Sailor Mars

  Sailor Mars is the Sailor Senshi of Fire.  Her human indetity is Rei.  She works at the Hikawa Shrine as a priestess, with her grandfather running the temple.  Rei is able to read the movements in fire to learn interesting facts about possibly new enemies or just to predict the future.  Rei often argues with Usagi, but really they are great friends and look out for each other constantly.  Rei has many different attacks that she uses, including:  Fire Soul, Fire Soul Bird, Burning Mandala, and Mars Flame Sniper.  These moves are easily used to harm enemies.  Sailor Mars is often considered the lead of the Inner Senshi and usually directs what they do.  Here are a few pictures of the Sailor Senshi of Fire - Sailor Mars:

And here is a picture of Sailor Mars's human form - Rei:

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