees…BLIZZARD!  

The Millennium Godzilla roars in anger, as a member of “Primal Rage” has attacked the new Japan Champion. Before GxM could attack, Chaos appeared behind GxM, and slammed a double axe handle (Combined fist attack), against GxM’s neck! GxM quickly was knocked out and fell face first into the ground. While GxM’s radiation began to un-thaw GxM’s lower body, both Blizzard and Chaos began to beat GxM’s upper body with their fist and kick assaults. Blizzard did a “Mega-Punch” to GxM’s ribcage, quickly causing the Godzilla of the Millennium to wake up, screaming in agony.

When GxM’s radiation melted the ice, GxM rose to his feet – filled with anger and vengeance. As GxM powered up his “Atom Ray”, Sauron’s “Primal Scream” seared through the air and knocked GxM off his feet. GxM fell towards the ground, his head slamming into the side of the building, and falling towards the ground – while his heading was falling through concrete! As GxM lifted him from the ground, Vertigo came up – her snake like head/neck stared into GxM’s eyes, before she laughed at him. Vertigo quickly bit GxM in the neck, injecting her lethal poison into him. Vertigo spit out her “Acid Sap” over GxM’s face – the acid ran down his face, quickly melting his skin! GxM cried out in pain…the carnage has only just begun!

Suddenly, Armadon came out of the ground and ran towards GxM, who was blinded by Vertigo’s acid sap. Armadon slammed his nasal horn right into GxM’s chest, quickly penetrating his skin…as GxM roared in pain, trying to see his attacker(s), Armadon jumped into the air, twirling in circles, and smacking his club tail against GxM’s jaw! Quickly breaking it instantly…GxM fell backwards, his long spikes sliced through the ground, and GxM laid on his back. Talon, the vicious god-like raptor, jumped on top of GxM’s gut, slashing his talons/claws through Millennium Godzilla’s chest, drawing more blood! Diablo, the red tyrant came up and clamped his jaws around GxM’s throat, crushing it with his powerful jaws – while breathing his diabolical flames, which scorched GxM’s entire neck real badly. All the 7 “gods” cleared and as GxM was barely able to rise to his feet, Slashfang came up to GxM. GxM was still blinded, thanks to Vertigo and he was blooding profusely from the other “gods” assaults. Slashfang slashed his claws across GxM’s chest, quickly leaving bloody claw marks. Slashfang then snapped his mouth (With two LARGE fangs) over GxM’s already wounded neck, quickly crushing it.

“Primal Rage” has indeed caused RAGE…to the new and debuting Japan Champion, Millennium Godzilla.

Tomzilla: Wow… “Primal Rage” has returned!

DinoDragonBoy: Damn! They live up to their name…

Montyzilla: They just – pounded the new Japan Champion. Poor Millennium Godzilla!

Tomzilla: And what surprised me more, was Sachiel was competing for the title…I hope the rest of the Angels don’t return and try to takeover.

Montyzilla: Of course, it’s alright if they’re here to compete.

Tomzilla: Yeah, but to takeover – please! We have enough of that…we already had to face them, Zigra, Bagan, Protoss, the Destructive God, and soon the Zerg…

Leatherback    vs.     Godjira

Mutation Title

Fight starts off with both monsters circling the other in a desert like climate. Godjira jumps at Leatherback, but the turtle/Godzilla mutation caught him in mid-air, and slammed him onto the ground. Leatherback leans forward, preparing to slice Godjira with his massive claws, but Godjira quickly kicks both of his feet across Leatherback’s face, and is back on his feet.

Godjira’s attack caused Leatherback to tremble back, giving Godjira the chance to attack. Godjira jumped forward, did a front flip, releasing several spikes off his back. The spikes quickly sliced through Leatherback’s skin, causing the mutation to cry out in pain. Godjira then tackled the monster to the ground, ripping into Leatherback’s throat with his jaws. Leatherback’s eyes charged with energy and as Godjira stopped biting his neck and looked, Leatherback’s energy rays quickly blasted a hole right through Godjira’s shoulder! Leatherback leaned forward, slashing his razor sharp claws across Godjira’s chest, quickly drawing blood.

Leatherback wrapped his arms around Godjira’s throat and threw him through the air! Godjira fell towards the ground, smashing his head against a boulder. Leatherback walked towards Godjira and pinned: 1…2! Godjira suddenly rolled Leatherback over: 1…2…3! Godjira is once again the “Mutation Champion”!

Tomzilla: What an upset for Leatherback!

DinoDragonBoy: Hey, Godjira has held that title more then anyone else…

Montyzilla: And kept it the longest…impressive.

Tomzilla: Indeed! I’m sure by now the MWF Fans know that a new era has begun! It’s a guarantee that there will be new champions right here tonight.

Montyzilla: Well coming up next is a fight for the Heavyweight Title!

DinoDragonBoy: Iris takes on…Orga!

Iris      vs.      Orga

Heavyweight Title

The battle field transformed into…Seattle, Washington. Orga stood between two skyscrapers, waiting for his opponent to reveal himself. Orga was the last U.S. Champion and was upset after hearing that the title was going to be taken away from him. But after knowing that he has a chance at winning the Heavyweight Title, he forgot all about the U.S. Title. Suddenly, a glowing aura blinded the entire sky – Orga knew his opponent had finally arrived. Iris’ form came into view, as flew down from the clouds, with his tentacles waving around. Just as Iris landed on the ground, the entire city of Seattle shook as Iris’ feet slammed into the earth.

Orga quickly leaped forward, attempting to tackle Iris to the ground. But Iris’ tentacles lashed out, quickly wrapping themselves around the space alien while he was in the air, and forced him down hard. Iris’ tentacles, while having been wrapped around Orga, slammed them right through a skyscraper. Iris’ tentacles un-wrapped themselves and Iris looked down at the rubble. Orga stirred beneath the concrete and rose to his feet, glaring at Iris with rage. Just as Iris lashed his tentacles down at Orga again, Orga’s mouth quickly clamped down on one of Iris’ tentacles. Iris moaned in pain; not just because of Orga’s jaws crushing one of his tentacles, but by sucking its DNA/energy in the process. Iris’ other tentacles quickly surrounded Orga, while sonic energies were being absorbed at the very end of the tentacles. Orga’s long, claw like hands began to turn into one big, razor sharp blade. Tentacles slowly began to form on his, while Iris continued to charge up his sonic beams.

Each tentacle quickly fired powerful Sonic Beams, which quickly sliced through Orga’s skin with ease! Orga released his grasp on one of Iris’ tentacles and cried out in pain. Iris seemed surprised to see that the DNA that Orga had taken from him was wearing off – the tentacles and blade like arms quickly de-transformed back to the way they were.

Orga charged forward and this time tackled Iris to the ground, slamming his fist against Iris’ face. Iris raised his razor sharp blades in the air and then thrusted them at Orga, impaling the alien right in the gut! Earlier, Orga was completely blasted by Iris’ sonic rays, but thanks to his rapid healing capabilities, Orga quickly healed from Iris’ attacks! Just as Iris tried to push Orga off of him, the cannon inside of Orga’s left shoulder charged with energy, and Iris soon felt his entire body being enveloped by Orga’s “Shoulder Cannon”.

When Orga’s “Shoulder Cannon” deceased, Iris noticed that the attack had only scorched his body. Iris then kicked Orga off and rose to his feet. Iris turned to where the “Space Needle” once stood and noticed that it’s disappeared. Iris turned to see Orga, aiming, and then threw it towards Iris – the large “needle” at the end of the building quickly stabbed right through Iris’ chest, causing the mutated Gyaos to moan in pain! Orga stood before him, his mouth quickly widening – preparing to eat Iris alive!

Iris shot out all his tentacles right into Orga’s chest! Orga began to digest the tentacles, but Iris seemed to have another motive. Iris slowly began to absorb Orga’s Energy/DNA, and as Iris charged up his sonic beams, the sonic beams began to charge up like Orga’s “Shoulder Cannon”! Orga’s eyes widen in shock, as he just realized what was going on…

The entire area of Seattle soon disappeared in a blinding explosion, as whatever Iris did – worked. When the smoke cleared and the light deceased, Iris stood – wagging his tentacles around and roaring in victory. Orga lay on the ground; his skin no longer gray but charcoaled. Iris once again keeps his “Heavyweight Title”!

Tomzilla: Dang! Orga was THIS close in becoming an MWF Heavyweight Champion. Oh well…

Montyzilla: DinoDragonBoy…it seems our “boss” has forgotten something.

DinoDragonBoy: Yes he has!

Tomzilla: What?

Montyzilla: The Protoss said the Zerg are coming! And they’re…HERE!

Tomzilla: So…

DinoDragonBoy: So?!

Anthony: All in favor of overthrowing Tomzilla of his leadership of the MWF raise your hand!

Everyone in the announcing both stared at Anthony, as he was the only one raising his hand.

Tomzilla: Go back to cleaning the toilets…

Anthony: DAMN!

Tomzilla: Anyways, guys – look at who we have on our side of a second. We have Godzilla, Gamera, Armor Mothra, and BAGAN! We defeated even Archon and the Protoss said that they’d help us in the fight against the Zerg. We have this won!

Montyzilla: Well, the Zerg have attacked…

Tomzilla: Why those ugly looking things! Godzilla and Mothra Leo will take care of them…

Godzilla       &       Mothra Leo      vs.      Hydralisk      &      Ultralisk

The battle arena transformed into Las Vegas.

For each time Godzilla’s massive feet slammed into the ground, the entire “strip” shuttered from the colossal force. Godzilla admitted a low battle like cry repeatedly, until a louder cry was heard. Godzilla turned to see Ultralisk, a monstrous animal run straight towards him. Godzilla charged forward and both monsters met in combat! Godzilla slammed his body repeatedly against Ultralisk, but Ultralisk countered with his razor sharp claws. Ultralisk took a nice swipe across Godzilla’s belly, cutting his skin like butter. Godzilla roared in pain, though his healing abilities quickly healed the wound. Nuclear energy danced along the edges of Godzilla’s dorsal plates, and then fired a beam of concentrated energy. Godzilla’s atomic blast knocked Ultralisk a few feet back, but then charged once again!

Across the city, Hydralisk was burrowing beneath the ground, only to pop up when one of his enemies was in the area. Precisely 100 hundred feet above the ground and where Hydralisk was, was Mothra Leo – gliding through the air. Hydralisk suddenly broke through the ground; his upper carapace opened, revealing hundreds of spine projectiles. Mothra Leo circled above, the 3 gems on his forward charged with energy, and fired a Prism Beam, which hit and detonated against Hydralisk’s hard carapace, but causing no damage. Just as Mothra Leo flew over Hydralisk, the hundreds of spines were shot into the air, slicing through Mothra Leo’s fur/skin. The gigantic deity roared in pain and flew above the strip, where he could see Godzilla in combat with Ultralisk.

Godzilla leaned back, slamming his tail repeatedly against Ultralisk, which caused the gigantic brute to stumble backwards in rubble. Godzilla looked up to see Mothra Leo, flying over head, but suddenly Godzilla was drenched by Mothra Leo’s own blood. Mothra Leo crashed in whatever was left of the strip, bleeding profusely. Godzilla roared in anger and just as he was going to continue his assault on Ultralisk, Hydralisk popped up from beneath the ground and bit Godzilla across the throat. Godzilla kneed Hydralisk in the “gut”, slammed his fist across the Zerg’s face, and then tackled him to the ground. While on the ground, Godzilla wrapped his arms around Hydralisk, making it so the Zerg couldn’t break free. Godzilla’s entire body suddenly began to turn bright blue – the King of the Monsters was charging up his nuclear pulse!

Ultralisk rose out of the rubble, not a scratch on him. Just as he charged at the glowing Godzilla, Godzilla/Hydralisk disappeared in a huge nuclear explosion! The shockwave, which was emitted from the explosion, knocked Ultralisk off the ground and sent him flying through the air. Just as Ultralisk got back up, all he could see was what was left of Las Vegas and Godzilla, standing in smoke. Hydralisk, or what’s left of him, was lying in pieces – all around the area. Just as Ultralisk charged once again, Godzilla was ready. Godzilla fired an atomic blast, but that only washed over him! Godzilla fired another and then another, but Ultralisk continued to charge forward – clanging his razor sharp claws against the other. Suddenly, Ultralisk was blasted back by a pair of Lightning Bolts and an Abdomen Ray! Godzilla turned to see Mothra Leo, flying high above the battle field, firing Ultralisk with his energy attacks.

While Ultralisk was trying to avoid Mothra Leo’s assault, Godzilla’s rage/energy began to rise. The King of the Monsters was preparing to deliver his most powerful attack, an attack several more powerful and destructive then his regular atomic blast – his spiral blast. Ultralisk turned towards Godzilla, seeing the gigantic mutated dinosaur charging up an energy blast. Ultralisk wasted no time and charged as fast as possible. The entire city of rubble rumbled for every step Ultralisk took, as he charged at the King of the Monsters. Ultralisk leaped into the air at Godzilla, but Godzilla at the last second released his Spiral Blast, a blast which collided with Ultralisk’s abdomen! The force of the blast pushed Ultralisk through the air – towards Mothra Leo! Mothra Leo flew towards Ultralisk at fast speeds, and at the last second the deity transformed into Armor Mothra!!! Armor Mothra razor sharp wings slice through Ultralisk’s body and with the help of G’s spiral blast, Ultralisk was sliced/blasted in half! This battle has been won…

Tomzilla: Yes! We win!

DinoDragonBoy: Yes…wait, a Protoss Carrier (Battle Cruiser) has just loomed over Battle Island.

[Thank you, MWF – the Zerg’s most powerful warriors have been defeated. But right now, an entire army of them are heading straight here…]

Montyzilla: That isn’t good!

[Which is why we, the Protoss, will send in every unit and warrior we have left…hopefully, we will succeed. Until then, Earth is safe. Take care of this planet, Earthlings, and to the monsters – continue to fight! We the Protoss love combat, but we will not combat with you anymore. Until then, good day…]

Tomzilla: Well, guess there’s good news to this.

[Though some of our warriors WILL stay behind and continue to compete…and from what we understand, the Zerg will do the same. I’m sure competition has just gotten fiercer…]

Tomzilla: Damn it! Ah, see ya next week fans! By the way, the Monster Island CEO (Andrew) will be returning to the MWF next week!

DinoDragonBoy: Sweet!

Tomzilla: Also, next week, the rest of the titles will be defended. Until then, have a good day/week…later.