Ukrainian National Cuisine

The recipes in this section are for the traditional Ukrainian food. People in our country have been using them for centuries. Of course, during that time they have changed a lot. All of these recipes are based on the way of cooking of my own family, but generally each family cooks these dishes in their own special way. I hope you'll get real pleasure from recipes of real Ukrainian National Cuisine.


Ukrainian Borshch (cabbage, beetroot & tomato soup)special
Rozsolnyk (meat soup with marinated cucumbers)

Main Courses

Golubtsi (stuffed cabbage-rolls)special
Varenyky with cottage cheese
Deroony (potato pancakes) specialnew


Varenyky with strawberries
Syrnyky (cottage cheese fritters)
Varenyky with cherries
Mlyntsi (pancakes with jam)specialnew


Vatrushky (cheese tarts)

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