About Us

The following characters have pictures & brief information posted ont their character page:
Cynthia Lunas
Thomas Wallace
Zack and Zoe Yolanda
Eris / Dark Mars
Aphrodite / Dark Venus
Rhea / Dark Saturn
Amoterasu / Dark Sun
Ester / Dark Mercury
Hera / Dark Jupiter
/ Dark Neptune
Geae / Dark Uranus
/ Dark Pluto
Malcom Duse
Jake Male
Tuxedo Lighting

The plot? Well, let's just say that there are 5 seasons to my fanfic as well... so summarizing the plot would be a touch difficult, ne?

Okay, okay, this part I do have to explain. I'm using *shudder* DiC names. Ah, well. I've figured out a reasoning behind it all... but that would be giving away the secret of my universe, wouldn't it? (If you really want to know, email me.)

Cynthia Lunas (Sailor White Moon), Thomas Wallace (Tuxedo Moonlight), Meinochi, Zack (Tuxedo Water) and Zoe Yolanda, Eris, Aphrodite, Rhea, Amoterasu, Tuxedo Lighting, Malcom Duse (Tuxedo Love), and Jake Male (Tuxedo Fire) of this universe were created by me. ^^
