Pantheon: Norse Mythology

Ull ("glory") is the god of justice and dueling, as well as the patron god of agriculture. He excels in archery, his weapon was a longbow made out of Yew, and in skiing and lives in his hall Ydalir ("Yew Dales"). He is regarded as the son of Sif and the stepson of Thor. When the giantess Skadi divorced Njord she married Ull.

Ull is also known as the god of the chase, archery and hunting. He was called upon for help in duels.

Ull, which means glorious, was a part of many place names during the viking age (the only deities with more in Norway were Freyr/ Freya), therefore, he is considered to be an ancient god who was widely worshipped.

Also known as: Ulle, Uller, Oller

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