After High School

I graduated from Sentinel High School in June of 1996.

I was working at the University of Montana bookstore. I really wanted to go to Europe and study German and music -- piano, singing ... it didn't matter. Mom and I looked around on the internet and found a school in Vienna where I could do a short-term course of study in German, and take private piano on the side. Money was wired to enroll, arrangements were made to stay in a student dorm, and I continued to save until it was time to leave.

Austria, where I was enrolled for one month in a German course. I loved Vienna very much. While I was there, I took side trips in Austria, as well as a train trip to Budapest. Another girl and I were the only ones from America in our student dorm. After the course ended for me, I traveled with a backpack around Germany, visited some friends near Düsseldorf, and ended up in Paris before heading home. I'm always plotting how I can return.

In the summer of 1999 I went to Salt Lake City for a summer job with my sister's company doing construction. It took three weeks for a job to open up so I enrolled in travel school, mornings, and soon got construction work driving a huge 3-ton truck and changing the barrels in traffic lanes. I loved travel school and became very excited about working in the industry. In November I was hired by Delta Airlines and have worked for Delta ever since.


On July 1, 2000, my boyfriend of five years, Jeremy, and I were married. We had a wonderful time at our wedding. In a few months I'll have a page of our wedding celebration up on the web, but for now, our engagement photo will have to do.

Lisa and Jeremy

Putting Down Roots

In the Fall of 2001, we bought a house in Salt Lake City. It's slow going to fix it up, but it's really neat to have our own place. We have 13 fruit trees, and about 3/4 of an acre of land all around the house. Plenty of room for storage sheds, a garden, power machinery, and stock-cars. Jeremy is loving it having his own house to fix up, and sure enough, right away, there was a major problem with an upstairs bathtub leak to the basement below.

Jeremy works for a major refinery in Salt Lake, and so his hours don't always work out together with mine. But we do manage to get together every Wedneseday night for a bowling league. He's a near professional quality bowler, and I've basically just learned since knowing him, but I'm getting better all the time and finding it to be a really fun game.

The two weeks of the 2002 Winter Olympics at Salt Lake were a particularly exciting time around here. For days ahead of the opening, athletes were being shuttled in special busses right past our hangar and my office. I could literally see them all from the windows. The night before the opening night ceremonies, the president's big C4 came in and they unloaded all the presidential vehicles right near where I work. I got to see it all. And then on Friday night Air Force One came in right past my window at work. This photo is a great shot of Air Force One with the Olympic Rings lit up on the Wasatch Front, with the then hope that all would go well during the two-week Olympics. Thankfully it all went off without a hitch.

Since I've worked for Delta Airlines, I've been able to do lots of travelling. I've been to London, to Vienna twice, as well as Budapest on the way to a visit with my friends in Belgrade, Serbia. My husband and I took a trip to Europe with my sister, Emy, and her husband, in 2003. A page for our trip will be posted shortly.

In 2004, after a long summer, our daughter, Eirelyn, was born on a September evening. I've had her name in mind since I was in 7th grade. Jeremy proudly holds our new baby shortly after her birth. I am told that she looks there just as I did when I was born.

Click on the picture to enter Eirelyn's web pages.

Jeremy and Eirelyn

The Next Five Years

After Eirelyn was born, the next several years

My Activities and Interests

Our life in Salt Lake City keeps me pretty busy, but here's what I've always liked to do in my spare time: play piano, especially Chopin; and travel, especially to Vienna. I also for the past five or six years, have sung in a German chorus that puts on shows twice a year. All singing done in German.

Here are some links to a few websites that interest me.

Delta Airlines

Europe for Visitors

Live Cam in Vienna

The golden statue of Strauss in Vienna.

Things One Can Learn From a Dog

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
When it is in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let others know when they have invaded your territory.
Run, romp and play, daily.
Take naps, and stretch before rising.
Bond with your pack.
Never pretend to be something you are not.
Be loyal.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle gently.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a growl will do.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shade tree.
No matter how often you are scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout; run right back and make friends.
When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.


This candle was lit on the 11th of September, 2001.
Keep it burning for our children.

© 2002-2009
This site is created and maintained by: Joann