Gunninga Gap
Pantheon: Norse Mythology

Gunninga-gap ("seeming emptiness") is the great gap that existed at the beginning of all creation between the lands of Niflheim, the land of eternal ice, to the north and Muspellheim, the land of eternal flame, to the south. It is here where the first beings were created.

In the beginning, before the world of men and gods existed, the spring Hvergelmir, deep in the frozen wastes of Niflheim, gave rise to eleven rivers known as the Elivagar. Over a long period of time, the water of the Elivagar ran across Niflheim and poured into the northern part of Ginnunga-gap. The water froze, forming vast sheets of ice in the void. Hot air from Muspell melted some of the ice, creating a zone of melted water amid the ice and snow. Here life began, and the first living thing was the frost giant Ymir. See the creation myth for more information.

Also known as: Ginnungagap, Gunninga-Gap

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