Hello friends!!!

From experience I have learnt that the best cure to feeling homesick is eating good food !! Food that tastes like mom's cooking..

This webpage is targeted at those of you who have recently left "the nest" to branch of on your own-either as a new bride or as a student or on a job or for some other reason..

All of the dishes are traditional Indian Vegetarian cuisine...mostly South Indian and especially dishes that are a part of everyday life in Tamilnadu...they have been presented in a very simple and easy to do pattern.....so that even a first time cook can make a decent meal out of it.

All of these recipes have been passed on to me by my mother Mrs. Lakshmi Ramachandran, Coimbatore. They have been in our family for generations, being passed on from mother to daughter. I also have my aunts, grandmothers and my mother-in-law to thank for some of these recipes.

I am a non-technical person,(a chartered/public accountant to be precise), who is trying her hand at web-page designing during the hours after work......so, it takes a lot of time to put up a webpage with one hand holding "HTML for Dummies" and the other my book of recipes.
Therefore, if you require some specific recipe that has not yet been added to the list,  please feel free to drop me a note.....I will try to get that recipe online for you ASAP.
You are welcome to send me your mom's recipes too and they will be included(with the credits showing your/your mom's name, as you want it).

Happy Cooking !!!

since July 24, 1998                                                   Menu Card

(c)Anu (Ramachandran) Krishnan-Reproduction of this webpage and/or its recipes, either in whole or in part is an offence under the Copyright Laws.

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I am in the process of putting up the recipes whenever I find time..so,  please bear with the delay...Anu.

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