Monte's music,  Read below.!
The first thing you need to understand is that music has a pattern. Without a pattern it would be nearly impossible to repeat a piece of music. Like a book music has a beginning and an end. Most music will end with the same note or cord it begins with.  If it starts on 'C' it will probably end on 'C'.

  There are only seven letters used to name notes, they are:
           A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
These may be flatened (b) or sharped (#) to make different sounding notes. These are all found in order beginning with A and ending with G.

Notes are put together to form cords: A, Ab, B,Bb,C,D,Db,E,Eb,F,G,Gb
Ex.  The C cord has 3 notes that make it harmonize, they
are C,E,and G
The G cord has 3 notes that make it harmonize,G,B, D
The F cord has 3 notes that make it harmonize, F,A,  C

There are major (M) (more important), minor (m)(not as important) keys. Cords are put together to form keys. Every note mentioned makes up a cord and every cord has a key. Most Christian music is played in a major key using major cords, although sometimes minors are thrown in for effect. In example:  In the key of C the cords are C, F, G.  You might throw in an Am cord for effect.

Below is a list of keys and their cords. ex: A cords are A,D,E, & Gbminor.

Major key       Major cords               minor cord

A                      A,D,E                             Gbm
Ab                    Ab,Db,Eb                      Fm
B                      B,E,Gb                          Abm
Bb                    Bb,Eb,F                         Gm
C                       C,F,G                             Am
D                       D,G,A                             Bm
Db                    Db,Gb,Ab                       Bbm
E                       E,A,B                             Dbm
Eb                     Eb,Ab,Bb                       Cm
F                        F, Bb, C                         Dm
G                        G,C,D                             Em
Gb                      Gb,Db,Eb                      Ebm

The best way to remember what cord goes with what key is to count them on your fingers.

Ex: I use the thumb as my number 1, pointer as number 2, etc.
  (cords in key of)      (C)                           (G)
#1 is thumb or            C                             G
#2 is pointer or           Dminor                   Am
#3 is middle or           Eminor                    Bm
#4 is ring or                F                               C
#5 is pinky or             G                               D

(1), (4), & (5)  are your major cords. In the key of F they are  (F),(Bb), & (C)

Your sixth finger would be the minor for the key in which you are playing. In C  the 6th finger would be Am.

If you look at Amazing Grace you will notice all four verses are written under each other. This is because each verse has exactly the same music and is played the same way. Learn verse one and you can play the rest.

It begins in G then graudates to the C on the word sweet, back to G on sound, to D on me, back to G on once, to C on now, back to G on found, to D on now, back to G on see.

Some people use an E minor on the word blind then go to D on now then back to G on see.

Notice it started in G and ended in G

Sometimes a song will have what sometimes is called an off cord; which leads you to the 5th cord from the 1st cord  (key note or cord).
Ex:In G the off cord is A and it leads you to the D major.
      In  C the off cord is D and it leads you to the G major.
I would encourage you to not feel confused. Music is not a mystery. It has a set order. Read and re-read the writing above and apply the principles I have outlined. It may take time, but  with practice and searching for knowledge, you will begin to understand and play music.  Be sure and click on Part II below after you check out the rest of this page.    Monte
These cords will be added at a later date!
Bass guitar notes
In learning the bass it is easiest to play with one finger, pointer or middle. In the Key of C, you should strike the C note then strike the G note directly above the C.  After striking the G go back to the C.
When you go to the F note, you should strike the F note  then strike the C note directly above the F. After striking the C go back to the F
When in the song you go to the G note, you should strike the G note  then strike the D note one string and two frets down. After striking the D go back to the G.
This should give you a thump, thump sound.  Depending on the song, you may go C-G, C-G, C-G for several words before changing cords.
Ex: Amazing Grace
C      G      C     G
A    maz   ing  grace