
Oven Popover Pancakes
- one berry

My mom used to make this big deal about the Dutch-foods restaurant in Minneapolis, named Pannekoeken, where she used to eat these oven-baked pancakes. My local restaurant of the same chain wasn't as good, but I found this recipe in with other recipe cards I purchased at a garage sale. I made it for my mom for Mother's Day, and she says it's exactly like the ones from Minneapolis' Pannekoeken (and, yes, they really do shout, "Pannekoeken!" when they come out with your pancake).


cut fresh fruit
powdered sugar or whipped cream

2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup flour


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Prepare your fresh fruit or other toppings.
  3. In a medium bowl, beat eggs, salt, milk and flour until well mixed. Try not to overbeat the eggs as the pancake will rise higher if the egg is "relaxed."
  4. Thoroughly butter two pie plates. Put at least 1/2 tablespoon in each pie plate after buttering the plate.
  5. Place pie plates in 400 degree oven until the butter bubbles -- DO NOT ALLOW THE BUTTER TO BURN!
  6. IMMEDIATELY pour batter into pie plates. (Divide equally.)
  7. Return to oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until puffed and golden -- DO NOT OVERBAKE!
  8. Remove IMMEDIATELY from oven.
  9. Top with fresh fruit or other toppings.


I like to use fresh fruit such as strawberries, bananas and blueberries with this recipe; however, you can actually use just about anything on them. Pannekoeken used to serve breakfast-style pancakes with eggs and sausage. Be creative!

The trick to really good oven pancakes is not to overbake them. Butter burns very easily, so this is a recipe you need to watch. Also, being more generous with the butter when you butter the plates makes for a very buttery pancake.

More baking tips

Low-Fat Tips

Use low-fat margerine. Use either egg whites or egg substitutes.

More low-fat tips

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