Baby Blessing

On Feb.24th, 2004 this little bundle is due to peek it's tiny head into the world.
Babe is only 8 weeks old in this shot but is gorgeous!
I know poor mummy is suffering a tiny bit..
She can't enjoy meat and grease right now...
But nanny says that's ok darling...
You do what you want.

Mommy felt me inside her for the first time on August 24th.
She was at work and told nanny and granny that it was rolie polie like.
I'm getting so big and strong.. wait til she feels my kick!!

Well my little munchkin it's started.. lol..
Granny is thinking you just might turn out to be a boy with the way mummy is carrying you...
Granddad is saying ever since we learned about you he has pictured you as only being a girl...
I guess both of them have a 50/50 shot of being right..
But I have to confess my sweethart..
I can't help thinking you might be a little girl as well.. lol.
But regardless of whatever you become.. I know we'll all love and adore you forever and ever.... xxxxxxxxxxx

Today you had your picture taken again.
You are 17 weeks and 3 days in these shots..
You are getting so big..
It's hard to believe that Mummy is almost halfway through her pregnancy.
You wouldn't cooperate much and let nanny know what you are yet..
Trust me.. you want nanny to know..
Nanny spoils her grandchildren especially..
I can't wait to hold you munchie...

Well my angel.. today we finally found out what you are...
Dragon granny was right and you are a darling little boy.
Didn't matter either way.. I can't wait to get you in my arms and take a bite.. lol...
Your auntie Jaimee keeps getting mad at your poor nanny...
She tells me that i'm not allowed to take you away from your mummy.
Well.. maybe you'll be allowed to come for a whole bunch of visits instead..
We all can't wait to get you in our grasp little man..
Love you sweethart...

You smiled for the camera today darling....
You are 22 weeks old here and besides kicking the equipement off of mummy's tummy
you were an absolutely perfect little gentleman.

I just wanted you to know my darling.. how much we all love you...
And there is loads of pictures of you and mommy right now together...
So I thought i'd show you what a proud daddy you have babes..
He is blowing a kiss just for you..
Why he even dressed for the occassion...

Your granny has been lucky and felt your little leg in mummy's belly.
Nanny gets sad when she thinks about all she is missing right now.. but I am so pleased at how big you are growing...
So even though we might be missing out on getting to know you right now..
It won't last my angel...
Nanny, granddad, and auntie Jaimee are all eagerly awaiting getting near you..
Course nanny just wants to take a bite at your cuteness.. lol..