m o v i e s   p r o f i l e   c o n t a c t  


February 2007


The production team of MoonBugS Inc. is preparing its latest production of a Film titled: “Ubukhuloo”.
The production is being worked out at all its fronts: Selection of Actors, locations, screenplay details, logistics and costs.
“Ubukhuloo” is a Zulu word and means “dimension”.
The story of “Ubukhuloo” is the adaptation of the exciting story of the Brazilian book called “O Portal” (The Gate), written by M. Osterroht, translated the English and adapted directly into the screenplay by the same author, was finalized last year.
The Brazilian story of “O Portal” handles in its core issues of the hyper-natural of the primitive indios from the Xingu. Second its author; it contains so many common points with the Zulu tradition, that its adaptation will not loose any of its exciting characteristics from the Brazilian original, on the contrary it will become even more exciting then its original.
One of its interests lies within the “world of the ancestral veneration”, which is absolutely equal to the Zulu tradition. Therefore, the viability and easiness of its adaptation to the South African environment will be absolutely vibrant. The film will be produced inside the city of Durban, plus surroundings like Drakensberg and Zululand.
The casting of the film is already contracted, with exception to its leads. Filming is scheduled to initiate mid 2007.




Manfredo Osterroht and Alexander de Quyle, representing MoonBugs Inc. are in negotiations with Paramount Pictures to produce the Blockbuster of “Sunset Harbour”.

The already approved screenplay, which presents an entangled love story in Cape Town, mingling between the old and the new, in terms of society and art, is something of an incredible artistic composition and of romance and beauty. The Film-production which had been planned to start in March 2005, with an expressive budget of US$ 15 Millions (R 100 Millions), including famous actors like Charlize Theron and Heath Ledger has been postponed for logistical reasons.


The newly founded South African film-house FIRESTAR FILM PRODUCTIONS, has closed an new exciting shareholding-deal with Manfredo U. Osterroht, in which FIRESTAR will take over of 3 Film-productions from MoonBugS FILMS, whose production will follow up in coming March/ April 2007 and launched internationally 2008 onwards.

It was decided unanimously by the shareholders of FIRESTAR FILM PRODUCTIONS to initiate a new logistic-strategy giving preference to produce 3 feature-films instead the Blockbuster “SUNSET HARBOUR” of R 100 Millions. The project will be postponed for a period of a year or so, however the 3 substituting pictures produced instead of “SUNSET”, with almost half of that budget, will cause a better start and impact, coming to consolidate FIRESTAR as a major Film-producing house of South Africa, with the full support of MoonBugS FILMS.

The 3 selected Film-productions will be known as:



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