Flea Beacon

Flea Beacon Series 2: The Prying Though titled series 2, this was actually the first Beacon comic ever published. It tells of Isaac, Lemont, and Samson pursuing their advesary, Creo del Marcy, through the barren sands of Libnid Dessert and eventually to the towering peak of Mount Toppedome. Unbeknown to the three, they too were being hunted, by the ninja assassin Insectunia.

Meanwhile, Prince Samoyta betrays Percival and acquires the Flea Beacon. The series reaches its climax when Samoyta, now crowned King, battles multiple versions of Lemont and Isaac. At the time, it was believed that these multiple variations of Isaac and Lemont were them from different points in time, but later it is learned (in Barnec's Last Stand) that they were actually replicas. With the power of the Beacon, and a Lemont he nabbed from the past, brainwashed and trained for many years (by manipulating time with the Beacon) to fight and hate Isaac above all else, Samoyta was able to defeat the Isaacs and Lemonts.

The series ends with Percival hearing wind of Samoyta's treachery. He quickly defeats Samoyta and reclaims the Beacon. Percival then alters the time line to undo Samoyta's evil deeds, but at a cost. The alteration allows Creo, with the help of Lucy, to find and slay Percival and claim the Beacon for himself. Becoming instantly corrupted by the maddening powers of the Beacon, Creo slays his friend Lucy. The last we see is Creo walking off into the sunset, with nothing short of total domination on his mind.

All in all, Series Two is a great start to the comic franchises and is still considered one of the better Beacon stories created. Though it is next to impossible even to find a reprint of Series 2, it is highly recommended.