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FARSCAPE related Sites

Karlsweb.com: This is probably one of the most well known and in depth looks of the show "Farscape" that's out there. It includes the very impressive PKBarb's EnScapelopedia, which has everything you ever wanted to know about Fellip urine as well as fan created Farscape music videos and much much more.

Save Farscape: This site is dedicated to the preservation of the wonderful show Farscape, which was axed by the Scifi channel, despite a contractual obligation to air a fifth season. As for 'escape clauses:' Screw you too Mr. Clauses.

Scifi.com's Farscape Site- The old standby. Despite my hatred for Scifi, this is still a good place to go to get your Farscape Fix.

Official Farscape Site- the Jim Henson Company's official Farscape site. It's a bit of a bandwidth hog for poor dial up people like me, so loads pretty slow.

#Farscape chatroom people's sites

The Goofs Place*- A sight that contains art by a couple of the people from the #Farscape chat room, notably myself and Hoggle.

All Things StrongBad*- An intentionally poorly fabricated website in dedication of the most awesome non crappy guy EVER. Enjoy waiting for the pages to load ;)

MOONKISSED's - More art from people in the #Farscape chatroom,  Moonkissed own stuff and some of Manneh's as well as myself and others.

Quasadu's Experiment- Quas' site. Check out the great (and rarely updated) quotes!

ChiDoll's Place-  ChiChi's little spot on the web. Another good site for #farscape chatroom quotes.

Are you a pal from #farscape and want to see your website up here? Just gimmie a holler at motemeal@yahoo.com ;)

(*denotes the site is thrown up by yours truly, the whore of geocities.)