Karen Whorff's HomePage
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I hope this page will tell you a bit about me, I also hope you enjoy.  Please be sure to see the pic's as well as sign my guest book.

I enjoy riding motorcycles, music and the outdoors. I also enjoy my friends and my familiy.   I bought a new bike this past May.  It's  a 2003 Yamaha 650 V-Star.  So far I am loving it.  Can't seem to ride enough.

I enjoy spending as much time as possible with my boyfriend Lou.  We have so much in common.  We both like to riding, going out, as well as doing new and different things.   When ever I am with him, I feel so happy and very content.

I try to go see my dad at least once a month, and call him several times a week.  Even though he is getting up there in years, I sometimes think he is in better shape than I am.  He has always taken good care of himself and I guess it is paying off for him now.

I have 3 very wonderful chindren, all grown with familys of their own.  I also have 7 adorable grand children.

My son Roger lives not far from me, with his wife Angie and their 3 children, Savannah, Jacob and Max.

My oldest daughter Carol lives in Georga with her husband Jason and their 2 children, Kyle and Azrael.

My youngest daughter Trish also lives not very far from me, with her husband Tony and their 2 children, Angela and AJ.

Updated June 19, 2003
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Karen Whorff
My Children's HomePages
Here are some Pictures of
Lou and I
Our Bikes