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1963 HD Panhead Chopper

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of my first 1961 Pan, however, the guy I sold it to, still has it. It was in a swingarm frame with a mild rake, 10"over tubes, peanut tank and ape-hangers. He has converted it to a Pan-Shovel with a hardtail and S&S carb, so it runs a little stronger.

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The Panhead pictured here was my second one. It had a '63 engine, '58 trans, '48 frame, 1" rake, 12" over springer and 12 volt conversion. I fondly remember bouncing gently down the road on that springer, and not-so-fondly, the road grime/water flying briskly off the naked 21" front wheel and into my eyes and nose. I became an early fan of cheap sunglasses!

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The bike had a funny habit when it sat idling on the sidestand on a hard surface. After a few minutes, the rhythm of the pistons would transfer into the springer and the bike would start slowly bouncing in an arc around the rear wheel. The side-stand would scratch a little jagged trail as it was dragged along the hard surface.

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Both my Panheads had mousetrap clutches. When they were adjusted properly, I liked them. I even thought about putting one on my 1978 Shovelhead for the retro look.

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This page copyrighted by Mike Mathews. LAST UPDATED: August 20,1998