A friend of mine suggested I point out to click on the picture above, so click on it!

The graphics for this site are courtesy of a an awesome lady biker. If you use her grahpics, give her credit bros.

WARNING! If you're looking for semi-clad models spread over shiny new Harleys, you're in the wrong place. Keep on moving! If you're looking for a page about Harleys and those that ride 'em, and more importantly, live the lifestyle;you're more than welcome. The opinions expressed within this site are mine, and if you're offended, you're not the first person that I've ever offended! and sure as hell won't be the last!

Now that yall are convinced that I'm quite the ass, come on in...but just remember.........

Dixie Chicks, "You can kiss my exhaust pipes!"

This page was written in it's entirety using Windows Notepage, and was constructed while listening to Kentucky Headhunters, drinking alitte Jack and smoking alittle........nevermind!