Brockbank ESF + Sperzel Hang On
Two graphics below optimized for 800x600 screen resolution.........................................................................76KB
Graphics: Brockbank/Auto Motor und Sport
The Speeding Excuse
One day a Mercedes driver races down the highway with 50 miles over the limit when he hears a police car`s siren behind him coming closer. He accelerates and tries to get away, but after some time recognizes he can`t and pulls over. The police officer comes to his window and says: "I`ve had a hard and long shift which is nearly over and I don`t like the additional paperwork if I give you a ticket for speeding now. So if you`ve an excuse I`ve never heard before I`ll let you go." 
"Well" the Mercedes driver answers "last week my wife ran away with a police officer and now I thought you`d bring her back."
"Off you go!" said the officer...
Somewhen read on Dave`s Mercedes list

 For those with very small screen resolution
 here`s the cartoon`s text:
 "Thanks god! Nothing to be seen! You see, my
 husband hangs very much on his car!"
Graphics:Sperzel/Auto Bild   Translation by MBEP webmaster

Last revised technically: Jan. 25th 2000...Visits since April 28th '99.


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