
Myra Breckinridge
Letitia Van Allen
Buck Loner
Mary Ann Pringle
Rusty Godowsky
Myron Breckinridge

The characters

The 1970 movie Myra Breckinridge features established major stars in the lead roles and two aspiring young actors who go on to superstardom.

Myra Breckinridge

The transexual title character moves to Hollywood to claim an inheritance from her uncle Buck Loner and to destroy the traditional male.

Letitia Van Allen

The horny old Hollywood talent agent represents men only. She uses men too, but not quite like Myra does.

Buck Loner

The former cowboy movie star, the uncle of Myron Breckinridge, runs a second-rate acting school.

Mary Ann Pringle

The beautiful, naive blond is Rusty Godowsky's girl friend and the ultimate object of Myra's affection.

Rusty Godowsky

The strapping young former football player is Myra's sacrificial bull in her campaign to destroy the traditional American male and realign the sexes.

Myron Breckinridge

The precursor to Myra is only a memory in the book, but he appears Jiminy Cricket-like in the 1970 movie.