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Article 6 of 9

Subject:      What are the Pitfalls of buying a used Hardtop?
From:         dekker@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ()
Date:         1996/11/21
Message-Id:   <571p8v$ekk@news.sas.ab.ca>
Newsgroups:   rec.autos.makers.mazda.miata
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Shela, I can't speak for the defroster, but I'd go with what Tommy at
Roebuck has told you, as this is his business, and he's probably the best

As for the clasp/panel debate, you'll need the two clasps, four bolts, and
forget the panels.  To install, remove the sill plate (four screws), the 
weather striping at the rear end of the door frame (pull), the plate at the
top of the door frame (by your seatblet, two bolts), and one bolt and a panel
pin (pry it up and pull out).  Lean your seat forward, lift up the carpet a
bit at the seam (you'll see), and take the panel out.  It's got a clip behind
the seatbelt post that you'll need to take off and another that surrounds the
seatbelt, but it'll come right out.  If you flip it over, you'll see an oval
pattern on the reverse side, along with two unused bolt holes in the car.

This is where the clasp fits.  Take a sharp utility knife, and cut that hole
out.  Fit the panel back in, and screw the clasp on, making sure to get the
right one per side (they're labelled).  That's it, other than reassembling
your car.


Richard Dekker, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, M-CLUB #90, MCofA #41997
Founder & President, Wild Rose Chapter - Miata Club of America

1990 MX-5 Miata - Mariner Blue with double white stripes

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