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Consultantship, Consultancy and Managerial Training






Do you need Commercial information?

Do you need to establish connections or commercial alliances?

Does it Interest him especially some product?

Do you want to produce yourself in Mexico?


We are interested in promoting the production and export of any agricultural and handmade product of Mexico that it is of high commercial potential in their country and that you need.


In Mexico it exists a great variety of products that they have great demand abroad, from fruits and vegetables until crafts among other, those which, for lack of information of the primary producers as well as of the potential buyers they are not marketed like it would should, since the bridge of appropriate connection doesn't exist to make it.


We are a legally constituted company, located in Morelos state, to scarce 90 minutes of the Mexico City, with wide experience in financial topics, Consultantship and managed Consultancy mainly to the agricultural sector.



One of our objectives, is abroad the one of serving as connection bridge among producers in Mexico and traders that they allow to establish strategic alliances that benefit thoroughly to both parts, to strengthen and to stimulate the productive, educational and managerial organizations in the rural but poor sector of our country, generating the necessary wealth that is able to secure to the rural producer with the earth that they saw it be born.


The climate of this domestic region is very benign, being able to take place in winter any vegetable type, because the temperature minimum average reaches the 15 °C in that time of the year (October-February).


We offer him any type of Consultantship and Consultancy on any topic of interest about our country: Mexico.



Ing. Oscar Bahena Lira





        Usted es el Visitante No. desde el 22 de Agosto de 2002